The four-leaf clover is believed to bring good luck to the discoverer. This leaf can also be used as a keepsake because it is quite rare. Look for a patch of cloverleaf near the house if you are looking for a four-leaf clover. Keep looking and be patient, because the four-leafed leaf is indeed rare. If you can't find it the first time you start hunting, look a little more the next time around. With a little persistence, you'll be sure to find this leaf eventually.
Method 1 of 3: Locating Clover Leaves

Step 1. Search the internet for cloverleaf locations around your house
If you're not sure where to find it, enter the keyword "clover leaf patch" into the Google search field, followed by the name of the city you live in. You may find websites with general descriptions of the types of leaves that grow in different areas of your city. Internet users can also post information about walking trails or parks around your house on sites like Yelp. These kinds of sites help people to know the kinds of plants they find there.

Step 2. Take a walk in an area around your house that is covered in a lot of leaves
Look for information on clover leaf yourself if you can't find it online. Walk around areas with lots of foliage and trees, such as parks and walking trails, to look for swaths of cloverleaf.
Look in your backyard if you have one. Clover leaves often grow in gardens

Step 3. Check in a shady, dry area
These leaves tend to be difficult to grow in wet soil. This plant also often grows in shady areas. So check out a shady, dry area if you're looking for cloverleaf.

Step 4. Identify the clover leaf plots
This plant patch consists of plants with small green flowers circling the center. Be careful because there are plants that look similar to cloverleaf. A plant with a purple center is not a clover leaf. Also, if you see a patch of plant whose entire leaf resembles a four-leaf clover, be careful that this plant is not a leaf clover. Remember, four-leaf clover is very rare. There is only one four-leaf leaf for every 10,000 three-leaf leaves in a plot.
Method 2 of 3: Finding Four-Leaf Clover

Step 1. Look carefully at the tile area
Don't check each clover leaf as this will make the search take too long. Stand on the plantbed and take a close look. Pause for a moment if a leaf catches your eye and check if it has four leaves.

Step 2. Use your hands to help the search process on the surface of the tile
Squat near the leaf bed if you can't see the leaves from afar. Use your hand to gently touch the tile. Focus on the clover leaves as you touch and look for leaves that have extra strands.

Step 3. Separate the leaves from each other if you see four-leafed leaves
Separate the clover from the other leaves surrounding it if you see four-leaf leaves. See if the leaf really has four strands. Clover leaves may sometimes appear to have four strands, when in fact you are seeing strands from other leaves that are nearby.

Step 4. Search the same area if you find a four-leaf clover there
If you find one leaf that has four strands, then look for another leaf in the same area. A genetic mutation causes clover to have four strands. These leaf seeds will be spread over the same area, so the four-leaf leaves will be found close to each other. You can find other leaf clovers like this one if you're lucky.
Method 3 of 3: Avoiding Common Mistakes

Step 1. Don't try to check each leaf individually
Seeing the leaves at a glance would be better when compared to examining each leaf. You won't have enough time to check all the leaves because there can be hundreds of clover leaves in each plot. If you can see the leaves at a glance, you may be able to spot a different leaf pattern that catches your eye.

Step 2. Look for the small leaves that make up the fourth leaf
Don't expect this four-leaf clover to actually have the same leaf blade. Keep in mind that when you search for this leaf, the fourth leaf may be much smaller than the others.

Step 3. Don't despair
Four-leaf clover is very rare. The more often you look for it, the more likely you are to find it. Take a closer look each time you pass a cloverleaf patch if you don't find it on your first quest.
- The best time to look for four-leaf clover is when it's raining or when the surroundings are wet.
- Four-leaf clover will usually be more abundant in areas that are frequently stepped on. Look for these leaf patches around sidewalks or trails where these leaves grow.
- Mutated leaves are most often found in late summer.
- Clover leaves will wilt very quickly after picking, unless you put them in water or press them between the pages of a book.
- You can find more four-leaf clover in March, April, May, June, July, and August.