Cats, like humans, can sometimes feel clumsy and have difficulty defecating. If you notice your cat is sitting in her litter box for a long time, she may be constipated. There are some home remedies you can try to make your cat feel more comfortable and your vet can provide good advice and medication to help your cat.
Method 1 of 3: Knowing When Your Cat Is Constipated

Step 1. Monitor whether the cat can urinate normally
A healthy cat can urinate 2-3 times a day. Difficulty urinating due to a bladder infection, bladder stones, or blockage is a serious problem and is very different from constipation. Check the cat's litter box to see how much he urinates each day.

Step 2. Check how much the cat is defecating
If your cat stays in the litter box very long, he may be constipated, but he may also have diarrhea. Cats will spend a long time in their litter box if they have diarrhea. Cats pass only a small amount of feces which can be misunderstood as constipation.
- A healthy cat will defecate once a day. Cat litter should be firm and intact.
- Often cats appear constipated but there are some conditions that look similar at first. You will need to pay close attention to the cat to make sure no distinct problems arise.

Step 3. Look for constipation symptoms
Cats may have one or more of the following symptoms; if so, contact your veterinarian to consult about the possibility of constipation in cats.
- Difficulty trying to defecate
- Stools are small, hard, or dry
- The stool is covered in mucus or blood
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Sluggish
- Gag
- Signs of abdominal discomfort

Step 4. Make an appointment with the vet
If you notice your cat has been in the litter box for a long time or if you suspect constipation, take your cat to the vet immediately for a check-up. The vet is able to determine if the cat needs medication or a dietary change, such as switching to a special cat food that is high in fiber.
Don't let a constipated cat take her to the vet for too long – this could be a sign of something much more serious than simply being constipated. Cats can get in a lot of trouble from holding on to waste and contaminants, including a blocked colon (large intestine) and megacolon (largely enlarged colon)
Method 2 of 3: Overcoming Constipation

Step 1. Ask your vet if your cat needs medical attention
Your cat may need to be given an enema and/or sedative so that the feces can be removed manually. The longer your cat has been constipated, the harder and harder the stool will be to pass. An enema is a lubricant that is inserted into the rectum through the anus to soften the blockage of feces and help the cat to expel it.
- Your cat may just need to be given a microenema, which is used in a similar way to taking body temperature.
- In more serious cases of constipation, sedation or general anesthesia may be needed to clear the cat's digestive tract and remove the blockage.
- Sometimes, the cause of constipation in cats is a tumor that must be treated with surgery. If your cat has an enlarged colon due to long-term constipation so that the muscles are no longer able to push feces out of the body, surgery may be needed to remove the cat's colon.

Step 2. Give your vet prescribed medication
If your vet prescribes medication to treat constipation, you will need to use a drip or syringe to administer the medication to your cat.
- Be sure to prepare pre-measured and prepared medications. Also prepare small food for the cat.
- Give the cat food before giving the medicine.
- Place the cat on a thigh-high surface such as a bed or kitchen table with the cat's hind legs facing you. Give your cat soothing caresses and facial strokes.
- Grasp the head, then with the thumb and forefinger, grasp the upper jaw in front of the jaw joint and grip. The cat's mouth will open; there's probably some claws trying to fight back. Having someone else hold the cat's shoulder at the same time is helpful.
- Hold the syringe or dropper in your right hand. Gently push the dropper between the cat's back (or side) teeth, so that it goes into the back of the mouth. Drop the medicine.
- Give your cat a small treat immediately to get rid of thoughts of what just happened. If the cat struggles and is difficult to control, wrap her in a large bath towel.
- When giving liquid medicine to a cat, make sure you wash the drip or syringe in hot water and use it for one animal only. Discard the device after the medication has been given.

Step 3. Add mashed pumpkin or butternut squash to cat food
If your cat is having a really hard time defecating and is still behaving and eating normally, add pureed pumpkin or butternut squash to her diet for added fiber. You can also use canned pumpkin.
Add a few teaspoons of pumpkin to your cat's food. Canned food is recommended because it is easier to hide pumpkin than dry food. Some cats may like the taste of pumpkin, while others need something like canned food to hide the pumpkin by mixing it evenly with something delicious
Method 3 of 3: Preventing Constipation

Step 1. Provide a balanced diet
Make sure your cat is eating a balanced diet formulated for cats. If you're not sure what your cat should eat, check with your veterinarian for a balanced diet.
Cats need fiber-rich foods to treat chronic constipation. Your vet can help you determine this if necessary

Step 2. Switch to canned food
Giving your cat canned food can help with constipation. Canned foods typically contain 75 percent or more liquid and promote healthy digestion and elimination of waste.

Step 3. Give the cat enough fish
While fish won't supply your cat with the nutrients it needs, tuna can help stimulate her appetite. Oily fish like mackerel and sardines can help with constipation.

Step 4. Make sure the cat has easy access to fresh water
Dehydration can be a cause of constipation. Also, if your cat eats only dry food, it will need to drink more water than a cat who eats canned food.
- Keep a bowl of fresh water in a location that is easy for the cat to reach, preferably next to his dinner plate.
- Some cats prefer to drink running water, such as from a sink faucet or a kitty water fountain.

Step 5. Keep the cat's weight under control
Constipation is more common in overweight cats than normal-weight cats. Look at resources such as the Body Condition Scoring Chart to find out if a cat is too heavy or not. This table can help you distinguish between very thin, thin, medium, fat, and very fat.
If you have any questions, consult your veterinarian

Step 6. Add olive oil to canned cat food
Olive oil acts as an intestinal lubricant and helps spread food throughout the cat's body. Add or teaspoon of olive oil to canned cat food.

Step 7. Try psyllium husk
Psyllium is and is commonly used to aid digestive and intestinal health (common brands for human consumption are Metamucil and Fiberall). Pet food products are available at pet stores.
Add to teaspoon of psyllium husk to canned foods to add fiber to the diet to help keep digestion working

Step 8. Shave the fur on a long-haired cat
If you have a long-haired cat, trim the fur around the cat's back to keep the fur from getting tangled. This will keep the area clean. This will also help prevent constipation. When feces become entangled with hair, it can clog inside the anus and cause constipation.

Step 9. Clean long-haired cats regularly
Long-haired cats also swallow a lot of fur when grooming themselves. Keep your cat's coat untangled by cleaning it regularly.
Some cats may benefit from having their coat shaved once or twice a year

Step 10. Give the cat hair balls
Some cats, especially those with long hair, may need medication to reduce the amount of hair in their digestive tract. Clumping medication is available in a variety of cat-safe flavors such as tuna, which contains a petroleum-based gut lubricant. It is useful to use this medication several times a week for long-haired cats to prevent the hair from accumulating in the digestive tract.
Some of the common products are Laxatone and Petromalt which are available in tube form

Step 11. Keep the litter box clean
A clean litter box will encourage cats to use it regularly. Clean the litter at least every other day if you have a cat and clean the litter every other day if you have more than one cat.
Some cats don't like litter boxes with strong scents, so use a litter box without added fragrance
Although petroleum jelly has long been used to treat constipation and hair clots, it should not be used long term; Since this is a petroleum-based product, it can block the absorption of food nutrients
- Many cats, once constipated, will need special food and supplements for life. If the cat is overweight, weight loss is a must. Many cats need treatment to soften their stools and/or medication to improve gut motility for life.
- If your cat is still having problems, visit the vet immediately.