Almost all dogs experience hair loss sometimes. Dogs that experience this often, such as the Herder, go through it all year round; but even dogs whose hair is difficult to shed (eg poodles), they will sometimes experience it too. Weather and season play a large role in determining how much hair is shed in a dog, but the dog's overall health is one of the biggest factors influencing this amount. Dogs that experience more hair loss than other dogs of the same breed may have certain medical conditions. You can't stop hair loss completely, but by keeping your dog healthy and well groomed, you can reduce it.
Method 1 of 2: Reducing Loss Through Nutrition

Step 1. Feed your dog a high-quality diet
One of the best ways to reduce excess hair loss in dogs is to start a healthy diet. Cheap dog food is usually made mostly of filling substances that are difficult for dogs to digest, such as corn and grains. Look for dog food that contains meat as the main ingredient. Better quality food will cost more, but it's also better for your dog in many ways. The nutrients in dog food that contain a lot of meat are easier to digest and absorb, thus providing better overall health for your dog and controlling hair loss and keeping the dog's skin from drying out easily. Be aware that better nutrition can help reduce hair loss, but won't stop it.
- Dogs with food allergies or individual sensitivities are particularly susceptible to diets to combat this hair loss. You may have to experiment with several different types of food before finding the right one for your dog; consult your veterinarian for advice and recommendations.
- Do not feed your dog additional vitamin supplements, unless advised by your veterinarian. Hypervitaminosis, or poisoning from excessive vitamin intake, can result in serious health issues for your dog.

Step 2. Add olive oil or flaxseed to your dog's food
One teaspoon (5 ml) per 4.5 kg body weight is the ideal dose. These oils contain omega 3 fatty acids that help soothe inflamed skin, and improve the overall texture of the dog's coat.
- Many pet stores also sell omega 3 dietary supplements in capsule or powder form. Visit your vet to find the best option for your dog.
- You can also increase your dog's intake of omega 3 fatty acids by feeding him salmon, tuna, or other fish that are rich in these fatty acids. Fish skin is also good, but never give fish bones to your dog, as these bones can hurt and choke your dog.

Step 3. Give your dog treats of "human food" every now and then
Apple slices (without the seeds, which contain residual cyanide that can build up in your dog's system), bananas, and cucumbers, as well as cooked fat-free (boneless) meat. These are all high-moisture foods, so they can help your dog maintain adequate water levels in his body. These foods also contain healthy nutrients to help keep your dog's coat smooth and shiny and less shedding. However, keep in mind that only 5-10% of your dog's daily food intake is released -- the rest should be high-quality dog food.
Many human foods are acceptable, even healthy for dogs. However, there are some foods that should never be given to your dog. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has a comprehensive list for this, which includes foods like avocados, chocolate, grapes, dairy products, onions, and -- it turns out -- raw meat

Step 4. Provide your dog with fresh, clean water
Dehydration can lead to dry skin, which can lead to excessive hair loss and even disease. Make sure your dog always has access to clean, fresh water when he wants to drink.
You can also increase your dog's water intake by including moist foods in his diet. Wet dog food contains up to 78% moisture, as opposed to dry food (which only contains 10%). This wet food can be a good way to ensure that your dog doesn't run out of water
Method 2 of 2: Reducing Hair Loss Through Grooming

Step 1. Brush your dog's hair regularly
Grooming removes excess and loose hair, and redistributes the oils in your dog's skin to their coats, so they don't fall out. Depending on your dog's coat type, you can use a bristle bristle brush, or a slicker, or one shaped like a small fork (rake).
- Bristle brushes are best used for short, fine-haired dog breeds, such as terriers, pugs and greyhounds. This brush looks similar to a bristle brush for human hair.
- The slicker brush is good for a variety of medium- or curly-haired dog breeds, including retrievers, cocker spaniels, and St. Bernard. These brushes have small, dense teeth, which are made of wire.
- Rake is best used for long, thick-haired dog breeds, such as collies, herders, and chow chows. When purchasing a rake brush, make sure the teeth are roughly the same length as your dog's hair, to ensure it can remove the dead layer of hair on the inside.

Step 2. Use anti-loss equipment in extreme cases
Use these tools just before spring, when the dog's winter coat begins to fall, and use them again in the fall, when the dog's winter coat begins to grow. Dogs that stay indoors for most or all of their lives may experience hair loss throughout the year.
For dogs with short hair, you may want to use a rubber curry comb to prevent shedding. Dogs with long or thick hair may need tools such as a rake de-matting undercoat brush or razor

Step 3. Bathe your dog regularly
Regular bathing ensures that hair falls out in the tub (or outside) instead of on your furniture. However, bathing too often can dry out your dog's skin, which in turn can lead to hair loss. Find out about your dog's breed to learn a recommended bathing schedule, or consult your veterinarian.
Using a hairdryer after a bath can help if your dog has long hair. Use only on the lowest heat setting (or cold level, if this type of setting is available). Use a towel to dry your dog first, then use a hairdryer to help loosen loose hair

Step 4. Control the flea problem
Dogs that have a problem with fleas will often scratch themselves hard, so that the hair falls out. Making sure your dog is free of fleas will prevent skin irritation, dandruff problems, and excessive hair loss.
If your dog's hair continues to shed despite all the treatment efforts, see your veterinarian. A dog who continues to experience hair loss may have an undiagnosed medical condition, such as a skin allergy, infection, or parasite problem
- If your dog licks his feet or face frequently, hair loss may increase. It can also be a sign of a bigger health problem. See a vet immediately if this happens.
- Dogs with baldness, broken skin, open wounds, or dull/dry coats should be seen by a veterinarian immediately, as these symptoms may represent bigger health issues for your dog.