How to Sing More Sweetly If You Feel Less Good

How to Sing More Sweetly If You Feel Less Good
How to Sing More Sweetly If You Feel Less Good

Table of contents:


If you're not a good singer, don't be discouraged. There are several ways to enhance your singing. This article will show you some tricks to do it.


Part 1 of 3: Mastering the Basics

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 1
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 1

Step 1. Get in the habit of correct posture

To be able to sing properly, get used to the correct posture. You should stand and sit with your back straight. Your body should not be tilted to one side. Make sure your head is not leaning back or forward.

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 2
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 2

Step 2. Learn to breathe with your diaphragm

Proper breathing is one of the most important things in singing. When you breathe, make sure you are breathing in from your diaphragm instead of your chest. This means that when you sing, you push on your diaphragm when you sing up a scale and release it when you sing down a scale. Supporting your voice with your diaphragm is one of the keys to singing.

For the exercise, place your hands on your stomach and inhale. Your abdomen should expand and protrude as you inhale. The chest should not move or rise. As you exhale, press down and contract your abdominal muscles. Your stomach should feel like you're doing sit ups. Repeat until this process feels natural when singing

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 3
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 3

Step 3. Open your vocal sound

One quick way to enhance singing is to open up the vocals. This technique is called open throat. The trick, try saying "ah" or "uh." Extend your mouth without widening it. Separate the tongue from the roof of the mouth and hold it while singing. Your tongue should be pressed against your lower jaw to improve the quality of your singing.

  • Try saying A-E-I-O-U. Your jaw should not be pressed together. If you can't, use your fingers to lower your jaw. Keep repeating the vowel until you can say it with your mouth open.
  • Sing vowels. The jaws must still be kept open while singing the vowels. Then, sing the phrase and open your jaw as you sing each vowel.
  • This technique takes some practice before it can be mastered, but the quality of your singing can be improved.
  • With this technique, you can begin to develop your voice.
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 4
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 4

Step 4. Tilt your chin down

When singing high notes and trying to add energy, keep your chin pointed down. Your head has a tendency to move up when you sing high notes, which can damage your vocal chords. Singing while focusing on keeping your chin down helps you add control and power to your voice.

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 5
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 5

Step 5. Extend your voice range

First of all, you have to find your voice range. If you have, you can start increasing the sound range. The trick, you must have the correct technique. You need to have proper breathless and resonant vocals before increasing the range of your voice.

  • To extend the range of sound, take half steps or full steps at a time. Practice short scales and get into the habit of singing new notes comfortably and correctly before pushing your voice higher or lower.
  • It's a good idea to learn from a singing teacher if you want to increase the range of your voice, just to be safe.
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Step 6. Switch between your different vocal areas

Your voice is composed of 3 areas. The resonance of your voice will change by moving between these three areas. The singing voice can be improved by controlling your singing.

  • The human voice has three areas: chest voice, head voice, and mid voice. These three areas refer to the range of notes and the part of the body that sings them.
  • The head voice is an area of high notes. When singing high notes, resonance occurs in the head. Place your hands above your head when singing high notes to feel the vibrations. The chest voice is the area of the low singing voice. When singing low notes, resonance occurs in the chest. The mid-voice (or combined voice) is the area midway between the head and chest voices. In this area your voice shifts from chest to head (or vice versa) to sing various notes.
  • When you go from high to low, you need to move from your head to your chest. You should feel the notes moving toward your head or down your chest as you sing. Don't keep notes in the same place as they go up or down. This will limit your sound quality.
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 7
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 7

Step 7. Drink water

Water helps keep the vocal cords moist and supple so they open and close easily. You can also drink unsweetened beverages, caffeine, and alcohol. Try to drink 0.5 liters of water a day.

Hot drinks are best for the throat. Drink a warm drink or hot tea with honey. Try to stay away from cold foods and drinks, such as ice cream or ice water, as these will strain your muscles

Part 2 of 3: Training Your Voice

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 8
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 8

Step 1. Do the exercise every day

If you want to improve your singing, you have to train your voice. This requires commitment. Vocal exercises only a few times a week or a month will not give significant results. Practice your voice every day. It's a good idea to train and develop the muscles to improve your voice.

Don't forget, make sure you warm up before doing vocal exercises

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 9
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 9

Step 2. Do the mumbling exercise

Say, "Hmm?" or "hmm" like not believing someone's words. The two voices must change pitch. As you practice the scales while mumbling, you will feel a buzzing around your nose, eyes, and head or in your chest.

Mutter Do-Mi-Sol on an ascending scale, then back down to Mi-Do. As you mumble, practice your pitch accuracy

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 10
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 10

Step 3. Do the trill exercise

Trill (vibrate) lips is done by blowing air through the lips so that they wag and vibrate. You will make a “brr” sound as if you are cold. If your lips are tense when you exhale, they will not vibrate. Try relaxing your lips, and if that still doesn't work, push the corners of your mouth toward your nose during the exercise.

Try doing a tongue trill. This technique will help relax your throat muscles when you sing

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 11
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 11

Step 4. Keep your larynx firm

When singing high notes, it's best to keep the larynx firm rather than raised. This will improve vocal control and help prevent tension. How to practice, say "mum" repeatedly. Do it until you can say the word casually.

  • Slowly hold your thumb under your chin. You will feel your throat/esophagus muscles active. Sing the scales while making the “mmm” sound with your mouth closed. Your throat muscles should remain relaxed.
  • You may find yourself making weird faces while trying to keep your voice at the top of your face. It does not matter. Overdo it if necessary. The most important thing is to train your throat muscles to stay relaxed while singing the scales.

Part 3 of 3: Building Confidence

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 12
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 12

Step 1. Build self-confidence when alone

One way to help relieve nervousness is to practice at home. When you train, you have to train harder than usual. For example, sing louder and louder, try different moves, or act crazy. Build confidence before performing in front of a crowd.

When practicing in front of a mirror or video camera, learn how to show emotion and passion on stage. It may feel uncomfortable at first to appear honest and vulnerable on stage, but the best professional singers have the confidence to sing honestly and with emotion

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 13
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 13

Step 2. Get out of your comfort zone

One way to build confidence is to repeatedly step outside your comfort zone. The method can be varied. You could try singing in front of an audience, which may mean you have to learn to increase your singing range and sing other genres of songs. Developing your voice, trying new things, and learning everything can help build your confidence.

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 14
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 14

Step 3. Sing in front of friends and family

Once you've practiced and learned a new singing technique, you'll need to sing in front of other people. Start with close friends and family members. Start with one person, then add gradually. Over time, you will get used to singing in front of other people.

Ask for criticism and suggestions from them. Thus, your error can be corrected

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 15
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 15

Step 4. Sing in your community

Another way to build confidence is to sing in front of the community. This practice shouldn't be as scary as singing at a concert or formal event. Look for singing opportunities at a nursing home or children's hospital.

Try auditioning at a local theater or signing up for an acting class. Both will help you build confidence on stage and in front of other people. You can apply it while singing

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 16
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 16

Step 5. Go karaoke

While karaoke with friends is not a formal concert, singing in this environment can build your confidence. The anxiety you feel when you sing in public can start to go away, even if it doesn't really help your vocal technique.

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 17
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 17

Step 6. Sing a familiar song

When it's your first or second time singing on stage, sing a song you know well. This way, you can build confidence from the start. Choose a song within the range that suits your voice. Don't change the song too much, just sing it like the original. At this point, the key is to be able to sing comfortably in front of a large crowd.

While building your confidence, you can give your own character to the song, adapt your style, and change it

Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 18
Sing Better if You Think You Are Bad Step 18

Step 7. Position yourself to cover the nervousness

If you're shaking, move so you don't see it. You can move your hips or walk around a bit to appear confident and focus your nervous energy on something else.

Look at the point above the audience if you're feeling really nervous. Don't look at them. Look for a spot on the back wall to focus your attention and ignore the audience


  • If your voice starts to hurt, stop singing for an hour, drink some water to warm up your voice, and try again.
  • Record your singing and listen to your progress.
  • If you can't sing the right note, try singing one note lower and building your vocal chords.
  • Make friends with singers and compare your vocal notes. In addition, you can also share vocal exercises.
  • Be open to criticism.
  • Join a choir, or singing group so you can surround yourself with other singers and learn.
  • Try accompaniment to a song you like and keep practicing until you can.
  • If you're feeling out of breath, try exercising your diaphragm and your lungs to get stronger so you can sing longer without running out of breath.
  • If you are nervous, close your eyes and imagine singing alone.
  • Try adjusting the pitch of your voice if it doesn't feel right. Sometimes you can sing a song with the wrong note and not realize it until you try a different note
  • Sing as if no one is listening.


  • Avoid drinks that are too hot as they can damage the vocal cords.
  • Try not to shout too often.
