Keno is a game of chance that originated in China hundreds of years ago. The game, which was originally referred to as the Chinese lottery, still has a visible similarity to winning the lottery in terms of form and odds. In both cases, your chances of winning are very low and decrease as you play more and more. With only a 20 – 30% chance of winning, keno has a reputation for being one of the worst gambling games in the casino. The best advice is to stay away from these games, but if you can find a game with a high probability of a progressive jackpot, you may be able to play to the player's advantage. Unfortunately, this “winning strategy” is just a theory. Although keno is played with progressive jackpots, no one has ever reached a level high enough to surpass the house.
Part 1 of 2: Increase Your Chances

Step 1. Know how to play keno
You can't win if you don't play, and you certainly can't win if you don't know how. It starts with a keno ticket containing numbers from 1 to 80. Each number represents a place on the card. Most casino places require you to select 4 to 10 numbers on the card. Then you place your bet on the booth; The higher your bet number, the bigger the payout for you if you win.
- For a few minutes, 20 random numbers are selected and appear on the screen in the casino. Based on the number of numbers that match your card, you may win. After that, the more numbers match, the bigger your winning payout.
- Generally, a game of keno starts every four minutes or so. If you pass one, you won't have to wait long for the next game.

Step 2. Look for a house whose winning payout is not bad
You know how casinos advertise that their slot payout is 97% -- or a very high number? Keno can be as bad as it was in the 60s and 70s. However, every casino is a little different – so go round and start asking questions. You might be able to increase your chances of winning just by driving a little further from where you are!

Step 3. Look for a progressive keno game
Since the odds on keno are so bad, the only way to strategize is to look for keno games that have progressive jackpots at casinos that pay out good percentage wins. If the jackpot is higher, the house advantage will decrease. And the jackpot gets even higher!
Know what is considered a jackpot, payouts for non-jackpot winnings, and current and maximum jackpots. If possible, find out the amount of the most recent jackpot just paid out to get a feel for how the jackpot was earned before it was won
Part 2 of 2: Getting Serious

Step 1. Calculate the expected amount of non-jackpot winnings
This is a routine calculation in combinatorics, but due to the large number you may need to do it on a computer or by using a scientific calculator. Unless you're Rain Man; if so, calculate it yourself using your brain.

Step 2. Calculate the probability of winning the progressive jackpot
It is calculated in the same way as the non-jackpot calculation above except that the expected number will depend on the amount of the jackpot. What amount of jackpot can guarantee you to play?

Step 3. Write a formula for the expected amount of play as a function of the jackpot. For example, if a non-jackpot win has a winning amount of IDR 8,000, 00 and the odds for the jackpot are 1/250,000, then the winning amount is IDR 8,000, 00 + j/250,000 and j is the amount of the jackpot.

Step 4. Calculate how big the jackpot should be by setting the winning amount equal to the ticket price
For a $13,000 game with the above formula, it means $13,000 = $8,000, 00 + j/250,0000 or j = $1,300,000,00. If it's not that high, you may need to move to other games, ask for lemonade juice from the drinks waiter, and pass the time in video poker.