Granulated sugar (also known as powdered brown sugar or crystal sugar) is usually soft and smooth the first time you use it, but it can harden and become rock-like over time. This happens because the sugar dries up due to not being protected from the outside air. There are several ways to keep the granulated sugar soft, for example by storing it in an airtight container or adding other foods that can help lock in moisture and prevent it from hardening. If you need to soften granulated sugar quickly, just use the microwave, oven, or food processor.
Method 1 of 3: Storing Sugar Ants Properly

Step 1. Store granulated sugar in an airtight container
Ant sugar tends to harden due to exposure to air. If you want to keep the granulated sugar soft, the best option is to store it in an airtight container that can be closed as soon as the sugar is removed from the package.
- As much as possible limit exposure to air when storing ant sugar. Choose a smaller container and compress the sugar until it is full. Make sure the container is tightly closed. Double check for cracks and openings in the container.
- Maybe you don't have a small enough container. If that's the case, just use a mini Ziplock bag. Remove all remaining air before sealing the container tightly.

Step 2. Use a terra cotta sugar saver clay
Kitchen supply stores and grocery stores usually sell something called sugar-preserving clay. It is a small flat round object made of clay. The price is cheap and can be used to soften ant sugar. Sugar-preserving clay is made to release moisture into sugar and keep it soft during storage.
- After buying sugar-preserving clay, soak it in water for 15 minutes. Then dry.
- Add the sugar preservative clay along with the ant sugar. Ideally, use the preservative in an airtight container or plastic bag.
- If you put the preservative in a bag of hardened granulated sugar, it will take about 8 hours to soften it again.

Step 3. Put the marshmallows in the bag
If you don't have sugar-preserving clay, you can use marshmallows to keep the sugar soft. Put some marshmallows in the sugar bowl and see if it works.

Step 4. Save the granulated sugar with the apples and bread
Apples and bread are naturally quite moist. Place a few slices of apple or a slice of bread in the bag of icing sugar to help moisten it. The sugar will suck the moisture out of the bread or fruit. If you add apples or bread to hardened granulated sugar, it will take about a day for the sugar to soften again.
Method 2 of 3: Soften Hard Sugar Ants

Step 1. Add water for a few days
Remember, granulated sugar hardens due to lack of moisture. The simplest way to soften it is to add water. Sprinkle a few drops of water over the hardened brown sugar. After that, put the sugar in a plastic bag and close it tightly. Let stand for a few days until the water absorbs into the sugar.

Step 2. Use a damp cloth
You can also use a cloth to add moisture to the sugar. Store the hardened granulated sugar in an open container. After that, dampen a cloth or tissue paper. Squeeze until the excess water is removed, then cover over the container. Leave the sugar like this overnight. If this method works, the sugar will soften in the morning.

Step 3. Soften the sugar with foil and damp tissue paper
You can also use foil and paper towels to soften the granulated sugar. To start, place the hardened sugar in an airtight container.
- Place a sheet of foil over the hardened granulated sugar. Take a tissue paper, moisten it, and place it on a sheet of foil.
- Close the container tightly. Let sit long enough for the tissue paper to dry. This can be done overnight, but it can also take up to several days. Once the tissue is dry, the brown sugar will soften.
Method 3 of 3: Using the Faster Method

Step 1. Use a food processor
If you need to use sugar right now, just put it in a blender or food processor. This machine can break up hardened lumps and produce sugar granules as they should. Just turn it on until the sugar softens.

Step 2. Put the granulated sugar in the microwave
If you don't have a food processor, just use the microwave. Take the hardened sugar and put it in a plastic bag that can be used for the microwave.
- Take a piece of tissue paper and wet it. Squeeze out the excess water until the tissue is damp and the water is no longer dripping.
- Put the tissue with the sugar and close the plastic bag tightly. Turn on the microwave for 20 seconds, then check. If the sugar isn't soft yet, turn it on for another 20 seconds at a time, until it's as soft as you want it to be.

Step 3. Melt the granulated sugar in the oven
If you don't have a microwave or food processor, you can use an oven. Preheat the oven to 120 °C. After that, spread the granulated sugar on the baking sheet. Bake for 5 minutes, then check. If it's not soft yet, bake for a few more minutes. Keep doing this until the sugar softens to your liking.