3 Ways to Sing with Vibrato

3 Ways to Sing with Vibrato
3 Ways to Sing with Vibrato

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Vibrato means the effect of short and rapid sound vibrations on a vocal or instrumental tone. Before the invention of the microphone, singers used vibrato to maximize vocal quality without straining the vocal cords. Nowadays, vibrato makes the sound and timbre more beautiful so that the singing sounds more melodious. In order to sing with vibrato, improve your vocal quality by maintaining proper posture, breathing deeply, and relaxing your body. Vibrato is more beautiful and clear if you practice diligently!


Method 1 of 3: Create a Natural Vibrato

Sing Vibrato Step 1
Sing Vibrato Step 1

Step 1. Widen the back of the throat

Open your mouth wide and stretch the back of your throat as far as you can as if you were yawning. This method is useful for widening the inside of the oral cavity without triggering stiffness or tension in the throat muscles.

If your throat is closed, your voice will be blocked so you can't sing beautifully and sweetly

Sing Vibrato Step 2
Sing Vibrato Step 2

Step 2. Relax the muscles throughout the body

You can't sing with vibrato if your body isn't relaxed. In order to form a natural vibrato, do relaxation before singing so that the body is free from tension.

  • Vibrato will show itself if you relax. Don't tighten your mouth and other muscles so you can produce a beautiful sound.
  • A tense larynx cannot vibrate back and forth to produce vibrato.
Sing Vibrato Step 3
Sing Vibrato Step 3

Step 3. Get used to sitting or standing up straight

Correct posture is essential to maintain a clear and clear vibrato. When sitting or standing, move one foot forward slightly and make sure your back, neck and head are in 1 vertical line.

  • When singing while sitting, make sure you sit at the front of the chair with your back straight and your face facing forward. Don't look down, even while reading the lyrics of the song.
  • Singing while lying on your back on the floor is one way to practice vocals with your body relaxed and your back straight while breathing using your abdominal muscles.
Sing Vibrato Step 4
Sing Vibrato Step 4

Step 4. Breathe calmly and regularly

You can't produce a natural vibrato if you breathe very short. As soon as you have a chance to inhale, take deep breaths to fill your lungs with as much air as possible.

Activate the abdominal muscles to support the diaphragm. Singing with vibrato requires consistent long breaths

Sing Vibrato Step 5
Sing Vibrato Step 5

Step 5. Practice singing using your diaphragm

After taking a deep breath, open your mouth and sing while slowly blowing the air through your mouth. As you sing, relax your shoulders and focus on the belly area between your lower ribs, not your chest.

If you have a sore throat or you have to put in a lot of effort to produce your voice, there's a good chance that you're not using your diaphragm when you sing. Practice producing sounds from your belly, not your chest

Sing Vibrato Step 6
Sing Vibrato Step 6

Step 6. Observe the rapid oscillations of the notes while singing

Vibrato will build on its own when there is a very rapid variation in pitch as you produce a trained sound. While applying proper vocal technique, pay attention to variations in pitch in your voice. Vibrato is easier to build through consistent practice.

  • Some people have a less audible vibrato, including professional singers. You may have a soft vibrato if the vibrations of your voice are less pronounced or not as clear as other people's.
  • Different from vocal techniques in general, singing with vibrato is an ability that needs to be developed independently by diligent practice, not taught. Practicing singing, breathing, and maintaining proper posture will help you build vibrato.
  • Use an app to practice vibrato, such as Spectrogram or Singscope. This application is able to detect whether the tone changes evenly or not as an indicator to determine the ability to sing with natural vibrato.
Sing Vibrato Step 7
Sing Vibrato Step 7

Step 7. Find out the cause if the vibrato is not heard

If you've been practicing hard, but the vibrato still isn't showing up, find out what's causing it by checking your posture, muscle tension, and making sure you're breathing with the correct technique. Correct the wrong technique then sing again.

  • Vibrato will form if you practice diligently for some time. In order to play beautiful vibrato, make sure you sing with the correct posture and vocal technique.
  • For example, vibrato will not form if the lower jaw is tense. Therefore, relax your lower jaw and then practice again.

Method 2 of 3: Applying Vocal Techniques As Well As Possible

Sing Vibrato Step 8
Sing Vibrato Step 8

Step 1. Do a voice warm-up exercise before singing

This exercise keeps the vocal cords relaxed so that the vibrato will appear on its own. Before singing a song, do one of the following 5-10 minute vocal warm-up exercises.

  • Hum in a low basic tone in your vocal range and then slowly open your mouth and make the transition from humming to singing.
  • Close the lips and then circulate the air regularly so that the lips vibrate. While continuing to exhale and purse your lips, sing the notes in ascending and descending scales as a vocalization exercise.
  • Do exercises to flex your tongue, for example by saying, "mamemimomu naneninonu papepipopu" or "tralala trilili yoyoyo yuyuyu" over and over again.
Sing Vibrato Step 9
Sing Vibrato Step 9

Step 2. Learn the belly breathing technique

This technique helps you breathe regularly and sing using your diaphragm. Place your hand on your stomach between your chest and lower abdomen and exhale to feel your abdominal muscles contract.

Get in the habit of practicing abdominal breathing for 5-10 minutes a day so you can sing using your diaphragm

Sing Vibrato Step 10
Sing Vibrato Step 10

Step 3. Perform vocal exercises that focus on enhancing the vibrato

Start practicing vocals with certain techniques so that the vibrato sounds more regular and more beautiful. For that, do the following steps or other exercises 10-20 minutes a day to improve the quality of vibrato.

  • Place your palms on your stomach slightly above your belly button and sing a note. While singing, press the stomach with your fingers repeatedly 3-4 times / second.
  • Touch the center of the neck to gently press the larynx and then move it up and down while singing long notes. This technique is used to vibrate a sound that sounds like a vibrato so that the muscles are trained to form a true vibrato.
  • Sing 2 notes in turn. Choose 1 note as the first note and the second note goes up note. Sing the two notes alternately 6-8 notes/second. If you can't go that fast, keep practicing to the best of your ability.

Step 4. Maintain vibrato when volume changes

Sing aloud with vibrato, lower the volume, then continue singing while varying the volume. If you can't control the airflow while doing a lip trill, press your lips together and then blow hard like you're blowing up a balloon.

Use the internet for tips on practicing lip trills if needed

Sing Vibrato Step 11
Sing Vibrato Step 11

Step 5. Take a vocal course to improve sound quality

Vibrato builds on its own if you practice vocals consistently. Sign up for a course under the guidance of a vocal teacher who understands vibrato shaping techniques and can improve voice quality.

  • Look for arts or community centers that run vocal lessons under the guidance of a professional instructor.
  • Time to practice with at least 3 vocal teachers before choosing the most appropriate teacher.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing Frequent Mistakes

Sing Vibrato Step 12
Sing Vibrato Step 12

Step 1. Use the vibrato properly

Singing with vibrato throughout the song makes listeners feel uncomfortable. Instead, use vibrato to emphasize certain sentences by producing a pleasant sound.

Vocal teachers are able to teach how to determine sentences that need to be given vibrato

Sing Vibrato Step 13
Sing Vibrato Step 13

Step 2. Use vibrato selectively

While vibrato makes pop, classical, and musical theater songs sound more beautiful, some songs don't need to use vibrato. To find out a song that is beautiful because of the proper placement of vibrato, listen to live recordings of professional singers' voices while paying attention to sentences that are emphasized using vibrato.

Sing Vibrato Step 14
Sing Vibrato Step 14

Step 3. Relax your lower jaw while singing with vibrato

One of the mistakes that often occurs when using vibrato is singing while tightening the lower jaw so that the jaw sways up and down. If your jaw feels tight, relax it immediately so it doesn't sway as you sing.

This error is called "lower jaw vibrato" or "evangelist jaw" because it is common among evangelists


  • Don't give up if you haven't heard the vibrato yet. Vibrato will be formed if you diligently practice some time. However, there are also singers who don't have vibrato even after months of practicing and singing with the correct vocal technique.
  • Make sure your body is relaxed when you want to produce vibrato because your voice will be blocked if your vocal cords are tense. Practice regularly until you are able to produce a consistent sound.


  • Don't overuse the vibrato when singing. Very loud or too much vibrato makes singing unpleasant to hear.
  • Don't practice vocals for more than 2 hours a day because you want to sing with vibrato. The vocal cords become tense if the duration of the exercise is too long.
