One of the things that must be done to become a good cat owner is to take care of the needs of a pet cat, such as providing high-quality drinking water and food, providing a warm and comfortable place to sleep, and taking him to the vet for annual visits. However, when raising a cat you don't just have to do these things. By pampering the pussy, you can strengthen the relationship with him. You can also get creative (and try to spend a bigger budget) to provide care beyond basic needs.
Method 1 of 2: Pamper the Pussy

Step 1. Develop the habit of combing his fur
Your pussy will delight in the rhythmic movements as you brush her hair from front to back. Apart from pampering it, this kind of brushing also provides several benefits, such as stimulating the skin, cleaning the coat, spreading natural oils throughout the coat, and preventing frizz.
- If you've never combed or brushed their fur before, do a short brushing session first (5-10 minutes). You can extend the duration when the pussy begins to feel comfortable with the brushing you are doing.
- Cats may have their own preferences regarding the type of comb they prefer. Therefore, you may want to try different types of combs (eg bristle comb, slick brush, etc.) to see which type of comb/brush he likes best.
- Comb the fur when both of you are relaxed. If you're feeling pressured, or your pussy is tense, the combing session won't be as enjoyable for either of you.
- Short-haired cats need less brushing (once a week) than long-haired cats (once a day).
- Be careful when combing the hair on the chest and belly.

Step 2. Spend some quiet time with your pussy
Cats love peace and quiet. By sharing some quiet time with him, both of you will feel comfortable and relaxed. Try gently stroking her pussy while she's resting on your lap. Make sure you don't rub his belly, as your cat may interpret this as an attack and respond to your strokes with twists or bites.

Step 3. Prepare some rest/bed for the pussy
Cats love to sleep! You can pamper it by providing some comfortable places to sleep around the house. Ideally, these resting places should be in a quiet area and not have many objects that can distract him.
Arrange the bed with a soft base, such as a cat mattress or mattress. You can buy such bedding or bedding at a pet supply store

Step 4. Provide some claw posts for the pussy
Scratching is an important aspect of your cat's overall health. In addition to keeping his claws short, clawing can also be a sport or physical activity, allowing him to stretch his muscles. Having several claw posts scattered in several places can make him happy. Plus, he can stay busy when you can't play with him.
- Try buying several claw posts with different textures (eg sisal, corrugated cardboard, carpet) and orientations (eg horizontal and vertical). Differences in texture and orientation like this will provide variations in the clawing activity of the pussy.
- Place claw posts at points your pussy frequents to reduce the distance she has to go in order to claw.
- Make sure the claw post you use is sturdy and tall enough (about 60 centimeters) for your pussy to stretch its full body when clawing.
- Don't throw away the claw post when you think it looks old and damaged. Actually, that's the kind of look that the pussy likes!
- Trees or cat houses can also be other toys that can pamper him. You can buy it from a pet supply store.

Step 5. Give your pussy lots of toys
One or two toys are actually not enough to spoil him. Therefore, you need to provide a lot of toys for him. Luckily, you don't have to spend a fortune to provide toys for your pussy. You can give the existing toys alternately (once a week) so he doesn't have to play with just one toy for a long time (and eventually get bored with the toy).
- To stimulate his hunting instincts, try hiding his toys in different places around the house.
- For added surprise, download some special cat games to your tablet for your pussy to play.

Step 6. Add a creative aspect to hours of play with the pussy
He can certainly entertain himself, but he still needs a lot of interaction with you. By looking for creative activities during playtime, there will be a fun gaming experience for both of you. For example, try hiding behind the couch and tilting your head slightly in the corner so he can see you. Once he sees you, hide again and wait for him to quietly approach you. This kind of activity imitates their movements when looking for prey.
- You can also dim or turn off the lights during playtime to mimic his tendency to be more active in dark conditions.
- Try playing with him twice a day for 10-15 minutes.

Step 7. Create an engaging visual experience for her
A simple way to make it is to place some kind of platform or small perch in the window of the house. The pussy will be entertained for hours just by looking out the window, depending on the view offered from the window. If you have a yard at home, place a feeding tray or bird bath in the yard so your pussy can see the birds that come and go into the yard.
You can also play cat videos so your pussy can watch them when you're not home. Videos that need to be played need to feature animals that cats usually fall prey to (eg rats or birds)

Step 8. Give your pussy a delicious snack every now and then
Giving snacks is the right way to pamper him. However, don't give snacks every day for a number of reasons. First, such snacks usually have little (or no) nutritional content. Also, if you give her a snack every day, there's a good chance that your pussy will like the treats more than the main meal.
- Don't give your pussy a snack more than two or three times each week.
- Do not give human food as a treat to cats.
- Catnip and cat grass make healthy cat treats. You can buy it from a pet supply store.
- Don't let the pussy ask for a snack. This is bad behavior and should not be responded to with additional feeding or attention.
Method 2 of 2: Pampering an Aged Cat

Step 1. Place several litter boxes around the house
Older cats are more difficult to move. This means, the pussy may have difficulty walking to the litter box. In addition, older cats may have urinary tract problems that make it difficult for them to get to the litter box “on time”. Therefore, having a litter box in places frequented by the pus can prevent her from urinating or defecating in places where she shouldn't.
The litter box with shorter walls makes it easier for the pussy to get in and out of the box

Step 2. Maintain a consistent, stress-free routine
In addition to reduced mobility, older cats may experience decreased vision and hearing. This can make him feel insecure about his ability to move in the environment where he lives. By setting a consistent feeding and play schedule, you can make him feel more secure and comfortable in the environment he lives in.

Step 3. Give the pussy a massage
By giving him a massage, you can relax tense muscles and joints, and stimulate blood circulation. In addition, massage also makes him feel more connected to you. Keep in mind that a sense of connectedness is a very important aspect for older cats. Massage also allows you to check the overall condition of his body and see if there are lumps that require further examination by a veterinarian.
- Make sure you massage it gently and carefully.
- Do massage in circular motion (with a small radius). Start massaging behind the ears and gradually move towards the neck. From the neck, continue the massage towards the back.
- Make sure you avoid areas that are painful for the pussy.

Step 4. Comb your cat's fur
With stiff muscles and joints, the pus may not be able to clean itself effectively, compared to when it was young. Make sure you use a comb or soft-bristled brush when combing their fur, as their skin becomes more sensitive than the skin of a young cat.
- If he feels comfortable and allows you, cut his paws. His claws may need to be trimmed more often (every few weeks) if he doesn't use the claw posts you provided often. Do not cut the paws until they reach the flesh under the paws because there are veins that reach the center of the claws.
- A cat's paws usually bend toward the soles of their feet if they are left long. This of course will make the pussy feel very uncomfortable. Therefore, you should start trimming his claws when he seems unable to use his claws anymore to prevent the claws from growing too long.

Step 5. Change the food
Older cats have different nutritional needs than younger cats. When he reaches 7 to 9 years of age, begin to replace his food with a special food for older cats. With this change, he can get the right and balanced nutritional intake.
- Change the type of food in 5 days by following the comparison between the old food and the new food as follows: first day (20% new food, 80% old food), second day (40% new food, 60% old food), third day (60% new food, 40% old food), the fourth day (80% new food, 20% old food), and the fifth day (100% new food).
- The pus may also need dietary supplements (eg probiotics, fatty acids, etc.), depending on her health condition.
- Consult your veterinarian before you change the type of food.

Step 6. Place extra bedding on your cat's bed
The pussy will certainly be happy with the extra bedding when she sleeps. In addition to sore joints, the pussy may also lose muscle mass so that he feels uncomfortable when sleeping.
- There are many ways to pamper the pussy. Have fun and get creative by giving her extra care.
- If you want to pamper him on the go, take him to a cat spa or fancy cat hotel.
- If you don't feel comfortable cutting off your pussy's claws, ask your veterinarian or veterinarian to do so.
- Horizontal claw posts are more suitable for older cats who can still claw, but have difficulty using vertical claw posts.