Weight gain is a human process. In fact, science has shown that most people are lighter on weekdays and heavier on holidays. However, sometimes weight gain is more than just a fluctuation so there can be a significant difference in how you look and feel. You may be worried about your partner's opinion of gaining weight, or worried that your potential partner will find you unattractive. If recent weight gain has been worrying you, you must learn to let go of negative self-talk and develop a more positive body image to finally feel good about yourself.
Method 1 of 3: Muting Negative Voices

Step 1. Realize the impact negative self-talk can have on you
The words you say over and over throughout the day can have a big impact on your mood. If you feel anxious about gaining weight, it may not be because of what other people have said to you, but because of what you are saying about your weight.
Some self-talk is practical like, “I need to finish my homework faster,” while others may be self-deprecating or self-deprecating like, “I'm fat. I should be in the gym all day long.”

Step 2. Listen to the conversation with yourself
Now that you've realized that some aspects of talking to yourself may be contributing to your own body anxiety, it's time to take a closer look at those thoughts. Negative self-talk grips and shapes your reality. The only way to stop it is to realize it.
- Take a few minutes each day to listen to your thoughts, especially when it comes to your body. Maybe you can listen to it while dressing in front of the mirror or while preparing a meal.
- What kind of thoughts do you have in your head about yourself? Do these thoughts build you up and make you feel positive or do they make you feel low?

Step 3. Critique the following messages
In order to improve your conversation with yourself, you must criticize statements that are unrealistic and unhelpful. Using the example statement, “I should be at the gym all day long”, let's critique it by:
- Reality test. "Is there any evidence against this statement?" Because this statement is so extreme, you're unlikely to find any evidence to support the idea that you should be in the gym all day. However, you may find evidence that exercising too much can lead to injury or fatigue that makes weight loss even more difficult. Exercising in excess will not help you lose weight.
- Goal-based thinking. “Does thinking like this solve my problem?” No. Telling yourself what you should do is a punishment, not a solution. A better way to help yourself solve a problem is to say, "I'm going to try and hit the gym today."

Step 4. Develop healthier affirmations
Instead of cultivating relentless personal criticism, make a conscious choice to supply yourself with positive, uplifting thoughts.
For example, instead of saying, “I'm fat. I should be at the gym all day,” you could write down words that encourage you to feel more confident on a piece of paper and stick it in the mirror (or in your bag or car). His words could be, “Strong. Beautiful. Caring." Reading these words as you go about your daily activities will help you to display the qualities you are writing about instead of feeling anxious
Method 2 of 3: Be Positive About Your Body

Step 1. Create a self-appreciation file
Think of it as a collection of personal attributes that make your heart happy. Actively fight your anxiety by writing down and reflecting on all the amazing things you and those closest to you have said about yourself.
- These attributes can be physical appearance, such as beautiful eyes or a fashionable dress style, or personal traits, such as being a good listener or taking initiative when others need help.
- Complete personal ideas with suggestions from friends. What positive qualities do they admire in you?
- Read your self-esteem file regularly to combat anxiety.

Step 2. Surround yourself with people who lift you up
Make an effort to invest time and energy in relationships that have a positive impact on yourself. Whether it's a few friends or a large support group, be sure to meet or talk on the phone regularly with people who make you feel good about yourself.

Step 3. Criticize the media
People's perceptions of attractive body shapes and sizes vary depending on generation. Centuries ago, television and film glorified women as plump and plump as Marilyn Monroe. Now many actresses and models are very tall and slim. You can't change your own body type, but you can choose not to let the media dictate your perception of beauty.
Avoid comparing yourself to actresses or models in magazines or television. Stop thinking that you have to contend with this unrealistic and often edited image. Instead, find people in your life who are confident in their bodies regardless of their shape and size. Use them as role models

Step 4. Make friends with the body
The body is not the enemy. Your body takes you to school or work. The body allows you to hug your mom or run and play with your pet. Make a commitment to treat her better.
Treating your body better can start by getting rid of the negative things you say to it. Other ways to be your body's friend include eating a balanced diet, being active, and participating in activities that let you pamper your body, such as massages and refreshing naps

Step 5. Fight a decline in sexual confidence
There are many things that can affect your libido, but not feeling good about yourself because weight gain can make you less sexually attracted. Research even shows that gaining or losing weight can throw hormones out of balance and mess with sex drive.
- You can deal with low sex drive by trying to feel comfortable naked. Before or after a shower, take the time to walk around the house naked. Examine your body in the mirror, looking at your entire body, not just your thighs and stomach. Doing this regularly can help you get rid of the negative thoughts that come with undressing.
- Another way to feel more sexually confident after weight gain is to satisfy yourself. Caress the body with full appreciation as a partner does. This mini self-satisfaction exercise will put you in a better mood and boost your confidence.
Method 3 of 3: Coping With Weight Gain

Step 1. Think about the causes of weight gain
How you deal with weight gain depends on the stimulus you receive. You should think about the cause carefully before deciding on the action you want to take.
- If you are gaining weight due to a medical condition, consider seeing your doctor for a checkup or changing medications.
- If you gain weight because you are recovering after suffering from an eating disorder, congratulations. It takes enormous courage to see weight gain when every part of your body wants to control your weight. Remember that returning to a healthy weight is an important step in the recovery phase. Continue your good work.
- If you gain weight after losing it, be aware that dieting often increases your risk of gaining weight once you return to normal eating habits. Develop a long-term, unrestricted system that takes into account nutritional needs as well as physical activity for best results.

Step 2. Decide if you want to lose weight
Depending on the case, you may be interested in losing weight. If you choose to do that, know that losing weight in a healthy way takes time. Losing weight without gaining it back means adopting a healthier lifestyle. It's not a short term solution.
Consult a doctor and nutritionist to create a weight loss program taking into account your medical record, lifestyle, and goals

Step 3. Consider genetic factors
About 25% to 70% of your body is determined by genes. If you've been thin throughout your life and you've recently gained weight, your parents or grandparents may have experienced the same thing. You have to understand that not all bodies or skeletons are destined to be thin. You should focus more on health, rather than body size. That way your anxiety about your own body slowly disappears.

Step 4. Buy nice clothes
A person may gain weight and he decides to hide himself in oversized clothes. Taking that path can actually make you feel even more anxious. Instead, buy clothes that fit your shape and size. Also consider clothes that highlight your best features.