Dating a woman for a long period of time is one thing, but keeping her happy is another. Sometimes, you will have a hard time knowing what he wants or feel lazy or forget to show that you love him. Even though it takes effort in the relationship, you will get what it deserves. Follow the instructions in this article to keep your boyfriend happy.
Part 1 of 4: Making Her Feel Special

Step 1. Treat her like a princess
Open the door for him, offer him to put on your jacket, pull up a chair for him and stand up when he enters the room. He will love the little acts. When you ask her out, never ask her to pay or split the bill. Girls like guys who pay the dinner bill like it's no big deal. However, if he doesn't like it, don't force him to help.

Step 2. Praise him
Tell her she's beautiful, especially when she least thinks about it. Girls can go to great lengths to try to look beautiful and she will be happy if you notice.
- Make compliments meaningful and honest. Instead of saying "Your hair is beautiful," try saying "I really like the way you styled your hair tonight! Your hair looks so soft and beautiful." Use different phrases that show that you are wise.
- Don't be shy about complimenting him or showing affection in front of other people. Real men will not be ashamed to show the world that they have found a good woman. Your boyfriend will love that. People talk about something they value in public. Instantly, he'll feel like a priority if you're confident enough to show the world how you feel about him. Hold her hand at the mall or place your arm around her while in the movies whenever she feels comfortable. Make a gesture or ask him if you have any doubts.

Step 3. Watch him
After you've been in a relationship for a certain amount of time, you may forget to make him feel special. Some guys also ignore their boyfriends on purpose as a way to get back at him or to punish him.
- Let him know that you are thinking of him. For example, send a short message while you're thinking about it. Make sure not to send messages that your friends or family don't want to read. Try to send "good morning" messages with short words of encouragement as often as possible. Girls love to know that he is the first thing on her boyfriend's mind when he starts his day.
- Never dismiss it as a way of being manipulative. You will really hurt him. If you ignore him often, he will break up with you. Don't let him wait for you to call or talk to him. If you have a problem, say so. After an argument occurs, wait a few hours or a day to calm the hot emotions so that the desire for each other outweighs the anger. Then, there will be a good opportunity to repair the relationship again. Be prepared to apologize even if you feel like he's the one who should apologize first. However, keep your integrity. In a dispute, both parties usually cause injury and each party has the right to have an opinion. If you wait days, he will feel dumped and his feelings will be cut off.

Step 4. Be spontaneous
Surprise him with flowers or notes if he likes these things. Take him to romantic dinners, unplanned days and weekends.
- Take him to a new place. Many girls will get bored if you keep bringing them to the same place (unless it's a special place for both of you). Therefore, try to change it a little. You should enjoy new places with him because you will have new topics of conversation and memories together.
- Be sure to plan things out in his spare time in the evening/day/weekend when you know he has business to attend to. Ask about his schedule in a casual way so he doesn't know you're up to something. Have a plan B, too, if he doesn't feel happy to be part of your plan. For example, if you invite him to swim, you need to know when the time is right for him or he will decline the invitation.
- If possible, surprise him with a love song or a short poem, or if you find a poem that truly describes how you feel, send him the poem or a link.

Step 5. Reply to calls and messages
You need to be responsive when your girlfriend calls, unless she says you don't need to call her back. Let him know that you're thinking of him even when you're not with him. Women will feel restless when ignored. A confident woman is a happy woman and a happy woman is nice to her boyfriend.

Step 6. Surprise him with a gift
You can even give him a small gift like his favorite candy bar. Listen when he tells you something he wants and continue to surprise him by giving him something special. However, don't try to "buy" it with luxury.
- Do not give gifts in a tight time. Take some time and think carefully. What does he like? Music? Shawl? Soft bracelet? Special perfume? Does he have collectibles? Does he have a wish list that can be bought somewhere? Did he mention a wish lately? Maybe you can ask your mother or best friend for an opinion. Remembering what he valued was more important than the price of the item.
- Never forget important holidays or anniversaries that are meaningful to both of you. Listen for clues he has to say about what he wants. A meaningful gift will show him that you care. Take him to the mall and watch what he says.
- Give him something he can wear every day to remind him how much you care for him. A pendant with your image on it can make a wonderful gift.
- If he gives you a gift for the holiday and you don't give him a gift, he may be upset (even if he doesn't admit it). If this happened in the past, make sure it doesn't happen again, replace it with some surprise gifts.
- Gifts can illustrate how much you respect and appreciate him and are ready to sacrifice for him. Self-made items are often appreciated as when you create a custom design. Make it if you are talented.
- Do not repeat gifts unless they have a special significance, such as on anniversaries. Also, if he finds out that you gave the same gift to another girl, he won't like the gift.

Step 7. Make him laugh
Use jokes in a natural way. You don't have to tell a dry joke every time unless you like those things. Know the types of jokes he likes. When he's upset, try to cheer him up with a joke. If he's laughing at something, try to understand it and laugh together. Show him that you like jokes and funny sayings.

Step 8. Appreciate him
Remember that your boyfriend is not your "stuff". Pay attention to his opinions and desires even if they differ from yours. Don't make her feel stupid just because she doesn't agree on anything with you. Living side by side with our duplicate self is considered very boring. Disagreements can give you another perspective on life. A person may be able to win the discussion but lose his affection.
Part 2 of 4: Becoming Someone You Can Trust

Step 1. Keep promises and be responsible
- Come on time, a maximum of 10 minutes late and keep your promise to him as well as to others. Women judge a boyfriend who can't keep his promises as someone who is not secure enough for a serious relationship. If you can't keep your word, tell him beforehand and keep your promise later so he'll see that you're a man he can trust. Promises not kept are often equated with lies. Apologizing is better than blaming circumstances. Over time, he will feel your real priorities.
- Show a sense of responsibility by studying, working and money. It can show that you can be responsible for the family in the future. An irresponsible man can easily be judged as a partner who is not serious and not determined.

Step 2. Be sensitive when you talk about female friends
If you want to get your boyfriend to be friends with girlfriends or trust you in friendships with other women, never compliment the physical characteristics of these female friends.
- If you have positive things about a girl friend, tell her about her personality like she is warm, friendly or creative. If it's really clear, say smart, famous, sporty etc. Whatever you do, don't start with, "My friend is coming here and I want you to meet her. You'll love her. She's beautiful! All my friends can't stop staring at her. As she walks, the whole conversation stops because all the guys are staring at her!"
- Understand that maybe your boyfriend is just suspicious of your female friends at first. Always compliment your boyfriend so he knows he's the only one in the world that you have. Your friendships with female friends will be more well received if you follow this step. Avoid frequent meetings with female friends who do not have stable relationships. Let him know that he can be a good match for other people. Talk about your girlfriends or girlfriends, too.

Step 3. Tell the truth about what's important but also know when lying for good is necessary
Lies will lead to suspicion and distrust between the two of you which may be irreversible. Relationships can end simply because of distrust.
- Show that you can be trusted with deeds. The conversations you have with other women should never limit them to being flirty and intimate. He needs to know that he can trust you in word and deed even in small things. If you're having a hard time with this, you may not be ready for a relationship and need to question why you feel the need to flirt with other women. View other women only as human beings, not as potential partners.
- When in a relationship, never tell him that other women are prettier than he is. If he asks if other women are prettier than he is, the answer should always be "NO!"
- Never talk about really beautiful celebrities. This will only make him uncomfortable and he will get mad at you for it. When you need to comment on the beauty of someone like Angelina Jolie or Scarlett Johansson, always remind your boyfriend that he is prettier in your eyes.

Step 4. Tell him your secret
Be open to him when you are not open to most people. When you show that you trust him, he's more likely to believe you too. Keep it a secret while he does the same. You can show him a side that is rarely revealed to your friends. Don't share personal things with the other person that could irritate him if he finds out. Keep his authority.

Step 5. Have good etiquette online or on the phone
When in a relationship, make sure to show your relationship status on your Facebook account. Be proud of him so he will feel proud of you. Show your family and friends that you're serious about him so he won't worry if you glance at other women.
- If someone is flirting with you online, tell your boyfriend right away. If you keep it a secret and he is already feeling restless, it will only make his anxiety worse.
- Don't communicate with other women via email, text messages or social networks without letting your boyfriend know what you're doing. If you're flirting with someone via text and your boyfriend finds out about the message, he's going to be upset. Invite him to look through the mailbox if he's in doubt. You have to make sure even to yourself that you have chosen her and got rid of all the other women so that she will feel it.

Step 6. Defend him in front of others
If someone teases him, defend him. Girls need to know that their boyfriend stands up for them all the time, that's a very long-standing need. How would you feel if he chose to be on his friend's or your friend's side over yours? Let him know that he can depend on you to defend him. On the way, it is often men who need help so you are considered wise if you show a readiness to "be willing to sacrifice for him". A brilliant man's career will collapse easily if his woman does not support him.
Part 3 of 4: Be Compromising

Step 1. Make an effort to get to know his friends and family
If his friends and family don't like you, they will convince him that you don't deserve him. Always act like a man around his friends and family so they will encourage him to keep in touch with you. You probably won't like them as much as he likes them. However, you should still try to be nice because you care about him. Remember the names and details of the people who are important to him.

Step 2. Balance the time you spend with friends and with your boyfriend
Never make him think that you prefer friends over him. At the same time, you need to connect with someone other than your boyfriend. Show that you have a happy and social life, are not always dependent on it, and that you are strong enough to support it. Make sure to balance it all.

Step 3. Never let it go
Remember that he can leave you so you will have to do your best to keep him happy in order to keep him as a girlfriend. Make sure that he will feel like he's missing something big if he loses you. If you want to keep him, it's time to start treating him like a real man would. Never expect there will be a great woman again…
- Don't prioritize hobbies, video games, YouTube, music or any other passion over her. Never listen to music with the earpiece sitting next to him or even with just one earpiece. Explain why and for how long if you have a job or study that is distracting.
- When he's on a date with you but doesn't go there so you can play games on your iPhone and text your friends. If you do, he'll think you're being rude and won't want to spend time with him as other people think. You can do this for as long as you want while he's not around. If he thinks that you spend a lot of time on less serious things, he will think that you won't work hard to earn a good income later on. He will think that you will only be a financial burden for him.

Step 4. Give each other space
Don't limit your boyfriend. Make him feel happy every time he sees or hears you. If you limit him, he will feel overwhelmed which can ruin a good relationship. Every thing has its own time. If a person feels that time studying, working, hobbies or sleeping is spent on trivial things, it can be a tension rather than a joy. Help each other to be efficient and to spend free time together whenever that happens.

Step 5. Be willing to change
If he mentions something you do that annoys him, change your behavior with joy.
- Women are the ones who are often hurt in relationships. If he is constantly hurt, you will lose him. Some women can and will accept bad things from their boyfriends. However, as time goes on, she will realize that she can find someone who will treat her the way she wants. Plus, if you hurt him, he'll tell his friends about it.
- You don't need to change yourself, but compromise is needed on both sides when there are minor problems. He will be willing to do the same for you. Both parties should be satisfied in the end, but sometimes you have to act first. If it feels one-sided and one party is dissatisfied, there is no foundation for a relationship.

Step 6. Be sensitive to your boyfriend/date
Women will feel slighted if a man dominates too much and doesn't give him space for leading positions such as paying for food or helping the man. Some women will feel insulted if they can't invite a second and third date especially in a culture that prioritizes gender equality. If they have income, they also want to demonstrate the ability not to be a wild racer, needing men for their own safety. It's all about love, not just profit. Balancing everything with mutual understanding can provide opportunities for healthy relationships. Paying attention to other people's feelings is more important than rigid gender roles
Part 4 of 4: Understand His Needs

Step 1. Don't be predictable or treat your boyfriend as predictable
Understand his feelings and make a sweet surprise.
- Everyone has a unique set of love languages. What can touch their heart when they feel loved and appreciated when other expressions may not be encouraging at all. The most common things are: words of support (not mere flattery), time priority, acts of service, gifts, physical touch, truly understanding others, remembering details that were said before, and not showing any obvious faults. For example, a bunch of flowers for a woman can mean homemade food for a man and vice versa. Explain your love language too so that he won't feel bad if he does things with certain intentions that don't make you happy.
- Massage is a trump card because few people don't like it. If the situation permits, a foot massage may be less intimidating and treat the massage as genuine concern without having to do with sensuality.
- Women know that men can "show love" to be able to have sex and will feel cheated and cheap if they do. If he feels unappreciated, fear will arise in his heart and it will happen again. Never think that "sex" is the same as "giving love" to women. Make sure it is for HIM. Show love to make him feel fulfilled. Sooner or later, she can't help but show her love in her own way that men really understand…
- Women like men who work hard to show affection. Don't get too comfortable in the relationship. Do it again what you did when you got it and you will be amazed at the reward given by him.
- Remember that women like romantic things. Don't stop doing romantic things like a romantic dinner or buying her flowers.
- Be aware that women usually have higher standards of hygiene than men and can easily get fed up with smells, dirt and other things related to poor hygiene. Bad smells or unkempt clothes can make him sick. He can also think about having to do some house cleaning in the future…
- Never flirt with other people during a relationship. This can make him feel that you are giving other people the priority he deserves.