Want to change the look of your Minecraft world? A texture pack can make Minecraft look like a new game. Follow this guide to install texture packs on any operating system.
Method 1 of 4: Getting the Texture Pack

Step 1. Understand texture packs
Texture packs change the physical appearance of Minecraft objects, but do not affect the gameplay. Texture packs can be created by anyone, and there are thousands to choose from.

Step 2. Locate the texture pack
There are various sites that offer texture packs that can be downloaded for free. Many have ratings and categories you can browse through. Look for "Minecraft texture packs" and start checking out a few sites. Look for textures that appeal to you; many of which provide previews.
Try to download it from a trusted site. Look for reviews so that you avoid downloading malicious software by mistake

Step 3. Download the texture pack of your choice
Each site has a slightly different download procedure. The texture pack file that you download will be in.zip format.
Method 2 of 4: Installing on Windows

Step 1. Copy your texture pack
Open the folder where you saved the texture pack download. Right-click the file and select Copy.

Step 2. Open the Minecraft texture pack directory
To do so, open the Run command by pressing the Windows key and R. Type “%appdata%/.minecraft/texturepacks” and hit enter. A window will open, showing the contents of your texture pack directory.

Step 3. Glue the pack
Right-click in the directory that opens and select Paste. Your new texture pack will appear in the texture pack directory.

Step 4. Open Minecraft
To run the new texture, open Minecraft and select Texture Pack from that menu. Your new texture pack will be on the list. Select it and click Done.
Method 3 of 4: Installing on Mac OS X

Step 1. Open the Minecraft texture pack directory
This is usually located in ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/texturepacks/.
You can access ~/Library/ by opening the Go menu, pressing the Option key, and selecting Library

Step 2. Move the texture pack
Click and drag to move the.zip file into the texture pack directory.

Step 3. Open Minecraft
To run a new texture, open Minecraft and select Mods and Texture Packs from the menu. Your new texture pack will be on the list. Select it and click Done.
Method 4 of 4: Installing on Linux

Step 1. Copy your texture pack
Open the folder where you saved the texture pack download. Right-click the file and select Copy.

Step 2. Open the Minecraft texture pack directory
To do so, open a terminal and type /.minecraft/texturepacks/. A window will open, showing the contents of the texture pack directory.

Step 3. Glue the pack
Paste the.zip file into the texture pack folder.

Step 4. Open Minecraft
To run a new texture, open Minecraft and select Texture Packs from the menu. Your new texture pack will be on the list. Select it and click Done.