Although sometimes we forget, life is a wonderful gift. In this vast universe, we are alive and conscious, with the ability to perceive, feel, and think. With busy studies or working hard to pay bills, wasting life can be easy. It's hard to remember that, in the midst of all the fears, phobias, frustrations, and sometimes repetitive, everyday habits that you sometimes have to live with. But there are many things in life that can be used as ways to get us excited again. Feeling excited about life is good for not only mental health, but also physical health: feeling bored is even associated with a greater likelihood of death.
Method 1 of 2: Doing Activities to Feel Excited

Step 1. Talk to a stranger
Build relationships with other people. In a world where it's easy for us to connect with others through technology, it can also feel like a place where we can feel isolated. Break away from the routine of sitting quietly on the bus wearing headphones and strike up a conversation with someone. Who knows what the result will be?! You might think you won't enjoy it, but research shows that many people unexpectedly enjoy conversing with strangers.

Step 2. Take up a new hobby
Exercise the mind in a mentally stimulating hobby. Learn how to play an instrument or take part in a new sports game. To make it seem interesting, find other people with the same hobby. You can learn from them and make new friends.

Step 3. Help others
Research shows that giving help or using money for others actually makes us feel good-more so than spending money on ourselves. Take advantage of the positive feelings that come from helping others feel excited about life. Think about the idea: You can be the person driving positive change in the world, and feel good about it. There are a number of things you can do to help others:
- Make time for social issues you care about.
- Share it by buying movie tickets for the people lining up behind you.
- Buy food or warm blankets for the homeless.

Step 4. Feel in love
We are deeply social creatures. Love is one of the best feelings around us; love will change perception; love feels good, and exhilarating. While you can't decide to fall in love, you can do a number of things to help increase your chances of it:
- Dating. If you don't put yourself out there, chances are you won't fall in love.
- Try to be more accepting of others.

Step 5. Read interesting writings or quotes about life
There are countless people who have written or said wonderful things about life and the nature of life. Get inspired and feel inspired to live through their words. Try reading the following posts as a start:
- Writing by Richard Dawkins from his book, Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion, and the Appetite for Wonder: -us-the
- Quote by Robert Brault:

Step 6. Get outside help
Sometimes, a lack of enthusiasm for life can reflect a mental health condition behind it. Maybe you have depression or an anxiety disorder that is getting in the way of your happiness. There are a number of ways to get help with this.
Start by finding a mental health professional who can help identify if you may have a mental health disorder such as depression.
You can find mental health experts here:
Method 2 of 2: Awaken the Spirit within

Step 1. Remember how scarce your life is
We live and then die. It is a thought that gives rise to many ideas. One interesting idea is that your life is a rarity; this is an opportunity to make the most of it; life is something that should not be wasted.

Step 2. Make a list of possibilities
Imagine all the things you can do with the time you have. Write down 5 things you want to achieve in life on paper. Imagining all the possible ways of life you might live can be an interesting thought.

Step 3. Change something in your life
If you're tired of being stuck in the same routine, make a change! There are a number of changes that can be made from large to small.
- Minor changes include things like ordering different foods on the menu instead of buying the same food every time you go out to eat.
- Major changes include accepting a new job, moving to another city, undertaking a year-long exchange program to place yourself in a different culture.

Step 4. Remind yourself how random life can feel
So many interacting parts, almost anything could happen in theory. Who knows, you might meet a celebrity whose movies you enjoyed, find a ten-thousand note on the street, or meet an old friend. The possibilities are endless!

Step 5. Let yourself have fun
Sometimes we can get so caught up in trying to struggle in life that we forget to give ourselves a break. Remind yourself that taking time to rest by playing and having fun is a very healthy thing to do. There are a number of ways to play; find the one way that is the most fun for you:
- Play video games; Don't worry about whether it feels childish or silly, just enjoy the experience-immerse yourself in it.
- Play board games with friends. Invite some friends.
- Play sports games. Join a friendly sports league and develop some friendly competitions.
- Do what you've always wanted to do. You can start working on a new hobby or do something new for yourself.
- Remind yourself that life is a gift-that every day is something for us to engage in and enjoy.
- If you think you are suffering from depression, seek a mental health professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.
- Avoid using drugs and alcohol for pleasure as they are likely to make you feel worse in the long run.