This article explains how to defeat the Elite Four in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.

Step 1. Set up a team of around level 60 Pokémon (preferably more)
A good team has one Pokémon of type Water (Water), Fire (Fire), Electric (Electricity), Ghost (Ghost) or Bug (Insect), and Ice (Ice). Each type will be explained when used below. If you go this route, it's best if your Pokémon is level 65, just in case, and you can use an extra party allotment (you'll have 1-3, depending on whether you're using the Water/Ice dual type and including the Insect/Ghost type) to enter a low-level Pokémon that you want to level up and grant Exp Share. That way, it's easier for you to get a full team consisting of all of the above types plus one strong tank (Dragon type aka Dragon, where you can only get Dratini and its evolutions before defeating the Elite Four, most effective because this type is only weak against type attacks Ice and Dragon and strong against Fire, Water, Electricity and Grass attacks).

Step 2. Defeat the first Elite Four member:
Lorelei. Lorelei uses Ice-type Pokémon, but don't use Fire-type Pokémon as all of Lorelei's Pokémon (except Jynx) are Water/Ice-type dual so Fire attacks only have normal effects. Instead, use Electric attacks, and use Shadow Balls or Fire Punch on Jynx.

Step 3. Conquer your next opponent:
Bruno. Bruno uses Fighter-type Pokémon (Fighting), with 2 Onyx to overcome his weakness against Flying-type Pokémon (Flying). Make sure you use a Flying-type Pokémon that very strong, or a Psychic-type Pokémon (Psychic) to hit all its Pokémon. The reason why you should use Flying-type Pokémon is because all of Bruno's Pokémon have fairly high Attack stats, and Psychic Pokémon on average have poor Defense stats. Slowbro is very strong here because in addition to his fairly high Defense stat, his Water type is also advantageous against 2 Onyx Bruno.

Step 4. Win the fight against Agatha
Agatha uses Poison-type Pokémon, most of which are also Ghost-type. Therefore, the Psychic Pokémon will destroy all of Agatha's Pokémon with one Psychic attack, and you can electrocute Golbat if you wish (but not required). High-level teams should have no trouble here.

Step 5. Pass the last Elite Four member hurdle:
Lance. Lance is a Dragon-type Pokémon expert. Make sure you start with an Electric-type Pokémon and hope that Gyarados can beat in one hit (OHKO aka One Hit KO). Gyarados are Water/Flying type so Electric attacks will be effective 4x. After losing, switch to an Ice-type Pokémon, and Lance will have a hard time. However, his Aerodactyl and Dragonite will probably overpower your Ice-type Pokémon if you don't use Articuno. If so, switch to your tank Pokémon and try to hold off your opponent (which will be easier if the Pokémon has a strong attack) or revive the losing Ice-type Pokémon and try re-entering the fight if you can.

Step 6. Become a champion by beating Blue/Kaz/Gary/NAMARIVALANDADI HERE
This battle is very difficult, because he has various types of Pokémon. The best way to defeat him is to enter a Pokémon that is strong against the Pokémon he is about to enter. Ice Attack is effective against Venusaur, Exeggutor, Pidgeot, and Rhydon, Electric Attack is effective against Charizard, Gyarados, Blastoise, and Pidgeot. Water Attacks are useful against Arcanine, Rhydon, and Charizard, Fire Attacks will defeat Exeggcutor/Venusaur, and use your Insect/Ghost Pokémon (if carried; otherwise, just use the Pokémon with the strongest attack and not the Fighter or poison type, and don't prioritize attacks Psychic) to defeat Alakazam.

Step 7. Done
You've conquered the Pokémon League!
- If one of your important Pokémon loses a battle, replace it with a less important Pokémon, then use Revive to resuscitate the important Pokémon while in the party.
- Prepare lots of Full Restores, Max Potions, and Revives.
- Use attacks like Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, and Ice Beam instead of Fire Blast, Hyper Beam, Blizzard, etc. Even if the power is lower, the attacks won't miss.
- One of the best places to level up (if you have a VS Seeker and Exp Share) is in front of the Ember Spa on One Island. There are two coaches using Machop and Machoke (levels range 37-38) and a doubles team with Primeape and Machoke (both level 39). Just use Psychic and Flying-type Pokémon on the first two trainers, while Pokémon that want to level up hold Exp Share and use VS Seeker. At least one of these trainers will request a rematch almost every time, and visiting the spa will restore your Pokémon's HP if it makes it to the middle of the water. Walking back will fill up enough steps on your VS Seeker to be able to re-fight.
- We recommend catching Legendary Birds and getting Dratini at the Game Corner (very expensive) or Safari Zone (time consuming and frustrating) to evolve into Dragonite.