If bad weather is making you nervous, you're not alone. Sometimes bad weather can bring disaster, one of them is flood. Although flooding tends to hit only certain areas, it never hurts to be prepared for an emergency. The following article will help you prepare your home and family in the event of a flood in your area of residence.
Part 1 of 4: Making a Plan

Step 1. Know your risks
If you have just moved to an area, you can ask the head of the RT, RW or kelurahan whether your house is at risk of flooding. You can also check government websites for flood maps. Make sure you check it often; the map will be updated as the situation changes.
- The main factor that determines your risk is location, whether you are in a flood prone area or not, and this information can be obtained from flood maps.
- Several other factors can also put you at risk for flooding. For example, if the ground floor of your home is lower than the base flood elevation (BFE) in that area, you are at risk of flooding. You are also at risk of flooding if your house is near a body of water, such as a lake or river. You can be sure you are at risk of flooding if you live on the beach.

Step 2. Create an evacuation route
This means that you need to know the best way to get in and out of your neighborhood or other areas of the city if a flood hits. You must determine higher ground if you have to evacuate. You should also determine a planned gathering place for family members to anticipate the possibility of being separated during a flood. Write down this plan. Study the plan together so everyone understands what to do.
- The best way to plan an evacuation route is to use a flood map, which will show the most severely flooded areas in your area.
- When planning an evacuation route, specify an existing site/building. For example, you can make plans with friends in advance to evacuate your family to their homes, or you can go to your workplace if the place is outside the flood zone. Many communities also build flood posts in certain areas that you can go to in an emergency.

Step 3. Teach your children how to respond to an emergency
That is, show them the emergency number that you display at home. Show them how to dial the number, and double-check what they need to say in an emergency. In addition, you should have a safety contact in your neighborhood that they can turn to if they encounter a problem.
Phone numbers for Flood Control Satkorlak: DKI Province (021-3823413), Central Jakarta Region (021-3843066), East Jakarta Region (021-48702443), South Jakarta Region (021-7396321), North Jakarta Region (021-490152), West Jakarta Region (021-5821725, 021-5821765)

Step 4. Establish contacts outside the city
Designate a person who lives far outside the disaster area as a person your family can contact to update them on their situation. That way, at least one person outside the disaster area will have all the information about your family.

Step 5. Include your pet
When thinking about how to evacuate, don't forget to include your pet in the plan. Have enough pet baskets for all your pets so you can evacuate your pets with you if needed. Pet baskets can keep pets under control so you can evacuate without hurting the animals.
- Don't forget to include other essentials for your pet. You'll need containers for food and water, as well as food and medicine that your pet would normally take if you're evacuating. Keep in mind that not all emergency shelters allow animals to stay. Also, try to bring something that will remind the animals of home, such as a toy or blanket.
- If you must stay at home, move your pet to the highest place in the house with you.

Step 6. Purchase flood insurance
If possible, purchase flood insurance so you can recover from flood damage. If you live in a low-risk area, insurance shouldn't be too expensive. If you live in a high-risk area, insurance will cost more, but the benefits will be huge if a flood ever destroys your home. If your house was purchased on credit, the related party may ask you to insure the house if it is located in a high risk area.
You can buy flood insurance from insurance companies such as Allianz or ACA that offer such insurance products
Part 2 of 4: Preparing Emergency Boxes for Evacuation

Step 1. Pack up a 3 day supply of food and water
For water, you need to pack enough water for each person and usually one person needs 3 liters of water per day. For food, pack perishable foods like canned foods that don't need to be cooked. Store these supplies in a waterproof container.
- Don't forget to include a can opener with your meal, as well as some cutlery.
- Keep in mind that your pet needs food and water too, so take your pet's needs into account.

Step 2. Include the right equipment and items
You will need a versatile tool that includes items such as screwdrivers and knives. You'll also need an extra battery charger and a spare set of keys.

Step 3. Keep your cleaning supplies in the box
Include a first aid kit, along with supplies of soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo and other toiletries. Having a stock of antibacterial wet wipes is also useful.

Step 4. Include the need to protect you from bad weather
These items usually include sunscreen, insect repellent, spare blankets, and rain boots.

Step 5. Prepare items to help you get up-to-date information
For example, a radio with an extra battery to know the weather conditions. You'll also need to keep your friends and family informed, so remember to keep their emergency contact information with you.
Part 3 of 4: Preparing Your Home and Important Documents in Advance

Step 1. Avoid building houses in flooded areas
As mentioned earlier in this article, you can ask relevant parties about the frequency of flooding in potential locations for building construction. If you don't have a choice on where to build your house and you are in a flood-prone location, you will need to elevate your house and strengthen it to provide flood protection.

Step 2. Place the main equipment and outlet in a high place
Stoves, air conditioners, electrical appliances, and water heaters should be placed in high places to prevent flooding. In addition, receptacles and wiring must be located approximately 30 cm above the highest possible level of flooding. You should ask a professional to carry out this task.

Step 3. Make copies of important documents
Make sure you keep copies of all insurance policies, photos of your belongings and home, and other important documents in a safe place. You can put it in a waterproof case or in a stash box at the bank.

Step 4. Provide a water suction pump (sump pump)
A sump pump can pump stagnant water, usually in the basement. If your house is prone to flooding, keep a pump of this kind at home, and make sure you have a spare battery in case the power goes out.

Step 5. Install backflow valves in drains, toilets, and sinks
This valve will prevent flood water from coming from the drains.

Step 6. Make a blockade for the water
Ask a professional to evaluate your home and build a barrier around your house that will prevent water from entering your home.

Step 7. Make your basement walls waterproof
If you have a basement, line the walls with a waterproof seal, which will help block water from entering the area.
Part 4 of 4: Preparing Your House When the Flood Comes

Step 1. Take out the radio
Turn on the radio and listen to stations broadcasting about the weather for reports on flooding in the area so you can stay up-to-date. You can also take advantage of information from the internet or social media.

Step 2. Turn off your power
If your house is flooded, turn off the electricity by flicking the main breaker for your home's electricity. You should also turn it off if you plan to leave the house during a flood or if you see electrical wires on the ground.

Step 3. Turn off the gas if you are evacuating
The gas should be turned off near the road or around the house, depending on where the plumbing is located. You have to find the location ahead of time. Usually, you have to turn the lever a quarter turn until the lever is perpendicular to the pipe to shut off the gas. You may need a tool like a wrench to turn it. If in doubt, contact the gas company's customer service.

Step 4. Turn off the water if you are evacuating
The main faucet should be located near the meter. To be sure you need to check it first. Usually, you have to turn the main faucet to the right several times to turn off the water flow.

Step 5. Fill the sink and tub with clean water if you decide to stay at home
Wash the sink and tub area with a bleach solution, and rinse thoroughly. Fill it with water to the brim. That way you have a clean water supply. You can also fill a teapot or other container you have with water.

Step 6. Secure objects outside the house
If you have furniture or a grill, move it inside the house or tie it to something to secure it.

Step 7. Move important objects to higher ground
If you get an early warning, move all important items, such as electronics or valuable furniture, to higher ground, such as an upstairs or attic.