Everyone has the potential to be great, but executing that potential is not easy. Raw talent alone will not be enough, whether you do or do not have it. You have to plan every step you will take and have to work hard if you want to get great things in your life.
Part 1 of 2: Determining the Direction

Step 1. Do what you love
Being great at anything takes a lot of hard work, and if you're not pursuing something you love, the motivation to continue your efforts will wane before you can achieve the greatness you seek.
No matter what ability you're trying to improve, you're going to run into some obstacles, and you'll feel doubts when they arise. If your determination to make your dreams come true is overpowered by how much doubt you have at the time, chances are you won't strengthen your motivation to overcome the obstacle

Step 2. Set realistic targets
It's easy to be hesitant when something goes wrong. Mistakes and setbacks are inevitable, but you can avoid unnecessary problems by setting achievable goals and being as logical as possible.
Expecting that something will work out without a hitch is the worst expectation. When something feels more difficult than planned, you will feel frustrated and tempted to quit. To minimize the frustration you will encounter, hope for the best and be prepared for the worst

Step 3. Stay focused
Focus your time and energy on one big goal and don't get distracted. Spending a lot of time doing several things at once will reduce the quality of working on those things.
- Some redirects can be clearly seen. For example, spending time on the internet, watching television, or playing video games is okay to do in moderation as it can relax you and feel refreshed. However, doing it too often or too long can cost you time that could be used to reach your goals.
- A less obvious form of diversion is the appearance of another target. You can be great at many things, but you should only focus on one thing at a time. Trying to get a lot of things done at once will limit the time you can focus on one thing, and will make it difficult for you to develop new abilities.

Step 4. Build support
While you may be great without support, your journey to success will be easier if you have mentors and loyal supporters who will help you along the way.
- A large support group is no better than a small support group of loyal and dedicated people.
- Mentors and coaches can point you in the right direction. Supporters can support you as you strive to achieve your goals. Even your enemies can help motivate you to overcome obstacles, but an enemy who sees you as a rival is usually better than an enemy who simply doesn't like you.

Step 5. Don't be too stubborn
There will inevitably come a time when you have to accept that the other person knows more or has complete control over something. Instead of antagonizing the person, you should learn his tips for completing a task.
Paying attention to how someone does things can help make your job easier and make you look at things more objectively. Don't be afraid to sacrifice your beliefs and consider new ideas. It would be better if everything you say you do immediately, but if it ends up being a problem, at least you can improve and strengthen your previous idea

Step 6. Accept the change
Most people usually don't object to changes they self-imposed, on the contrary, they will object to changes they are forced to undergo without their own will. To get great things out of your life, you have to stop feeling disillusioned by unexpected changes and start learning to adapt to the changes that occur.
Learning to adapt is an ability that must be possessed to be great. Life doesn't go according to plan, and even though you're great at doing things the perfect way, you have to develop your abilities when your ways don't work for you

Step 7. Be honest
You don't know everything; this is absolute. Instead of wasting energy trying to hide the obvious and undeniable fact, you should be honest about everything you do and everything you don't know. Only by acknowledging your shortcomings can you overcome your ignorance and become great.
Being honest with others about your difficulties and imperfections can be a sensitive subject. So, most people will choose to avoid the situation. However, honesty and sensitivity are the main components of an open mind, and to see all possibilities and make the best choice
Part 2 of 2: Seeking Progress

Step 1. Stop relying on natural talent
Many people believe that great people are people who have natural talent. In fact, most people become great after dedicating their time and energy to being great. Natural talent had nothing to do with it at all.
What most people mistake for “natural talent” is actually untapped talent. It is true that someone may have natural talent at a young age, but without hard work, that talent will not be able to fully develop into a great talent

Step 2. Define your target
Before you can be great at something, you have to decide what you want to be great at. Make clear goals that you can definitely achieve. After creating a goal, you can decide what qualities you must develop to achieve that goal.
- The path to greatness should consist of some of the achievements you have made. Instead of focusing on one big goal, you should set smaller goals to work on in the short term. Completing these small goals will take you one step further on your main goal.
- For example, if you want to be a great guitar player, your initial goal is to remember “guitar chords. Once you have achieved that goal, your next goal is to be able to play a simple song. Once you've done that, target yourself to play a song that's more difficult, then play a song that's much harder than that.

Step 3. Look for role models
Look for some people who have become great at what you want to achieve as your role models. Study their work, find out their tips and mistakes, and what you can learn from their experience.
- Learn your role models. Read everything you can about the difficulties they have overcome, the opportunities they have taken, and their efforts to achieve something.
- Use primary and secondary sources. Read and listen to the words that come straight out of your role model's mouth, then read or listen to the words someone said or wrote about your role model.

Step 4. Do your “task”
Once you think about what qualities or talents you want to develop, you really have to develop them. As you perform these “tasks,” pay attention to the methods you use and the results achieved from each step you take.
It means being clear about what you are doing and why you are doing it. If you've ever done something right, you should know how to imitate the steps you took before to do the same thing in the future. If you do something wrong, you need to know how to avoid making the wrong move next time

Step 5. Ask for feedback
Constructive criticism can be scary and unpleasant to hear, but it is crucial to developing your skills. Ask someone who knows a lot about your chosen ability to see you do it. Then, ask the person to point out what you did wrong and suggest ways to fix it.
- Do not take it serious. When someone criticizes you, understand that criticism can build you up. Criticism will not degrade you or stop you from achieving your goals.
- At the same time, you also have to make sure that the people who criticize you are competent in their field. Even most people who enjoy commenting on your work can be lousy critics if they don't have the knowledge to back them up. On the other hand, even the most knowledgeable person can be a bad critic if he just wants to insult you instead of helping you improve your skills.

Step 6. Practice often
If you rarely practice the skills you're working on, it won't be enough to make you master them. If you really want to be great, you have to practice often and consistently.
When considering the professional field, the people who are most successful in their fields usually have dedicated hard work for at least 10 years before they developed their abilities to achieve success

Step 7. Test yourself
There will be times when the exercises you are practicing feel too easy and boring. Change up your training sessions when this happens so you can find yourself in trouble again. Improvement only comes when you feel challenged to make your skills better.
Hard work alone is not enough. Your practice must be intentional in advance and should stimulate you to become better. Doing the same thing over and over won't do anything, so you have to practice with the aim of improving yourself in your mind. Do this regularly by increasing your workout to become more challenging

Step 8. Allow yourself to make mistakes
After all, you are only human. Things can end badly, and sometimes, undesirable results can result from something done sub-optimally or when you make the wrong decision. Don't let mistakes scare you. The steps to greatness cannot be crossed without falling into the obstacles that will stand in your way.