Hair care can often feel challenging, especially when you have limited time. However, by keeping your hair healthy and stylish, you can feel more confident and attractive. Planning a hair care routine can be done easily and includes maintaining healthy hair, as well as using beneficial products on the hair. Fortunately, hair doesn't always need daily attention and some steps in your hair care routine can be done once or twice a week.
Method 1 of 3: Developing a Hair Care Routine

Step 1. Know your hair type
Everyone has a different hair type so it usually needs to be treated in different ways. Find out what type of hair you have to plan the best hair care routine possible. For a few days, leave the hair as it is without any products, then observe the trend in your hair. Perhaps, you find that your hair:
- Greasy
- Dry
- Normal
- Wavy
- Straight
- Curly
- Thick
- Thin
- Once you know your hair type, always treat your hair according to its type. Your hair's reaction to certain products and treatments will be different from how your friend's hair reacts.

Step 2. Wash your hair if necessary
Many people believe that hair needs to be washed every day. However, the truth is that most hair types only need to be shampooed every other day (or several times a week). Therefore, wash your hair when your hair is really dirty, and not because you're used to following a "schedule," depending on your hair type. In general, people with straight, thin hair need to wash their hair more often than people with thick, curly, or wavy hair.
- If you have dry hair, wash it every three days.
- If your hair tends to be oily, wash it every two days. However, if your hair already looks very oily in a day, you can wash your hair every day. You can also use dry shampoo when you're not washing your hair to absorb excess oil.
- For normal hair (not too dry or oily), you can wash your hair every two or three days.
- Actually, there is no perfect formula for washing frequency. Just observe your hair and wash your hair when it starts to get dirty. Washing too often actually prevents the production and coating of natural oils on the hair so that the hair becomes damaged.

Step 3. Do not wash your hair with hot water
Hot water can lift the protective oil that acts as a natural conditioner in the hair. By washing your hair with warm water, you can maintain the natural shine of your hair and prevent dull hair.

Step 4. Comb the hair while it is still wet
You may be tempted to brush your hair thoroughly after a shower as this is a quick way to get rid of tangles. However, instead of a fine-toothed comb or hairbrush, a wide-tooth comb is the best option for removing frizz after a shower. Combs or hairbrushes sometimes get caught and pull on the hair, causing the hair to break and break. Therefore, use a wide-toothed comb and start from the ends of the hair to the top (base).

Step 5. Blow dry your hair
A blow dryer is a quick medium for drying hair, but the heat it produces can damage the hair follicles, causing dry and damaged hair. If possible, blow dry your hair. However, if you need to use a hairdryer, choose one with a cool air setting.

Step 6. Cut hair regularly
Hair is prone to split ends and if you don't cut your hair for a long time, split ends can make your hair look damaged and unhealthy. Every three months, try getting your hair cut and if the ends of your hair often split, get a haircut every 6 weeks.
- If you feel the hassle or have to spend a lot of money to visit the salon, try cutting your own hair. Buy a hair clipper and have a mirror ready that will allow you to see the back of your head. It's easier to cut your hair when it's wet or straight so you can trim the ends in a balanced and even manner.
- If you have curly hair, it's a good idea to trim it while it's still dry or slightly wet. Curly hair looks much longer when it's wet, so it will appear much shorter than expected when it's dry after cutting.

Step 7. Don't play with your hair too much
Because your hair and hands already have natural oils, touching or brushing your hair away from your face can increase the oil levels in your hair, making your hair look greasy. To avoid this, the best thing that can be done is to choose a hairstyle that is easy to manage and does not interfere throughout the day while you are on the move.
Method 2 of 3: Provides Additional Protection for Hair

Step 1. Don't dye your hair
Hair dye contains a variety of chemicals that can damage your hair and if you use it too often, the damage can be almost irreparable. If you want, leave your hair as it is with its natural color, but if you really need to dye it, don't dye it too often and choose a color that falls within the three shades of your natural hair color.

Step 2. Protect your hair from sun exposure
Surprisingly, hair can be damaged by sun exposure, just like skin. Overexposure can dry out your hair, especially if you've dyed your hair. Therefore, every time you are going to be outside for a long time, wear a hat or use a hair spray product that contains SPF protection.

Step 3. Don't tie your hair too tight
When you're busy, tying your hair into a ponytail or braiding it will make it easier for you to move and move. However, make sure you don't pull your hair too tight as tight ties can damage and break your hair. You can indeed style your hair in these styles. However, always let your hair down at night and try not to style your hair in these styles every day.

Step 4. Use natural products on hair
There are various hair products that can be purchased to improve hair quality. However, some of the best ingredients for hair turn out to be natural ones that are usually readily available in the kitchen:
- Olive oil: Warmed olive oil can moisturize dry hair. Apply the oil on your hair and leave it on for 45 minutes. After that, wash and rinse your hair thoroughly.
- Tea: You can restore shine and bring out the natural color of your hair by steeping plain tea. After shampooing and rinsing your hair out of shampoo, rinse again using a brewed tea that matches your natural hair color (eg black tea for brown or dark hair, and chamomile tea for blonde hair).
- Coconut oil: This oil acts as a natural conditioner. Warm the oil first, then apply it to your hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. After that, rinse your hair and remove the remaining oil using shampoo.
- Honey: Honey acts as a natural moisturizer and can strengthen hair follicles. Mix honey and shampoo in equal proportions, apply to hair, then rinse hair thoroughly.

Step 5. Treat the rest of your body
This is beyond question, but to have healthy hair, you also need to have a healthy body. This means that you need to eat regularly and get the right nutrition. Because it is another part of the body, hair needs certain nutrients to stay strong and grow healthy. Some nutrients that can improve hair condition include:
- Essential fatty acids: flaxseed oil, salmon, tuna, walnuts and almonds
- Vitamin B6: bananas, potatoes and spinach
- Protein: fish, chicken, eggs, and soy products
- Folic acid: fresh fruits and vegetables (especially citrus fruits and tomatoes), as well as whole grains, peas, and lentils
- Stress and smoking can also damage your hair and make it dull and break easily. Therefore, avoid or stop both if possible.
Several vitamins and minerals can improve the strength and appearance of hair. Discuss taking supplements such as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) with your doctor. These supplements can help the body produce the amino acids needed for healthy hair growth.
Method 3 of 3: Treating Hair Using Care Products

Step 1. Choose an appropriate shampoo
Shampoos are formulated in various ways for different hair types. The prices also vary, from shampoos at affordable prices to very expensive shampoos. You do need to avoid shampoo products that are sold at very cheap prices. However, salon quality shampoos do not always provide additional benefits for the hair. Therefore, focus your shampoo selection on products that are suitable for your hair type (eg shampoo for dry and damaged or oily hair).

Step 2. Condition the hair
While there's no question, conditioning your hair is an important step as it can moisturize your hair and restore the natural oils your hair needs. Don't use conditioner on the roots as it can make your hair too greasy.
Choose the right product, according to your hair type. If you have dry hair, you need a moisturizing conditioner. For oily hair, you can use a light conditioner

Step 3. Spray or apply heat protection serum on the hair before using the styling tool
You may not be able to stay away from styling tools forever. However, you can still keep your hair healthy before exposing it to heat. Before drying, curling, or straightening your hair, always apply a hair protection serum or spray first. These products are usually sold in various brands and you can get from supermarkets or pharmacies.

Step 4. Use a deep conditioner product
It's a good idea to use a deep conditioner once a week to repair damaged hair as a complement to your regular conditioner. Some hair mask products that are quite popular include L'Oreal, Makarizo, Ellips, and Pantene.

Step 5. Use the volumeizer
Usually, thick and fluffy hair is considered stylish. However, unfortunately not everyone is blessed with this type of hair. A volumizer can be a great choice because it helps you achieve that hair look, even if your hair is very thin. Turn your hair over and spray the product several times at the roots and all over your hair. After that, create volume by blow drying your hair or styling it by hand.

Step 6. Replace your regular shampoo with dry shampoo
To maintain overall hair health, it's a good idea not to wash your hair too often. However, sometimes you feel your hair is too dirty. Dry shampoo is the right product because it is easy to use and can cover or remove dirt and oil from the hair, and make hair look fresh. Spray the product at the roots of your hair and work your way through your hair using your fingers. Comb the hair to make it look or look neat and natural.
Expert Advice
If you're looking for a different way to treat your hair, try these effective hair care routines:
Start by smoothing the tangled hair.
Move your hair (if it's still tied up or styled in any style) and smooth out any tangles. This procedure prevents hair breakage while you wash your hair.
Wash your hair using products that are formulated according to your hair type.
Clarifying shampoos are suitable for almost all hair types, especially if you don't wash your hair every day. You can also use the shampoo when your hair is dirty from build-up of hair products or dandruff. However, if you have dry hair, continue using a clarifying shampoo with a moisturizing shampoo.
Condition hair, then rinse thoroughly.
Use a deep conditioner in place of your regular conditioner if your hair needs extra moisture. Choose products that are rich in emollients, such as masks or care products based on shea butter, honey, or avocado. For added moisture, allow the product to soak into the hair strands for 10-15 minutes using a steamer (or 15-20 minutes with a blow dryer). After that, rinse your hair.
Use hair protection products.
If you need to dry or style your hair with a heat source, always use protective hair products, as well as other styling products as needed. For example, if your hair is very thin, you can apply certain products to the roots to increase the volume of your hair.
Limit the frequency of shampooing.
If your hair is very oily, you may need to wash it every day. However, if possible try to wash your hair every other day. For most hair types, you can shampoo once a week, or even biweekly for African-American curly hair.