Muscle ligaments are important fibrous body tissues that connect bones. Strengthening ligaments will help increase overall body strength by building a solid foundation for bones and muscles. Fortunately, there are several exercises and diet steps that can improve ligament strength and your health.
Method 1 of 3: Strengthening Ligaments without Weight Equipment

Step 1. Include a balance board exercise
A balance board is a circular board with a rubber band that expands at the base. This method is popular for strengthening the tendons inside the foot and ankle. These tools are available at sporting goods stores.
- Start from a sitting position. Do not stand on the balance board when starting as this may cause injury.
- Place the balance board between your legs.
- Place one foot on each side of the board. Then, press down gradually. The board will start to wobble. Try to keep your balance when pressing down
- Once you get used to this movement while sitting, try standing on a balance board. For starters, try leaning against a wall before practicing your hands-off.
- Try to keep your balance as long as possible, but don't forget to move if you lose your balance. If you fall, you can get injured.

Step 2. Try balance exercises without a plank
If you don't have a balance board, it's a good idea to start by standing on one leg for as long as you can. If you are used to standing on one leg, try closing your eyes when standing on one leg.
- Make sure you are near the handle in case you lose your balance.
- After learning how to balance on one leg and eyes closed, please move on to standing on a stiff pillow with one leg (eyes can be closed or open). This exercise will increase the difficulty of your balance training.

Step 3. Do lunges
Lunges are exercises that strengthen the ligaments in the legs and lower back. This exercise is also good for muscle strength and endurance so include it in your training menu.
- Keeping your upper body straight, step on one leg until your knees form a 90-degree angle. Make sure your front knee is above your ankle. Your knee can hurt if it goes beyond your toes.
- Bring the back leg forward, then repeat the exercise with the other leg.
- Once you get used to it, try increasing the challenge by holding a weight in each hand. You can also increase the difficulty of the exercise by closing your eyes while doing lunges.
- There are several other ways to do lunges. Read the following article to see the different variations of the lunge.

Step 4. Do the bridge posture exercise
This exercise is done by lying down and lifting the pelvis off the floor. This exercise strengthens the ligaments and muscles in the back and tops of the legs. This exercise is also good for stretching the back. Read the following article to find out a good bridge posture exercise technique. Here are the basics.
- Lie down and place your hands by your sides.
- Lift your pelvis as high as possible. Hold for a few seconds, then lower slowly.
- Start with 3 sets of 8 reps, then increase gradually as your strength increases.

Step 5. Use resistance bands
Resistance bands are rubber bands that provide tension to the muscles without the use of weights. Tools can be found in sports stores and can be used almost anywhere. With this tool, you can train almost any part of your body. There are many exercises that can be done with this tool.
- Place resistance bands under your feet and grab each end with each hand. Then, pull it up as if you were doing a bicep curl.
- Wrap the resistance band around the post behind you, then grab each end with each hand. Keep both feet steady and push your arms forward as far as you can.
- You can find techniques and exercises using resistance bands in this wikiHow article.
Method 2 of 3: Strengthening Ligaments Using Weights

Step 1. Perform a deadlift
Deadlifts are a great exercise for the whole body. This exercise will strengthen the tendons, muscles, and ligaments in the major muscle groups in your body. Incorporate these exercises into your workout menu to strengthen ligaments throughout your body.
- Stand in front of a barbell and spread your feet shoulder width apart.
- Bend over and grab the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Don't bend your knees just yet.
- Bend your knees until your shins touch the bar.
- Straighten your back. If there is a curve in your spine it can result in injury.
- Inhale and stand up. Hold for a few seconds before returning the bar to the floor.
- Read this article to learn the details of the exercise properly.

Step 2. Squat with barbell. Like the deadlift, this exercise puts sustained pressure on your ligaments. This exercise will especially strengthen your legs and back.
- Arrange the bars on the rack just below shoulder height.
- Position yourself under the bar, just below the neck. Then, grip the bars on both sides.
- Lift the bar off the rack. Take a step back from the rack and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Bend until both knees form a 90-degree angle. Keep your neck and back straight at all times.
- When doing squats, start with a small range of motion. Go down just a few centimeters to start. This will gradually increase the range of motion the ligament is able to handle.
- Read this article for details on the correct exercise technique. Make sure you know how to exercise properly to prevent injury.

Step 3. Try the bench press
The bench press is an exercise to strengthen the triceps and chest muscles. Smooth exercise movements will help increase the strength of the ligaments in the area.
- Like squats, start with a small range of motion.
- Lie on a bench with your eyes under the bar.
- Grasp the bar of the barbell and lift it off the rack.
- Lower the bar to mid-chest, then lift it back up.
- Read this article for details on the correct exercise technique.
Method 3 of 3: Strengthening Ligaments with Diet

Step 1. Eat plenty of vitamin C
Vitamin C not only boosts the immune system and keeps the body healthy, but it also helps produce collagen, which forms tendons and ligaments. This helps them both stay strong and not break easily and prevent other injuries.
Sources of vitamin C include bell peppers, oranges, green leafy vegetables, and berries

Step 2. Include vitamin E in your diet
Vitamin E helps prevent inflammation, which is important for maintaining healthy ligaments. Include this vitamin in your diet, especially after exercising, so that your ligaments can heal.
Sources of vitamin E include olive oil, nuts, eggs, fatty fish such as tuna, and sardines and wheat germ

Step 3. Get enough vitamin D intake
Vitamin D helps the formation of cartilage, as well as the absorption of calcium. This is important for the health of all your bones and ligaments.
Sources of vitamin D include salmon, shellfish, milk and fortified cereals
Step 4. Eat plenty of protein
Proteins make up most of the ligaments. Therefore, you must ensure that the protein you eat every day is of good quality. Eat low-fat protein such as:
- Skinless poultry, such as chicken or turkey
- Fish, such as tilapia, cod, and shrimp.
- Low fat yogurt.
- Beans, such as pinto beans, black beans, garbanzo beans, or red lentils
- Processed soybeans, such as tofu or tempeh.

Step 5. Add zinc to your diet
Zinc is in charge of maintaining the health of the human immune system, in addition to helping protein synthesis and tissue formation. Your zinc needs are higher if your ligaments are injured. Food sources of zinc include:
- beef
- lobster
- pork
- roasted chickpeas
- chicken
- cashew nut
- beans
- If your ankle or knee ligaments have recently been injured, wear a brace (rubber support) to support the joint and keep the bones in the correct position. This tool also helps the ligaments rest and recover quickly.
- If you have suffered a ligament injury, it is best to see a healthcare professional. Your doctor or therapist will help you through the exercise program and recover quickly.
- Be patient during the recovery period. Ligaments heal slowly. For example, muscles will heal for 6 weeks, while ligaments will take months.