3 Ways to Recognize a Lost Pet Cat

3 Ways to Recognize a Lost Pet Cat
3 Ways to Recognize a Lost Pet Cat

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A stray cat may have socialized with humans or been kept by someone so that they are used to living with humans throughout their lives. There are many people who mistake a stray cat and think of it as an unoccupied stray cat. Recognizing the signs of a stray cat can help you determine what to do next. The characteristics of this cat is quite difficult to recognize. However, by studying their behavior, looking for signs of ownership, and actively looking for the owner, you can definitely tell the difference between a stray cat and a stray cat.


Method 1 of 3: Analyzing Cat Behavior

Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 1
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 1

Step 1. Pay attention to whether the cat is approaching you

A cat's behavior towards humans can be an important indicator of whether it is a stray cat or not. Because pet cats are used to socializing, aka often around humans and living at home, they are usually not as vicious as feral cats. Stand or sit near the cat and see if it approaches you. If so, it's probably a stray pet cat.

  • Squat down so that your body is level with the cat. This will keep the cat from feeling threatened.
  • Pay attention to whether the cat is approaching the house or vehicle on its own. It is more common for pet cats to do this.
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 2
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 2

Step 2. Approach the cat

If the cat doesn't approach you on its own, try to approach it. The cat may be used to socializing, but is afraid of you. Try to walk slowly towards the cat while speaking softly. If the cat stays quiet or wants to be petted after being courted, it may be someone's pet cat.

Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 3
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 3

Step 3. Find out if the cat is alone

Stray cats usually travel alone, while feral cats often travel in groups. Notice if the cat is traveling with other cats. Otherwise, he may be lost.

Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 4
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 4

Step 4. Pay attention to his body language

A cat's body language can also provide clues as to whether it is a pet or just a wild animal. Pet cats that are allowed to roam free have the same body language as domestic cats. Look for the following signs:

  • Watch the way he walks. If the cat walks with its tail up – a sign that it wants to be friendly – it is probably a domestic cat that has lived in the house. However, if he often crawls or lowers his body to the ground while lowering his tail to protect himself, he is likely an abandoned stray cat.
  • Pet cats usually want to make eye contact with you, while feral cats don't.
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 5
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 5

Step 5. Listen to the cat's voice

The type of sound a cat makes can be a sign to distinguish a pet cat from a stray cat. Pet cats will meow to "answer" people who ask them. Depending on how long he's been away from home or living alone, the cat may purr when you approach him. On the other hand, ownerless feral cats are usually silent.

Method 2 of 3: Looking for Signs of Possession

Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 6
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 6

Step 1. Pay attention to the necklace

Cats that are kept are usually put on a necklace. Most pet owners wear collars with names and phone numbers to call if the cat gets lost. If you believe the cat is being kept by someone, check to see if it is wearing a collar.

Just because a cat doesn't wear a collar doesn't mean it's not being cared for. It's possible that the cat lost its necklace or it was never bought

Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 7
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 7

Step 2. Check the cat's health condition

Another feature that distinguishes a pet cat from a stray cat is its health condition. Does the cat look thin and malnourished? Is he hurt? Does he seem stressed? All of these things can be an indication that a cat is someone's pet and so he can't find food on his own or get the help he needs.

  • Unfortunately, these factors are quite difficult to analyze. For example, the cat may look healthy and fat – you can't see the ribs and the weight seems normal – but she looks very hungry. Maybe this cat hasn't been missing for too long, but is feeling hungry because it's not used to looking for food on its own outside the house.
  • On the other hand, you may find a cat that is skinny, but doesn't appear hungry. Maybe he is a wild animal that always lives outdoors. He doesn't seem hungry because he knows how to find his own food, but he doesn't get the same nutrition as a pet cat. Do your best based on your own judgment, both in terms of appearance and behavior of the cat.
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 8
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 8

Step 3. Pay attention to the condition of the fur

Pet cats usually look a little dirty and unkempt. Since he is usually indoors and regularly cleaned, he may not know how to clean himself properly. Stray cats usually look clean and tidy even though they live in the wild.

Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 9
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 9

Step 4. Notice the missing ear tips

When a cat is neutered, doctors sometimes cut off one end of the ear to indicate that surgery has been performed. This is done so that the missing cat does not have to be traumatized by unnecessary surgery. If the cat you found is missing one ear tip, it's possible that it has a family and is being cared for by someone.

Method 3 of 3: Finding the Lost Cat's Owner

Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 10
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 10

Step 1. Ask your neighbors

The only sure way to tell if a cat is a stray or a pet is to find its owner. A stray pet cat usually goes not far from his home. Try to find the owner by asking neighbors if they have lost a cat or if any of their acquaintances have lost a cat.

  • It's a good idea to bring a photo of the cat when you ask.
  • Post a photo of the cat along with the information it found on social media to help locate the owner. This method allows you to grab more attention in a relatively short time than going door to door.
  • In addition, you can create a “lost” poster that includes a photo of the cat along with a contact number to find information about the cat's owner.
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 11
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 11

Step 2. Check for the presence of a microchip

If you can catch the cat easily, take him to the vet for a microchip scan. If the cat is implanted with a microchip, it usually has some information about the owner and how to contact him.

Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 12
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 12

Step 3. Attach the paper necklace

It's possible that the cat owner doesn't know that his pet likes to roam outside. If so, it's a good idea to attach a paper collar to the cat's neck whenever possible. Include a message like “This cat has been stopping by my house a lot lately. Call the following number if you are the owner.” Be sure to include a phone number or email address so the owner can contact you. If your cat roams around during the day but comes home at night, this will let the owner know about the habit.

Do not leave paper necklaces on for too long as this can irritate the cat. If you haven't received any calls for several days after setting it up, remove the item if possible

Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 13
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 13

Step 4. Contact the nearest animal shelter

Contact the nearest animal shelter to find out if there have been reports of missing cats. If so, the shelter may be able to provide contact information or contact the owner to return the lost cat.

It's a good idea to give an idea of what the cat looks like and where you found it, then leave your contact information at each animal shelter so they can contact you if there are reports of people losing cats that match the description above

Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 14
Know if a Cat Is a Stray Step 14

Step 5. Report a missing cat online

There are also various online resources, such as PetsLocated.com, that can help reunite owners with their lost pets. The website maintains a database of “lost and “found” animal information, and performs ongoing cross-searches to match data between lost and found pets. Enter the information about the cat you find through this database to help locate the owner.
