4 Ways to Respect Young Women

4 Ways to Respect Young Women
4 Ways to Respect Young Women

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In the life of a society with a certain culture, there are still people who do not respect young women and women. This happens because not all young men and men understand how to respect women. When interacting with someone, including girls, show that you have great respect for them. For that, learn how to respect young women by respecting their physical, emotional, and opinions. When talking to him, do it in a way that shows that you respect what he thinks and feels.


Method 1 of 4: Respecting Girls When Talking To Her

Treat Girls With Respect Step 1
Treat Girls With Respect Step 1

Step 1. Make eye contact when talking to girls

Make a habit of making eye contact when talking to someone to show that you are listening attentively and focused on the conversation. This applies to everyone. Making eye contact is a way of showing that you respect the other person.

You don't have to stare at him without blinking. Every now and then, look elsewhere for a moment, but try to focus on him

Treat Girls With Respect Step 2
Treat Girls With Respect Step 2

Step 2. Have 2-way communication

Listen carefully to what he has to say, instead of dominating the conversation. Good communication is reciprocal. After speaking, give him a chance to respond. When he speaks, wait for him to finish before responding. If you really listen, you can provide feedback that is relevant and beneficial to both parties. Learn how to listen actively by following these instructions.

  • Say neutral words to show concern, for example: "yes", "oh, yes?", or "wow."
  • Respond by asking him to keep talking, for example, "Why?", "What do you think about this?", "What are your plans next?"
  • Paraphrase what he's saying to show that you understand what he's saying, for example, "I mean, you _. Right?"
Treat Girls With Respect Step 3
Treat Girls With Respect Step 3

Step 3. Be aware of your views on young women

Every civilized culture has a "Golden Rule" with various formulas basically stating, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." This applies to everyone. Sentences that demean and harass women (such as giving women the nickname "kitchen keeper" to say that men are superior to women) are inappropriate. Take time to reflect on your views on women to determine whether there are any negative assumptions about women.

  • For example, ask yourself: do you tend to associate women with certain professions, behaviors, or roles? do you doubt the competence of women who are leaders? Record your views of women based on negative assumptions, if any.
  • Don't let other people influence your views. If someone disrespects girls, tell them how to respect girls so that they can improve their behavior.
Treat Girls With Respect Step 4
Treat Girls With Respect Step 4

Step 4. Show courtesy

Avoid inappropriate behavior, such as swearing, exhaling, or burping in public. Make sure you don't do this in front of other people, especially if this kind of bad behavior irritates women more than men. For example, if you accidentally burp at dinner, apologize immediately and then continue eating in a polite manner.

  • Be polite, for example by saying "please" and "thank you" to people who help you, listening when talking to others, helping the elderly with groceries, and holding the door for the person behind you.
  • Being polite prevents you from misbehaving, it doesn't mean being like a robot.

Method 2 of 4: Respecting Girls from a Physical Aspect

Treat Girls With Respect Step 5
Treat Girls With Respect Step 5

Step 1. Make sure you don't touch other people at will

This rule applies to everyone without exception. Before making physical contact, dispel the assumption that there are people who have the right and the right to refuse. The bad news is that women's bodies are often treated as objects. Respect young women by respecting their right to allow or deny others physical contact with them.

Don't let anyone set you up for physical contact with women. You have the right to refuse if you don't want to

Treat Girls With Respect Step 6
Treat Girls With Respect Step 6

Step 2. Make sure you understand that the word "no" means refuse

A civilized person understands that without a woman's consent, he has no right or should stop having physical contact with her. However, many people in certain societies do not understand the importance of consent. In fact, they believe that the validity of the refusal is determined by other aspects (eg the way she dresses, how she feels about you, etc.). This is not true. "No" means no, period!

This is not limited to romantic relationships and applies to all forms of physical contact

Treat Girls With Respect Step 7
Treat Girls With Respect Step 7

Step 3. Control the urge to comment on a woman's body shape

Don't compare a woman's physique to another woman's. This statement seems to insult one or both of them. Even if the topic of conversation is not the physical condition of the interlocutor, you are being rude to him when you talk about other women's bodies.

  • You can compliment her appearance, but use polite words. Saying, "You're beautiful" sounds more polite than "You're hot."
  • Instead of praising something he can't change, like his eyes, praise the aspects he can control, like his new cool shoes.
Treat Girls With Respect Step 8
Treat Girls With Respect Step 8

Step 4. Make sure you know if he doesn't want to interact with you

If he doesn't want to be noticed, respect his wishes and don't bother him. If he says he prefers to be left alone, you're disrespecting him if you keep talking to him, complimenting him, or seeking attention.

If he says he wants to be alone, say goodbye and leave

Method 3 of 4: Respecting Girls From an Emotional Aspect

Treat Girls With Respect Step 9
Treat Girls With Respect Step 9

Step 1. Don't generalize to all women

Every girl's personality and needs are different. Assuming that he likes a certain thing just because he is a girl is not a way of respecting women. You are wrong if you generalize all girls. In order for you to be able to respect his wishes and opinions, understand that everyone has a unique personality. Find out the negative assumptions that underlie your view of women and then ignore them.

Ask directly if you don't understand what he wants

Treat Girls With Respect Step 10
Treat Girls With Respect Step 10

Step 2. Acknowledge that the emotions he feels are normal

Understanding other people's emotions is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand so many young women and young people often have difficulty understanding each other's perspectives and feelings. Even if his feelings aren't the way you want them to be or you don't know why, try to understand his feelings. Whatever he's feeling, emotions are natural and don't have to fit your criteria.

  • For example, ask him how he is feeling right now. When he answers, listen carefully and don't belittle his feelings, for example by saying, "Oh, you're just being lazy."
  • Show empathy and provide emotional support, for example by saying, "It looks like you're upset. Maybe you're tired from attending meetings/lectures all day."
Treat Girls With Respect Step 11
Treat Girls With Respect Step 11

Step 3. Try to fulfill his wishes

Understanding that he is responsible for the happiness of his life is an important thing you need to know when respecting young women. Her happiness is not your responsibility. However, try to fulfill his wishes if he decides to trust and rely on you. Provide support when he is facing difficulties and provide motivation every day.

Ask him what he wants if you're not sure what he wants

Method 4 of 4: Respect His Opinion

Treat Girls With Respect Step 12
Treat Girls With Respect Step 12

Step 1. Acknowledge that his opinion is as valuable as yours

When discussing, use facts and data so that there are no coachman debates. If he is giving a personal opinion, acknowledge that his opinion and yours are equally valuable. The fact that she is a woman does not mean that she is less intelligent or unable to give a true opinion. You can both have different opinions, but you should respect his thoughts.

Treat Girls With Respect Step 13
Treat Girls With Respect Step 13

Step 2. Provide valid arguments

If you disagree with him, provide supporting facts. You don't respect him if you contradict his opinion by saying, "As a woman, it's natural for you to think this way." If you disagree with him, give reasons along with supporting facts or personal opinion, but don't demean someone from the aspect of gender.

For example, you think Lamborghini is cooler than Ferrari, but he disagrees. Provide statistical data for each car to support your opinion. Don't tell him, "That's right! Women don't know anything about cars."

Treat Girls With Respect Step 14
Treat Girls With Respect Step 14

Step 3. Ask for his opinion during the discussion

You will respect other people's opinions if you respect them. During the discussion, ask him to give his opinion to show that you value his thoughts. Agree or not, show genuine interest and consider his opinion.

For example, ask whether or not you should talk to him about deciding Friday night events, instead of assuming that he always agrees no matter what you decide


  • Give a helping hand if he seems overwhelmed by the pile of work. He will appreciate you more and realize that you care about him.
  • Apply gender equality when treating women and show that she plays an important role in your life.
