Papayas were first discovered harvested in Mexico a few centuries ago. Now, papaya has become one of the most popular fruits in the world. Papaya is oval in shape like eggplant and in Indonesia generally has orange skin and flesh. For nutrition, papaya contains a lot of fiber, potassium, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Learn how to chop papaya and prepare it into a fruit salad, smoothie, or sorbet.

Step 1. Choose a ripe papaya
Ripe papayas have orange (or yellow) skin and appear pocked or dented at several points. When pressed, ripe papaya will leave indentations, but not too mushy (which means rotten).
- If the papaya is too soft and smells too sweet, it is too ripe to eat. If the papaya is still green and firm, then it is not ripe, and you will need to store it for a few days until it is finally ripe.
- This test method applies to all types of papaya.
- Papayas can get dented easily, so handle and handle them with care.

Step 2. Wash the papaya
Clean the papaya to remove any harmful germs or bacteria that can get into the flesh when you cut the papaya.

Step 3. Place the papaya on a flat surface
Papayas have a lot of water so cutting them can make your table dirty. So, prepare a rag to clean your table.

Step 4. Cut the top of the papaya, then peel the skin
Papaya flesh is quite soft, so you have to be careful when cutting it. To prevent unwanted things, use a knife that is sharp enough. Start the cutting process by cutting off the top of the papaya. After that peel the skin.

Step 5. Cut the papaya in half
Make sure the meat looks cooked and fresh, which you can check by smelling a strange smell (if it's cooked).

Step 6. Remove the seeds
Use a spoon to remove all the seeds and the sticky membrane in the center of the flesh.

Step 7. Split the papaya again, this time across from the direction of the previous slice

Step 8. Cut the papaya into small pieces
After cutting into small pieces, you can eat them straight away or use them to make some of the recipes below.
Method 1 of 1: Making a Papaya Smoothie

Step 1. Prepare papaya and other fruit
Prepare papaya that has been cut into small pieces. If you want to add other fruit, prepare the fruit as well. Here are some fruits that you can choose as a companion:
- Blueberries are packed with antioxidants, and when you mix them with papaya, you make a very healthy smoothie.
- Kiwi and avocado. The kiwi will neutralize the sweetness of the papaya with its taste, and the avocado will give your smoothie a thick, creamy sensation.
- Spinach, which will make your smoothie even more “green”, is a great option for serving vegetables on a breakfast menu. And because of the sweet taste of papaya, you will not notice the taste of the vegetables in it.

Step 2. Prepare the smoothie base
There are many options you can use, from cream to juice. Try some of the options below to smooth your smoothie:
- A glass of yogurt, either plain or flavored.
- A glass of milk.
- A glass of orange or apple juice.

Step 3. Prepare other additives
Enrich the flavor of your smoothie with these selected additives:
- A spoonful of protein powder.
- A few spoonfuls of chia seeds.
- Spoonful of nuts or almonds.

Step 4. Mix all the ingredients in a blender
Turn on the blender and let all the ingredients mix well and become a liquid.
- If you want a thinner smoothie, add more juice, milk, or water.
- If you want a thicker smoothie, add a few tablespoons of instant oatmeal.

Step 5. Serve
Pour into a glass and enjoy.