How to Raise a Rabbit: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Raise a Rabbit: 14 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Raise a Rabbit: 14 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Rabbits are sweet animals to keep. Rabbits are also docile, cheerful, and sociable animals. However, it takes a lot of effort to take care of it. Like most pets, rabbits need a clean and healthy environment and the right kind of food to survive.


Part 1 of 3: Building a House for Rabbits

Raise Rabbits Step 1
Raise Rabbits Step 1

Step 1. Decide whether you want to keep the rabbit indoors or outdoors

Some people who breed rabbits prefer an outdoor cage because the rabbits can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Most outdoor rabbit cages should be accompanied by a fence because space is not something to worry about outdoors. Other experts say that because rabbits are social animals, it would be more profitable for them to keep them indoors with humans.

  • If you decide to keep your rabbit outdoors, it is very important to ensure that your rabbit is not exposed to direct sunlight and rain.
  • Rabbits living outdoors should be provided with extra bedding when it's cold. If the temperature drops below freezing, consider moving the rabbit cage to a more protected area, such as a garage or shed.
  • Be aware that being outdoors makes your rabbit vulnerable to predators. Even the sight of a predator has made a rabbit sitting in a cage with a heart attack.
Raise Rabbits Step 2
Raise Rabbits Step 2

Step 2. Choose the right cage

Consider the size of the cage, so your pet will have enough space. Also, consider the floor of the cage: rabbits don't have soft feet like cats or dogs and standing on a wire mat can be painful.

  • The rabbit cage should be large enough for the rabbit to stand upright, lie down, and move around freely.
  • If using a wire cage, be sure to place a board or rug under the floor of the cage so the rabbit's feet won't hurt or get caught between the wire gaps.
Raise Rabbits Step 3
Raise Rabbits Step 3

Step 3. Create a running area for the rabbit

Your pet will need daily exercise and the running area will keep the rabbit moving without having to explore the house which can be very dangerous. Rabbits in the wild will run hundreds of meters in one day, so having space to walk safely is important for your pet.

If you don't have room to run in the house, you can make one in the yard. This running area should be large but safe in case the rabbit escapes. Always choose a shady area and provide drinking water. If there is no shade in your yard, you may need to place a removable “roof” over the running space

Raise Rabbits Step 4
Raise Rabbits Step 4

Step 4. Make the rabbit feel comfortable

Try keeping your rabbit in a cool, non-humid environment with an ideal temperature of 15.5-21 degrees Celsius. Keep the rabbit cage in a quiet part of your house or yard and make sure the rabbit is not disturbed by other animals.

Allow the rabbit to adapt to its new home before you introduce it to a larger animal such as a dog. This will make him stressed and overwhelmed. Allowing rabbits and other animals to hang out together is very important, but should be done occasionally and under close supervision

Part 2 of 3: Taking Care of Rabbits

Raise Rabbits Step 5
Raise Rabbits Step 5

Step 1. Feed the rabbit what he needs

A rabbit's diet should contain grass, fresh vegetables, and timothy hay or oat hay. You can also feed your rabbits with store-bought pellets.

  • High-fiber pellets should be given daily, but in small amounts to prevent health problems. Rabbits under 2 kilograms can be given cup of pellets. As a general rule, you can add another cup of pellets daily every time your rabbit gains weight in multiples of 2.
  • Young rabbits can be given alfalfa hay, but alfalfa is not a healthy choice for adult rabbits. It is highly recommended to replace rabbit food with timothy hay before it reaches one year of age.
Raise Rabbits Step 6
Raise Rabbits Step 6

Step 2. Give your rabbit fresh water every day

It's important to change your rabbit's water every day to prevent bacteria from growing. If you are using a water bowl, choose a ceramic or metal bowl as they are easier to clean. If using a water bottle with a straw, check the tip of the bottle daily to see if it is working properly.

Some pet owners prefer straw bottles because they don't spill easily in the cage. Choose a water container that is suitable for you and your pet

Raise Rabbits Step 7
Raise Rabbits Step 7

Step 3. Empty the rabbit's litter box every 2-4 days

Not only will this reduce unpleasant odors, but it will also keep your rabbit healthy and happy.

  • If you start training your rabbit in a litter box, you should be able to guess which angle the rabbit is using to defecate. If you put a newspaper or litter box in there, your rabbit will easily learn how to use the box.
  • It's a good idea to remove the wet sand from urine every day to keep the rabbit clean and the litter box smelling good.
Raise Rabbits Step 8
Raise Rabbits Step 8

Step 4. Remember that rabbits are coprophagic animals

Rabbits will excrete two types of droppings: pellet droppings (round, hard, and dry) and cecotropes (large, mushy, and brightly colored). The rabbit's digestive system allows it to eat cecotropes in order to properly absorb and digest the nutrients found in the food.

When cleaning the litter box, remove any hard, dry pellet droppings, but be sure to leave the cecotropes behind. This litter is an important food menu for your pet

Raise Rabbits Step 9
Raise Rabbits Step 9

Step 5. Clean the rabbit's cage once a week

  • Use white vinegar to clean the rabbit's litter box, or soak it if the stain is very stubborn and difficult to wash.
  • Minor cleaning should be done every day. Clean the cage while the rabbit is in the running area.
  • Change soiled bedding every day. Straw makes a great base material and is easy to replace every day.
  • Clean the food bowl and change the food every day. Don't overfeed your rabbit. The portion of food should be commensurate with the size and weight of the rabbit.
Raise Rabbits Step 10
Raise Rabbits Step 10

Step 6. Give the rabbit lots of attention

Rabbits are social animals and you will need to hold them gently and often to make them comfortable to pick up.

Part 3 of 3: Combing Rabbits

Raise Rabbits Step 11
Raise Rabbits Step 11

Step 1. Comb your rabbit at least once a week

Long-haired rabbits should be brushed daily and their coat should be trimmed to keep their coats 2 inches (4 cm) or less in length.

Raise Rabbits Step 12
Raise Rabbits Step 12

Step 2. Remove the carpet underlay with a carpet splitter or carpet fork

Do not use scissors because rabbits can get hurt easily.

Raise Rabbits Step 13
Raise Rabbits Step 13

Step 3. Trim the rabbit's nails if necessary

If you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself, you can take him to the vet or animal breeder to get it cleaned up.

Raise Rabbits Step 14
Raise Rabbits Step 14

Step 4. DO NOT bathe the rabbit

Bathing can be traumatic and sometimes unnecessary, as rabbits tend to treat themselves. If you notice any soiled areas on the rabbit's body, you should use a dirt cleaner with a damp towel, but don't immerse the rabbit in water.


  • Find some twigs in the yard and make a perch. Rabbits probably won't sit on them, but they're great for rabbits to nibble on.
  • Buy a cage that has a door to make it easier for you to clean.
  • When cleaning a rabbit's water bottle, be sure to clean the straw as well with warm water to help prevent bacteria from growing.
  • If you buy a cage with a wire base, your rabbit's feet may hurt after a while.
  • If your rabbit's feet start to hurt from the wire, you can buy a plastic wire guard at a pet store.
  • Buy a book caring for rabbits.
  • If the rabbit is in his running area, he may eat dandelions (if no pesticides). Know what plants are safe for rabbits to eat and which plants are poisonous.
  • Never leave a rabbit unattended.


  • Rabbits do not need to be bathed as they can be stressed.
  • Do not give too many fruits and vegetables to rabbits because it can cause diarrhea.
  • never ever shears rabbits, unless they are Angora. If you're afraid to trim your Angora rabbit's fur, ask an experienced breeder to trim it. You can also learn from them and they can teach you while you're at it.
  • Never give chocolate to a rabbit.

    Chocolate can cause death if given in large quantities.
