The cockatiel is a bird native to Australia. He is often cared for and can be a good friend. Here are some tips to keep your little furry friend happy and healthy.
Part 1 of 3: Preparing the Cockatiel House

Step 1. Choose the right cage size
Make sure your cage is the right size for the Cockatiel. The cage must be large enough for the cockatiel to spread its wings, even when other birds or objects are in the cage. Remember, the smaller the feeding cage the longer the Cockatiel will have to spend time outside to allow her to get enough exercise and mental stimulation.
- Look for a cage that is easy to clean. Remember, birds will poop every ten to fifteen minutes.
- Check if your hand can get into it without any problem.
- Cockatiels should have enough room to spread their wings.

Step 2. Install the perch
Make sure there is enough perch in the cage for the Cockatiel to walk and jump around in the cage. When properly positioned, Cockatiels can also fly between these perches. Natural wood and rope perches are ideal choices.
- Do not place perches directly on top of others as Cockatiels cannot fly at sharp vertical angles.
- Try making steps or platforms using perches to work around the vertical positioning.
- Avoid perches made of cement as they are hard on the bird's feet.
- Make sure the wood is safe for birds, for example eucalyptus.
- Peg or plastic perches can cause foot problems because the bird will lack room to exercise its legs.
- Avoid perches and toys made of Prunus or Oak trees. Both of these trees can be dangerous for Cockatiels.

Step 3. Place the toy in its cage
Variety is important. Like most parrots, Cockatiels enjoy destroying things. Crumbled toys and natural bushes are important to ensure he can chew on the right things.
- Prepare various variations. Cockatiel will be very happy if he has a lot of toys.
- Check with your veterinarian before adding natural shrubs, as not all trees and shrubs are safe for Cockatiels.
- Cockatiel will get bored of his toys. Rotate and clean toys every two weeks.

Step 4. Set up the bathing option
All birds must have a bath prepared for them. In addition to keeping it clean, bathing also provides physical and mental stimulation. Most pet stores sell Cockatiel bath tubs made of plastic to place in a cage.
- Some birds may prefer a spray bottle or bathing in the shower with their owners.
- You can gently spray water on the bird. Aim at it, not directly at the bird's body.
- Cockatiels are desert birds. He doesn't need to shower more than once a week.
- Change the water daily to prevent bacterial infection.
Part 2 of 3: Caring for Cockatiels

Step 1. Feed it right
There are a variety of pellet formulas available and designed by veterinarians. These pellets are able to provide nutrition and a balanced diet. In addition to store-bought pellets, Cockatiel also loves fruits and vegetables.
- Try offering corn, grapes, millet, or sunflower seeds as a snack.
- Try using pellets and vegetables to keep your bird's seed intake to a minimum (33% or less).
- A full or mostly grain diet is very high in fat, and will shorten the life expectancy of the Cockatiel.
- Never give chocolate, caffeine, or alcohol. All of these foods are toxic to birds.

Step 2. Keep an eye on the bird's health
Birds are often difficult to detect if they are not healthy. If you notice anything unusual in him, call the vet. Look for the following symptoms:
- Sudden loss of body weight
- Abnormal breathing
- Beak that secretes fluid
- Slime on bird feathers
- Abnormal behavior
- Visit the vet twice a year.
- If you keep more than one Cockatiel, immediately quarantine the sick.

Step 3. Give yourself enough sleep
Cockatiels need ten to twelve hours of sleep per night. He can only sleep as needed in a quiet and relatively dark place.
- This ten to twelve hours of time apart from all the rest sessions he might have during the day.
- You may need a separate sleeping cage if the environment is not quiet during the day for 10-12 hours at night.
- Cover three sides of the cage with a blanket to block out light and sound.
- Keep one side open for air circulation.
- Cockatiels are vulnerable to "fear of the dark" attacks. Place a small light near the cage so it doesn't get too stressed.

Step 4. Keep an eye on the length of the beak and nails
If the nails or the beak of the lips are too long, this means that he may have health problems. In the wild, birds' beaks and hooves will remain at their natural length.
- Long nails can get caught in toys/cages and get tangled, resulting in injury to birds.
- Problems perching can be caused by long nails. These nails can then trigger foot injuries.
- Long nails are also sharp. If the bird is perched on your hand, it may feel uncomfortable or you will get hurt.
- Use perches for grooming purposes so the bird can trim its own nails as it moves through the cage. Try placing these perches next to food and water for birds to use. These perches can be purchased at most pet supply stores.
- To help maintain the length of the beak, make sure the bird has plenty of toys. Playing with the beak will help scrape it so it stays at a healthy length. Lava rock and cuttlefish bone are useful things to help maintain a healthy beak length.
Part 3 of 3: Maintaining Stimulation for Cockatiels

Step 1. Encourage him to exercise
Cockatiels need regular exercise. Even if his wings are cut off, when he is healthy, he is still able to fly a little. Flying or taking walks indoors will help keep him happy and aroused.
- Make sure the bird is safe. Close windows and doors, turn off fans, and keep cats or other pets away.
- Try to stimulate him when he is outside the cage. Place treats in various areas and let Cockatiel approach them by walking or flying.
- Consider the cleanliness aspect. Birds are likely to defecate whenever they want, so keep them away from kitchen counters or furniture.

Step 2. Pamper the birds
Physically pampering her is a great way to build relationships and bond. When he is out of the cage, try to hold him gently – scratch his head and neck gently.
- Some Cockatiels are easier to hold than others.
- Birds will invite you to scratch their heads by looking down.
- Don't forget to wash your hands before and after touching birds.
- Don't force the bird if it doesn't want to be touched.
- Be careful. Birds are easily injured.

Step 3. Interact with Cockatiel
He is a smart bird and needs mental stimulation. Providing stimulation and interaction is a great way to maintain her happiness and develop a stronger bond with her. You can also train it to do tricks:
- Chat with him often, or read him a story.
- Start using instructions like "Up!" and "Get down!" to align it with finger movements.
- Repetition is key to getting your bird to act on your words.
- If you can't interact with the birds, turn on some music or the radio. Birds may even be able to imitate songs or dialogues they hear.
- Put the bird on a tennis ball and help it practice its balance. The bird will eventually rise itself to the top of the ball.
- Never yell at or hit a Cockatiel.
- When training your bird, focus on positive support at all times.

Step 4. Try playing with Cockatiel
Playing can be a good way to help him stay aroused and learn new things. It can also help the bird to begin to bond with you. Try some of the following games:
- Dance with Cockatiel. Move your head up and down, or from side to side, to the beat of the song. Cockatiels have a sense of rhythm and will often turn their heads to your movements and the music.
- Play music for him. Play an instrument, whistle, or sing to keep him entertained. When Cockatiel is exposed to some songs at a fairly frequent frequency, he may even learn to sing them back for you.
- Play hide and seek with the birds. Take the bird to a room and release it slowly. Go to the corner of the new room and call him. Show your head so he can see and say “Find me!” before going back to hiding his head. When the bird finds you, scratch its head and tell it it's smart.

Step 5. Consider buying another Cockatiel
Cockatiels are birds who love to socialize and make friends. If you leave him often, you can prepare another bird as a friend.
- Purchase a second cage for your new Cockatiel.
- Place the cages separately for ninety days and check if the new bird is sick. Don't let your two birds get sick.
- If the Cockatiel is healthy only after ninety days have passed, you can bring the cage closer to the old Cockatiel cage.
- First, schedule separate times to get each bird out of its cage.
- Finally, you can get them both out at the same time. Watch both birds carefully because fights are possible. Every hiss, scream, bite, or strike means you have to put them both back in the cage.
- Over time these two birds can develop a bond, even visiting each other's cage.
- Never force interactions and birds to share a cage.
- Bird's lungs are sensitive and easily damaged.
- Be aware of smoke in the bird's environment.
- Teflon from an overheated pan is a serious hazard.
- Caustic cleaning agents, cigarette smoke, in addition to overly strong perfumes, can be harmful to Cockatiels.