Wigs, hair extensions, and a variety of other synthetic hairs are great for improving your appearance without changing your natural hair. However, synthetic hair is artificial hair so it needs to be cleaned regularly with special products to keep it soft. After cleaning, apply the following instructions to keep your hair beautiful and long lasting.
Part 1 of 4: Using Shampoo

Step 1. Trim the tangled hair with a wide-toothed comb
Instead of using a small comb, a wide-tooth comb does not pinch the hair shaft, making it perfect for combing wigs and synthetic hair extensions. If you want to clean a wig that has curly hair, brush the hair with your fingers instead of using a comb to avoid damaging the hair. If you can't comb your hair, spray water or a tangle-free product to smooth out the knotted hair shafts.

Step 2. Fill a large bucket or basin with cool water and then dissolve the shampoo sufficiently
Take a large bucket or basin and add enough cool or warm water to cover the hair completely. Then, pour the shampoo which is specially produced for synthetic hair in 1-2 bottle caps. Use more shampoo to wash long hair wigs. Use a small amount of shampoo to wash short hair extensions. Mix well the water and shampoo until foamy.

Step 3. Soak synthetic hair in water for 5-10 minutes
Before washing, make sure the hair is not tangled. Dip your hair into the water until it's completely submerged and then let it sit for 5-10 minutes. The shampoo will clean the hair by removing the dust and dirt so that the hair remains soft.

Step 4. Swirl the hair in the water
After soaking, move the hair up and down, left and right. Move the hair gently so it doesn't tangle. Do not wring or pull hair. This method can damage the hair or break the hair shaft.

Step 5. Rinse hair with cool water
After soaking for 5 minutes, remove the hair from the water and run cool water through the hair to loosen the shampoo without changing the shape of the hair or removing the outer layer of the hair shaft.
Part 2 of 4: Using Conditioner or Fabric Softener

Step 1. Fill the container with cool water
If you use the same container when washing your hair with shampoo, empty the container and then rinse. Then, fill the container with enough cool or slightly warm water to cover the hair completely.

Step 2. Pour 120 milliliters of conditioner or fabric softener into the water
If you use conditioner, your hair doesn't tangle, stays soft and shiny. Fabric softener makes hair very soft, but it doesn't solve problems like tangles, clumps, etc.
Before using conditioner, choose a product that says "safe for synthetic hair" or other information that means the same thing

Step 3. Soak hair in water for at least 10 minutes
Straighten your hair and put it in the water. Make sure the hair is completely submerged and then let it sit for at least 10 minutes. If your hair is very stiff, soak it for 30-60 minutes or overnight.

Step 4. Swirl the hair in the water
Just like when you wash your hair with shampoo, move your hair up and down, left and right so that each hair shaft is coated with conditioner or fabric softener. So that the hair is not damaged, do not wring or pull the hair.
If you want to soak your hair a bit longer, move your hair around for 5-10 minutes

Step 5. Remove the hair from the water, but do not rinse it to avoid losing the conditioner or fabric softener
When your hair is ready to dry, remove it from the container. Do not rinse your hair with water to allow the conditioner or fabric softener to soak into the hair shaft.
Part 3 of 4: Drying Synthetic Hair

Step 1. Pinch your hair to remove the water
Hold a strand of hair and squeeze it gently with your index finger and thumb. Run your fingers down the length of the hair shaft to dry the hair. Repeat this step for the rest of your hair. To avoid damaging the hair, do not twist or squeeze the hair.

Step 2. Pat your hair with a towel if needed
To dry long hair extensions and wigs, wrap your hair in a clean towel. So that the hair is not damaged, do not rub the hair with a towel.

Step 3. Let the hair dry by itself
If you want to dry the wig, attach the wig to a wig stand, a face covering when spraying hair spray, or a head-shaped mannequin. Do not use a styrofoam wig stand because it can damage the wig. If you want to dry your hair extensions, lay your hair neatly on a clean towel on an even surface.
As much as possible, do not dry synthetic hair with a hair dryer or other hot hair dryer because the shape of the hair can change permanently
Part 4 of 4: Caring for Synthetic Hair

Step 1. Use a product to treat synthetic hair
Since the basic ingredients of synthetic hair and human hair are different, you need to use certain products to keep your hair soft and clean. Purchase shampoos, conditioners, and styling products that are safe for extensions or synthetic wigs. If this product is not sold in a supermarket, look for it at a salon or hair care website.
When treating wigs or synthetic hair extensions, do not use products to style natural hair, especially hair spray because these products can damage synthetic hair

Step 2. Use a wide-toothed comb when combing synthetic hair
When smoothing synthetic hair, use a wide-tooth comb or hairbrush to prevent hair shafts from getting caught in the comb/brush. If possible, buy a special styling tool for styling wigs. So that the wig is not damaged, get into the habit of combing or brushing your hair starting from the bottom end and working your way up to your head little by little.

Step 3. Don't wash your synthetic hair too often
Unlike human hair, you don't need to wash your synthetic hair as often as it's not affected by the natural oils your body produces. If synthetic hair is used every day, wash it once a week. If you don't use it often, wash it once a month to keep your hair soft.

Step 4. Use minimal product
Over time, overuse of the product can make synthetic hair wear and tear. Prevent this by using shampoos, conditioners, and products that are safe for synthetic hair. Do not use gels and similar products, except for products manufactured for wigs and hair extensions. To avoid damaging synthetic hair, use a minimum of product.

Step 5. Do not use very hot styling tools
In addition to hot water, avoid hot styling tools, such as hair dryers, straighteners, and curlers because high temperatures can permanently damage the shape of the hair and hair shaft, unless the hair is made of heat-resistant fibers.

Step 6. Remove synthetic hair before going to bed at night
Sleeping in a wig can damage the shape and texture of synthetic hair. Avoid this by removing wigs and hair extensions before going to bed at night. Place the wig on the wig stand and the hair extension on a flat surface. If you can't untie your hair, use a satin pillowcase or braid your hair before going to bed.