Levi's jeans are a highly sought-after piece of clothing and, depending on the model and year, can be very expensive among vintage/vintage lovers. Unfortunately, this also means many people are making Levi's replicas and selling them to unsuspecting customers at the price of the original. Whether you buy Levi's from an authorized seller, second-hand owner, or from an unlicensed seller, you will very it helps if you can spot the telltale signs of authentic Levi's jeans and make sure they're authentic!
Method 1 of 4: Checking the Red Label on the Back of the Jin

Step 1. Look for the red Levi's label on the right back pocket of your jeans
This red label is on almost all Levi's pants and is the brand's signature icon around the world. Checking these labels is a great first step to confirming the authenticity of Levi's jeans.
However, some genuine Levi's pants, especially the different styles, can be labeled with a different color, such as green, yellow, or white

Step 2. Make sure the seams around the label are neat and consistent
If it's messy, or looks like it's been tampered with, chances are the pants are fake. Many manufacturers of fake Levi's pants take off the label from the original pants and attach them to the fake pants to make them look like the real thing.

Step 3. Look at the big E (The Big E) on the label
The capital E in Levi's is only found on jeans manufactured before 1971. If you say the pants were made after 1971 and have a large E, it's unlikely that the pants are fake.
It is stated that 1 in every 100 pairs of Levi's will only have the words "registered mark" instead of the Levi's logo. This is because manufacturers had to replace the tape in the machine and sew labels that didn't have Levi's inscribed on them
Method 2 of 4: Recognizing the Waist of Levi's Jeans

Step 1. Look for a high-quality leather patch on the back of the pants waist
You can also test the authenticity of the pants with this leather patch and they will be consistent for most Levi's jeans. However, while the content of some pants may differ, they will all have the same characteristics.
The skin tone is the same for all Levi's. The patch should not be too pale, or too dark, and the label should not fade when washed

Step 2. Check for any errors in the patch design
Original Levi's model/style, hip and leg size are always printed in black ink. This is because manufacturers make stock labels first, then the details are printed later on to each pants. If the writing on the label doesn't fit right in the middle, or if there's a misspelling, chances are that the pants are fake.
Patch designs can vary over time so if you're comparing the patches on one Levi's to another, make sure they're from the same production time period

Step 3. Feel the texture and smoothness of the patch
The original patch material will have a slight texture and feel smooth and worn. This material should not feel too smooth, or too hard. Many fake manufacturers use cheap leather or substitute materials. If the patch looks like it's covered, or feels like plastic, it's most likely fake.
Method 3 of 4: Checking Details

Step 1. Check the details and markings on the top button
The button tops on all Levi's pants are high quality copper or silver buttons that won't fade or wear out over time. Although the button designs have changed over time, the original buttons always have the words “LEVI STRAUSS & CO” on the front. There is also a 3-4 digit number (code) stamped on the back of the top button. These numbers can be matched to the numbers on the care label on the inside of the jeans. If you don't find this number, chances are that Levi's is a fake.
However, on modern models, the code number is usually 3-4 digits, and varies on vintage Levi's pants

Step 2. Check the overall quality of the jeans
Levi's has very high quality control standards. If the pants have sewing errors or metal defects, chances are the Levi's are fake, or need to be returned to Levi's for inspection.

Step 3. Make sure the rivet includes all details with company initials
Rivets on both the inside and outside of the pants should read 'LS & CO. S. F.'. The writing is an abbreviation of Levi Strauss and Co. San Francisco. If the writing is plain and varied, chances are the related pants are fake.
Method 4 of 4: Avoid Buying Fake Levi's

Step 1. Check the Levi's website to find an authorized store near you
Levi's website lists all its authorized dealers and stores. This is the best way to make sure the jeans you buy are 100% authentic. If you buy pants from an unlicensed store, chances are that the Levi's are not authentic.

Step 2. Research online sellers via the internet to check their legitimacy
Many fake Levi's are sold online. If you're planning to buy something online, do your research first, and check the online store's reviews. This can be a good indication of store reliability.
Be wary of stores that only show good reviews, or have reviews that appear to be automated

Step 3. Beware of offers that are too good
While many stores offer discounts, if you find "authentic" Levi's jeans at a price that's too perfect, you should be suspicious. It's a good idea to determine the style you want so you know how much money you will spend. Of course, the prices can be different for each store, but they should still be in the same range.

Step 4. Ask for original receipts when buying second hand items
If you bought used Levi's jeans online or through a laundry sale, ask for the original receipt. While it's likely gone, it's a great way to make sure your jeans were purchased from an authorized dealer and are genuine.