How to Teach Study Skills (with Pictures)

How to Teach Study Skills (with Pictures)
How to Teach Study Skills (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Teaching good study skills can be a challenge in itself, but it's a challenge that pays off. Teachers and parents can provide students with the tools they need to learn good study habits, which can be very beneficial for their entire life as a student. In order to teach good study habits effectively, you need to help students prepare for a good study environment, teach active reading, define what good study habits are, discuss the importance of time management and organization, and after that, monitor progress. achieved by students or students.


Part 1 of 5: Preparing for a Good Learning Environment

Teach Study Skills Step 1
Teach Study Skills Step 1

Step 1. Consider the age of the student or students

Young children learn differently than junior high school students, who also have different study habits than high school students. They are all also different from students, and students are different from adult learners.

When teaching someone anything, it's important to consider their age, developmental level, and what has been learned to determine what they need to learn from you

Teach Study Skills Step 2
Teach Study Skills Step 2

Step 2. Consider the student's background or life at home

Ask if there is a quiet place at home to study and do their homework.

  • This is especially important to consider for children living at home with their families, because, for example, some families do not have a room that can be used as a separate room for their own children. Some homes are quite full of other people living or living there, and this is not something that is within the control of the child. You may need to talk to the family about the importance of creating a quiet space for a child who has to do his homework.
  • For students, adults, and children who have quiet spaces at home, talk to them about finding and using the quiet spaces available to them. Libraries, quiet coffee shops, and parks are great places outdoors that students and adults (as well as older high school students) can study.
Teach Study Skills Step 3
Teach Study Skills Step 3

Step 3. Ask your students what good study habits mean to them

You may be surprised to learn that many students perceive the amount of time spent staring at books as equal to how “well” they are studying.

You will be able to find out a little about the study habits your students currently have from what they say about good study

Teach Study Skills Step 4
Teach Study Skills Step 4

Step 4. Ask the student or students about goals and motivations

Motivation is a major part of learning. Students who are not motivated to learn will be much more difficult to learn.

  • There are different types of motivation-the first is external, or external. This type of motivation includes good grades and the possible rewards for getting good grades, such as money, a walk, shopping, a good video game or film, or a college degree. There are many examples of external motivation and rewards.
  • The second type of motivation is internal motivation. Students want to achieve success to show that they can, or to feel proud of themselves and make others proud of them. The desire to produce good results arises from the feelings within them.
  • Both types of motivation are natural and healthy motivations to have. Discuss with your students what they want to achieve and provide examples of good grades, gifts bought for them, high school or college degrees, and the feeling of pride that will come with doing their best.

Part 2 of 5: Teaching Active Reading

Teach Study Skills Step 5
Teach Study Skills Step 5

Step 1. Introduce active reading

Active reading is an important first step to having good study skills. Active reading is a way of reading that will make you interact with the reading.

In active reading, you don't just hear the words in your mind as you read, then they just disappear. Active reading is very important to understand new reading material when there is a reading assignment. The following steps describe how to teach active reading

Teach Study Skills Step 6
Teach Study Skills Step 6

Step 2. Read with a purpose

Students must have a mission while reading. If you are a teacher, tell them what to look for. If you are not a teacher, ask them to find out from their teacher what to look for or know when reading.

  • For older students, the goals can be left to them to set for themselves. Ask them to set a reading goal for a book before starting to read.
  • Older students can base their reading goals on assessments, such as written papers or exams. Lead them to look at future assessments to see if they can set focused reading goals.
Teach Study Skills Step 7
Teach Study Skills Step 7

Step 3. Mark reading

If allowed, (some public schools do not allow students to write in printed books), students need to mark with markers or circle and underline sentences and words that interest them and write questions and notes in the margins of the page.

One way for students to be able to mark readings without destroying a common printed book is to make photocopies of stories or chapters of reading material

Teach Study Skills Step 8
Teach Study Skills Step 8

Step 4. Create linkages

This method is similar to the strategy in the preview step. Teach students to make connections between reading and themselves (This passage reminds me of when I…), or reading with other reading (This reminds me of another book…), or between reading and the world (This sounds like what happens when…).

Making connections is very important to remember in the long term what has been read in the reading material

Teach Study Skills Step 9
Teach Study Skills Step 9

Step 5. Make a summary

After reading, students should ask themselves about the essence of what they have read. Ask them to take notes on the most important parts of the reading, such as the main idea and some supporting details.

Part 3 of 5: Defining Good Study Skills with Students

Teach Study Skills Step 10
Teach Study Skills Step 10

Step 1. Teach how to make a preview

Let your students know that preparing their brains for learning new things is very important to them. There are several important ways to do this:

  • Scan (Scanning). Teach students how to flip through the assigned reading pages and look for titles, pictures, tables, diagrams, and/or words in bold.
  • Make predictions. After scanning some assigned reading material, ask your students to make a few predictions about what they will study. What will this reading be about?
  • Relate what will be learned with what is already known. Even better if it's something you're interested in. Some students may find a certain subject very boring, but if they can somehow relate it to a subject they like, or a hobby or TV show/movie, they will be more open to learning new reading material.
Teach Study Skills Step 11
Teach Study Skills Step 11

Step 2. Teach how to ask questions

Good students are not afraid to ask questions. Questions indicate that students are focused and want to know more, or need clarification on things that might not have been clear before.

  • Practice asking questions with students. Ask them to write down questions while reading new things and ask the group in class.
  • Make sure students understand that you always welcome them to ask questions, and that it won't make them look stupid. In fact, you (and most teachers) think it will make them look smarter and will indeed become smarter by asking questions while listening to the answers or discussions that follow.
  • Ask students to write questions as they study, and to find out the answers on their own or to bring the questions to class or for you to discuss.
Teach Study Skills Step 12
Teach Study Skills Step 12

Step 3. Teach how to review

After students have finished active reading, ask them to do more by reflecting on what they have read. They should again look at the marked sections, notes, and pictures and titles on the reading. They can make flash cards or note cards to write down very important ideas, using their own words.

Teaching students to take notes in their own words is very important, for their understanding and to avoid plagiarism in papers and exams

Part 4 of 5: Discussing Time Management and Arrangements

Teach Study Skills Step 13
Teach Study Skills Step 13

Step 1. Teach me how to be punctual

Ask students to make a schedule of what they do each day. What time do they come home from school? What after-school activities do they do each week? When can they do homework and study?

Have students write what they do each week on the weekly calendar. Some students may have plenty of time left to study, others may not

Teach Study Skills Step 14
Teach Study Skills Step 14

Step 2. Discuss options to create enough time for study

If your students have a lot of activities outside of school, but don't find time to do homework and study well, discuss this with them. Having an interest in extracurricular activities is important, but depending on the amount of homework they have, they will need to schedule enough time to complete the homework. This can mean cutting out an extracurricular activity or two.

Teach Study Skills Step 15
Teach Study Skills Step 15

Step 3. Teach the importance of being organized

Make sure students have separate folders for each school subject. This becomes more important in middle school and beyond, although it can also make things easier during the elementary grades. Tell them that organizing homework for each lesson will be very helpful while studying.

  • In each folder, tell them to save the work that still needs to be submitted and briefing/tasks on the left side, and the completed homework that has been corrected and returned on the right side. They have to save everything from class to study later.
  • If the folder is too full, have a “front” portfolio to keep the homework done until the end of the year, and keep this folder organized by subject as well. Students can even put together certain multi-page assignments and all homework related to a particular topic in each class. For example, all the multiplication homework can be put together using paper clips, then all the division homework is put in a different pile, in the math folder.

Part 5 of 5: Monitoring Progress

Teach Study Skills Step 16
Teach Study Skills Step 16

Step 1. Observe changes in performance

The study program created with your students may need to be changed due to a change in schedule, more material that needs to be included, or other considerations.

  • Be as flexible and approachable as possible so that students can come to you if their course of study needs to change, rather than having to constantly confront them.
  • Observe how they perform. If students' performance does not improve, or if they deteriorate, talk to them as soon as possible in a closed environment so that they do not feel embarrassed or made fun of by their peers. For students who appear to be having difficulties on their own, it may be necessary to involve the family as well as additional specialists to see if special education services will be of benefit to the child.
Teach Study Skills Step 17
Teach Study Skills Step 17

Step 2. Talk to your students regularly

Even if things are going well, talk to each student regularly to make sure the schedule is still going well for them, and they're happy with their progress, and aren't overly overwhelmed or stressed by your expectations.

Ask for honesty, don't patronize your students, and teach them at a pace that suits them, even if you have to sacrifice a little time to make sure they do learn

Teach Study Skills Step 18
Teach Study Skills Step 18

Step 3. Be patient

Losing patience with students, whether you're a teacher, parent, or other caregiver, will stress you out and can keep the student from studying later in life because of frustration, stress, and anxiety about schoolwork.

  • Meditate, exercise, and engage in other stress-relieving activities (reading, writing, singing, drawing, gardening, etc.-whatever makes you feel calm) when you're not teaching or around your child to maintain a sense of calm and comfort.
  • Remember that all students are different. Each student has strengths, weaknesses and different learning styles. Focus on their strengths to maintain a positive perspective.

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