How to Clean Quartz Crystal: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Clean Quartz Crystal: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Clean Quartz Crystal: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Collecting quartz crystals can be a fun hobby for any gem fan. However, these crystals are often covered in other minerals that spoil their beauty. Usually these stains can be cleaned in various ways, from rubbing to using chemicals.


Part 1 of 3: Getting Rid of Minor Blemishes and Blemishes

Clean Quartz Crystals Step 1
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 1

Step 1. Use an old toothbrush

If you only have some quartz or crystal that is just muddy, use an old toothbrush to clean it. Just wet the toothbrush with water and scrub the quartz crystals manually.

You can even use scouring powder and steel wool for stubborn stains because quartz is a very strong material

Clean Quartz Crystals Step 2
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 2

Step 2. Dry the quartz crystal in the sun

If the quartz crystal is covered in a lot of clay, you can place it outdoors in a place where there is no direct sunlight for a few hours to allow the clay to dry out and crack. If it's dry enough, the clay should be able to be scrubbed.

  • This process may need to be repeated several times.
  • Be sure not to expose the crystal to direct sunlight as this will heat up too quickly and cause it to break or crack.
  • This method will only work to remove clay from the quartz crystal. If the quartz is coated with iron deposits, you will need to use the oxalic acid method.
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 3
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 3

Step 3. Remove iron stains with a high pressure sprinkler

Most iron stains can be removed with a high pressure sprayer. Just shoot water on the quartz crystal and watch the stain disappear. This method works on most iron stains in quartz, and leaves a slight stain in the crystal cracks.

You can also try to remove a lot of iron stains with a high-pressure air tool

Part 2 of 3: Getting Rid of Stubborn Deposits and Stains

Clean Quartz Crystals Step 4
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 4

Step 1. Soak the crystals overnight in oxalic acid to remove iron deposits

If the quartz crystal has only an iron outer layer, you can clean it thoroughly by soaking it in a weak oxalic acid solution overnight. Place the quartz crystals in a plastic bucket filled with oxalic acid, and cover them overnight.

  • You can rinse the crystals with a garden hose or sink the next day. Be sure to plug the sink so crystals don't run into the drain.
  • Oxalic acid is sold in powder form in most pharmacies.
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 5
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 5

Step 2. Remove the stain by soaking it in a commercial solution

You can buy a commercial cleaning solution called Iron Out at a supermarket or hardware store. Simply soak the quartz crystal in this solution and watch the stain disappear. You can soak the crystals for up to a few days or weeks before they are completely clean.

  • Be sure to rinse the quartz crystal with water when finished.
  • If you want to make your own Iron Out solution, mix 33 grams of sodium dithionite, 28 grams of sodium bicarbonate, 59 grams of sodium citrate and 800 milliliters of water. Just stir the mixture until all the chemicals are dissolved in the water.
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 6
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 6

Step 3. Remove algal deposits by soaking the crystals in bleach

If the quartz crystals are covered in deposits of algae or other minerals, you can try cleaning them with home bleach. Soak the crystals in a bowl of water and bleach and let them sit for a few days.

  • Be sure to completely rinse the quartz crystals after removing them from the bleach solution.
  • Allow the crystals to dry completely (for at least a day) before starting any kind of chemical cleaning.

Part 3 of 3: Taking Precautions

Clean Quartz Crystals Step 7
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 7

Step 1. Perform cleaning in a well-ventilated area

When cleaning quartz crystals with oxalic acid, you need to do it in a well-ventilated area. This acid vapor can be dangerous if inhaled because it can poison animals and humans.

Clean Quartz Crystals Step 8
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 8

Step 2. Wear gloves when handling any type of acid

Besides being harmful when inhaled, the acid can burn your skin. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when handling oxalic acid and cleaning quartz crystals.

Make sure you wear gloves made of rubber, and not cloth. Acid residues can remain on cloth gloves or seep into the skin

Clean Quartz Crystals Step 9
Clean Quartz Crystals Step 9

Step 3. Dispose of acid waste properly

Oxalic acid waste is a hazardous material so it must be neutralized before it can be disposed of. At the end of the cleaning process, the oxalic acid will be a liquid. You need to add garden lime (CaO) to the liquid until no further reaction is visible.
