The many options, opinions, and diet programs for slimming make this quite confusing. The good news is that you can slim down simply by changing your diet, exercising regularly, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Instead of completely changing your daily routine, start making small changes while doing your usual activities, for example by moving more and eating nutritious foods. This way, you will be able to consistently apply new habits and achieve the set targets while living a more enjoyable day.
Method 1 of 3: Changing Your Diet
Step 1. Watch for any hunger impulses and stop eating once you're not hungry
One of the body's natural functions is to count calories and regulate food portions. Every time you eat or snack, eat small portions of food until the hunger is gone, instead of until you are full or full so that your calorie intake is not excessive. Forming new habits is not easy and takes time, but you can do it!
- Don't continue eating once your stomach starts to stretch, feels full, or you're a little sleepy.
- Some commercial or crash diets require you to calculate your calorie intake, carbohydrates, or other indicators, but this method is difficult to do or maintain.
Ignore the Fast Diet: Diet programs that promote weight loss in a short time, suggest that you take supplements, or strictly limit the consumption of all kinds of food ingredients are usually only high-profile promises that are difficult to materialize. The most effective and safe way to lose weight and keep it off in the long term is to make small, incremental changes to your lifestyle. An extreme diet program, exercising too hard, or not exercising at all has a negative impact on health.
Step 2. Form a habit of eating while focusing on eating slowly
This method helps you reduce the portion of food and feel full enough with small portions. Get used to eating while sitting and avoid distractions while eating, for example by turning off your cellphone or television. Make every movement mindfully, for example, while chewing food and observe the occasional physical sensation so that you become aware once the hunger is gone.
- Before eating, ask yourself, "Do I want to eat because I'm hungry, bored, stressed, or excited?" If you're not eating because you're hungry, do something else.
- Each meal, set aside 20-30 minutes to eat food. Put down a spoon while chewing food, take a sip of water, or invite family members and friends to chat.
- While eating, pay attention to the taste, texture, color, and aroma of the food so you can focus and eat slowly.

Step 3. Eat fat-free protein sources to reduce calorie intake and keep the body energized
Meet protein needs so that you feel full longer so you don't want to eat snacks. Fat-free protein needs can be met by consuming low-fat dairy products, eggs, poultry, fat-free beef, seafood, legumes, and tofu.
- Consume a source of fat-free protein with every meal or snack to keep your diet balanced and keep you full throughout the day.
- In general, adults need 60-170 grams of protein per day by eating beef, poultry, seafood, eggs, legumes, and beans.
- Consume 2-3 servings of dairy products per day. A serving of dairy products can be 1 cup (240 milliliters) of milk, 40 grams of cheese, or 230 grams of yogurt.

Step 4. Eat whole grains to meet the needs of fiber, iron, and carbohydrates that slowly raise blood sugar levels
As much as possible, choose whole grains as a source of vitamins and minerals, rather than refined grains. When buying groceries, choose whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, or brown rice. Avoid white bread and processed foods.
- Whole grains are digested more slowly, so the process of releasing carbohydrates and energy takes longer than refined grains. In addition to preventing daytime sleepiness, these foods keep you full longer.
- Compared to whole grains, refined grains take longer to process so their nutritional content is reduced. If other foods are not available, you can eat refined grains occasionally, but as much as possible, choose whole grains.
- Consume 3-8 servings of whole grains daily according to age and intensity of daily activity. A serving of whole grains can be a slice of whole wheat bread, 125 grams of brown rice or whole wheat pasta, or 5 whole wheat crackers.

Step 5. Meet the needs of essential vitamins by eating fruits and vegetables with every meal
Eating fruits and vegetables is useful to reduce calorie intake, but nutritional needs are met. As much as possible, consume fruits and vegetables as a snack while living your daily life.
- Besides being high in fiber, fruits and vegetables keep you full longer after you finish eating.
- Provide fresh fruit on the dining table so that it is ready to eat if you are hungry. Chop carrots, celery, or bell peppers and eat them with humus.
- If you don't have fresh fruit or vegetables, you can freeze them too! The content of vitamins and minerals will last longer if fruits and vegetables are frozen.
- Consume 175-350 grams of fruits and 150-450 grams of vegetables daily.

Step 6. Reduce calorie intake by reducing the frequency of eating processed foods
These foods are commonly called "empty calories" because they do not contain vitamins, minerals, protein, or fiber that are beneficial to the body. However, this kind of food is hard to avoid because it is usually very delicious! If you eat processed foods, balance them with other foods, such as whole grains or fresh vegetables.
- Avoid nutrient-dense foods, such as white bread, cookies, cakes, processed meats, frozen foods, chips, crackers, canned foods, and sugary juices.
- If you only have processed food at home, that's okay! You can still lose weight and slim down. However, do not often eat processed foods and balance it by eating fresh food.

Step 7. Make sure to stay hydrated to delay hunger
Don't get tired of reading messages reminding you to drink lots of water! Dehydration makes you hungry faster. So, take time to sip water as often as possible during daily activities.
- In general, adult men need to drink 3.7 liters of fluids a day and adult women 2.7 liters a day. Fluid intake may be increased or decreased according to age and intensity of daily activity. In addition to sourced from food and other fluids, try to fulfill most of your fluid needs by drinking water.
- Drink a large glass of water before eating so that the portion of the meal can be reduced.
Step 8. Do a hobby activity so you don't go looking for snacks or eat impulsively
Sometimes, you don't eat to increase your energy, but to distract yourself from certain emotions, overcome boredom, or because you like the menu! If you're tempted to grab a snack from the cupboard, ask yourself why you want to eat. If you're not hungry, do other activities so you don't eat and break the habit of snacking as a distraction.
- Choose a hobby activity that interests you the most, such as reading a book, writing a diary, doing crossword puzzles, knitting, playing video games, calling friends, and so on. That way, you stay focused when the urge to eat a snack is tempting.
- If you have a favorite food, such as chocolate, save it for a certain time or day. Instead of snacking to your heart's content, looking forward to your meal schedule makes the snack more enjoyable and you don't overindulge. For example, you schedule eating toast every Saturday morning instead of every morning.
Method 2 of 3: Applying a Healthy Lifestyle

Step 1. Move your body more often to burn excess calories
One of the effective ways to lose weight is to ensure that you use more calories than you consume and the best way to do this is to exercise. Do physical activity while carrying out your daily routine and increase the intensity so that you move more each day.
For example, if your main daily physical activity is climbing the stairs to your work or laundry, set aside time for a 20-30 minute walk a day, 3-4 times a week as an extra activity
determine how to increase movement while going about your daily life. Start small, instead of making drastic changes. For example: use the stairs if you are used to taking the elevator, stand up while working if you have been working while sitting, walk in place while watching your favorite television program, park a bit far from the entrance when buying groceries.

Step 2. Include an exercise schedule in your weekly schedule so you can lose weight
In addition to increasing physical movement during daily activities, you need to exercise regularly according to a schedule. Remember that moderate exercise is better than nothing. Even if you only walk a few times a week, this activity makes the body healthier.
- Take time to exercise 150 minutes a week. You can train 5 times a week 30 minutes a day or 3 times a day 10-15 minutes per training session.
- Choose a sport that you enjoy to make the workout more enjoyable, such as walking, jogging, running, swimming, dancing, doing aerobics, playing tennis, or riding. Choose the physical activity that you enjoy the most to keep you motivated.
- Do muscle strengthening exercises 2-3 times a week. The greater the muscle mass, the higher the calorie burn. Work your arm muscles by lifting dumbbells while watching TV. Do lunges at your desk during your break.
Step 3. Enter competitions to motivate yourself to exercise every day
Today, there are many challenge apps and programs that challenge you to reach your daily or weekly goals over a certain amount of time. When registering, you must pay a participation fee. If the target is reached, the money is returned when the competition ends. By competing, you can train with other participants, interact with people around the world, and motivate each other to achieve your goals!
- The Charity Miles app donates money to the charities you designate if you reach your training goals. You do not need to deposit funds when registering. This application opens the opportunity to help others while exercising regularly according to a schedule.
- If you take on the challenge using the StepBet app, you will need to bet money until you complete a 6-week fitness program. If you practice to the end, the stake is refunded plus the money collected from the unsuccessful participants.

Step 4. Get in the habit of getting 7-9 hours of sleep every night to keep your body in top shape
Lack of sleep makes it difficult for you to lose weight and keep it off. In addition, you are too tired to exercise. So that you quickly fall asleep and have a good night's sleep, turn off your phone and avoid distractions, such as the sound of the television.
Research shows that sleep deprivation increases the production of the hormone ghrelin, the hormone that triggers hunger, making it difficult for you to eat less and limit excessive snacking
Step 5. Control stress to lower cortisol levels in the body
When under stress, the body releases cortisol into the blood vessels. The hormone cortisol increases blood glucose levels, lowers the body's immunity, or interferes with digestion. To some extent, stress is normal and beneficial, but it must be controlled to keep you healthy.
- Relax by listening to music, meditating, reading a book, chatting with friends, or doing other relaxing activities.
- See a therapist if you have trouble managing stress. He can explain how to deal with stress using certain techniques.
Method 3 of 3: Undergoing Medical Therapy
Step 1. See a doctor if you can't lose weight naturally
For many people, a nutritious diet and exercise are beneficial in losing or maintaining weight, but there are other factors that hinder it. Consult a doctor if you have tried the usual methods, but to no avail.
- See your doctor for a checkup so he or she can determine if there are any issues that are making it difficult for you to lose weight.
- In addition to examining your body, he will ask about your current diet and lifestyle. If necessary, he suggests that you undergo tests to determine whether there is a health problem.
- Depending on your weight and current health condition, your doctor may provide medical treatment options so you can lose weight, such as taking medication or undergoing surgery.
Step 2. Talk to your doctor about the impact your weight has on your health
Being overweight doesn't mean you're unhealthy. However, the risk of experiencing various health problems increases if you are overweight. Tell your doctor that you want to lose weight because you want to stay healthy. Excess weight can cause:
- High triglycerides and low "good cholesterol" (HDL)
- High blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- stroke
- Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea
- Gallbladder disorders
- Osteoarthritis
- Certain types of cancer
Step 3. Ask your doctor to explain how to safely lose weight
Doctors can help you determine how to lose weight that is safe, effective, and realistic. Then, he can explain how to calculate your ideal weight and make a plan according to your needs and lifestyle.
- For example, your doctor can explain the right exercise activities for you and dietary changes so that you can follow a safe diet program.
- Sometimes, your doctor will refer you to a dietitian or other specialist who can help you lose weight.
Step 4. Tell your doctor if you have any worrying weight gain or loss
Sometimes, a sudden change in weight for no apparent reason can be a sign of a serious health problem. If you experience this, make an appointment to see a doctor. Usually, he will ask you questions and ask you to undergo an examination to determine the cause. Sudden weight loss can be caused by medical problems, for example:
- Thyroid disorders
- Diseases that affect hormones, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or Cushing's syndrome
- Retention of body fluids due to kidney or heart disease
- Emotional disorders, such as depression or anxiety
- Certain drugs
Step 5. Seek medical help if you have an eating disorder
If you're constantly worried about your weight, your shape, whether you're eating or exercising enough, you may have an eating disorder or are at risk for it. If left unchecked, this disorder can lead to very dangerous health problems. See your doctor if you experience symptoms of an eating disorder, for example:
- Eating out of schedule or following a very strict diet
- Constantly thinking about your weight, body shape, or appearance
- Eating impulsively or very much with abnormal portions
- Feeling guilty or sick of adopting a healthy diet
- Feeling the need to vomit, use laxatives, or exercise excessively after eating
- Don't want to socialize
- Obsessed by diet and exercise
- Get your bag and workout clothes ready at night so you're ready to hit the gym early the next morning.
- You need to monitor your progress while losing weight. Time to weigh yourself a week or once a month. Measure your waist circumference to find out how many centimeters your waist is shrinking.
- Join a support group to discuss weight loss goals. You can participate in online groups and forums or meet in person.
- Keep a record of everything you eat each day for a week to find out what you've been eating so far and then determine what needs to be changed.