3 Ways to "Cut" in Bodybuilding

3 Ways to "Cut" in Bodybuilding
3 Ways to "Cut" in Bodybuilding

Table of contents:


"Cutting" in bodybuilding aims at reducing body fat while maintaining muscle mass. For that, you need to reduce calorie intake so that the body uses fat stores as a way to meet calorie needs. This process is not uncommon for bodybuilders because they usually consume large amounts of calories in order to increase muscle mass. If you want to make a cut in bodybuilding, start by changing your diet. In addition, change your lifestyle to increase calorie burning while doing your daily routine.


Method 1 of 3: Making a Plan

Cut in Bodybuilding Step 1
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 1

Step 1. Calculate your current weight and body fat percentage

Before reducing body fat, make sure you have data on your current body condition. Find out your weight and body size using calipers. After obtaining body fat data from the calipers, calculate the percentage of body fat according to your current height and weight.

  • During the cutting phase, you need to maintain muscle mass while reducing body fat. This means that you need to be able to make sure that the weight loss is due to a loss of body fat, not a loss of muscle mass. The easiest way to determine this is to calculate the percentage of body fat.
  • You can use an online calculator to calculate your body fat percentage. The calculator will output the calculation results after you have entered the data from the calipers and other required information.
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 2
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 2

Step 2. Set a weight loss goal

Before starting the cutting program, first determine the weight you want to achieve. In addition to the final goal, set a weekly goal so you can monitor progress each week, make the necessary changes, and adjust the end goal.

  • Many people target weight loss of kg per week during a cutting program. This figure is a realistic target if it is supported by changes in diet and lifestyle.
  • Target weight loss of more than kg per week can be achieved through a fast diet or other diet programs that are bad for health.
  • Set a deadline for achieving your weight loss goal and then count down. Make sure you allow enough time to successfully achieve your goal of losing kg of body weight per week.
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 3
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 3

Step 3. Change your daily routine and diet if the target is not achieved

Feel free to change plans during the cutting phase. If weight loss is not on target, reduce your calorie intake, change your diet, or increase the intensity of exercise. Find out the most appropriate way to reach the target.

  • If plans don't work out, seek advice from a professional fitness trainer on various ways to reach your weight loss goals by following a cutting program.
  • Self-control plays an important role during the cutting phase because you have to be disciplined and stick to a diet consistently until you reach your target.
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 4
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 4

Step 4. Record the number of calories consumed and used each day

You need to reduce your calorie intake so that you consume fewer calories than you use. Every day, keep a record of all the foods you eat, portion sizes, and calories in. To take notes, use a notebook or nutrition calculator app, such as MyFitnessPal or SuperTracker.

Use a notebook or the same app to record daily exercise activities. This way, you can ensure that the calories used are greater than the ones consumed

Method 2 of 3: Changing Your Diet

Cut in Bodybuilding Step 5
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 5

Step 1. Reduce your daily calorie intake

Once you start a cutting program, make sure you consume fewer calories than you use throughout the day. This is called a calorie deficit. Because calorie burn is greater than calorie intake, the body uses stored fat to cover the calorie deficit.

For example, in order to lose weight on target by running a cutting program, limit calorie consumption to a maximum of 20 calories per kg of lean muscle mass. If you have 70 kg of lean muscle mass, make sure you consume a maximum of 1,400 calories per day

Cut in Bodybuilding Step 6
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 6

Step 2. Make changes little by little

When you are just starting a cutting program, reduce your calorie intake gradually. This step helps you mentally adjust to your new portion size. In addition, the body will also adapt to the reduced food that is digested every day.

Changing the portion size drastically will affect the metabolic process and increase fat storage

Cut in Bodybuilding Step 7
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 7

Step 3. Prioritize protein consumption

In addition to reducing calorie intake, you need to change your diet by increasing protein intake at every meal. This step is useful for increasing calorie burning while maintaining muscle mass.

  • In addition to protein, eat a variety of foods to meet nutritional needs, but choose low-fat foods and limit carbohydrate intake.
  • Eat foods that are beneficial to support a cutting program, such as grilled meats, vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, and almonds.
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 8
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 8

Step 4. Eat healthy fats

Make sure you keep eating healthy fats during the cutting phase, such as fats from fish, whole grains, and nuts. Healthy fats are needed to maintain a smooth body metabolism and increase energy when the intensity of aerobic exercise is increased.

Remember that you don't get fat right away from eating fat. Even though they are higher in calories than protein or carbohydrates, you will feel fuller and have more energy if you eat fatty foods

Cut in Bodybuilding Step 9
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 9

Step 5. Avoid sugar, alcohol, and unwanted oils and fats

When determining what foods to eat during the cutting phase, choose foods that can be eaten without excessive sugar or oil. For that, consume foods that are cooked without oil or sugar, such as steamed or baked foods.

Don't drink alcohol during the cutting phase, as alcohol raises blood sugar levels and can burn you out of calories

Cut in Bodybuilding Step 10
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 10

Step 6. Eat more often

When portion sizes need to be reduced, you should eat more often. Instead of eating 3 times a day, you don't need to be hungry if you eat small meals 6-8 times a day with a certain time span. This step keeps you energized so that your physical and mental condition is always strong and active.

  • Splitting your calorie intake a few times a day keeps you from feeling hungry instead of promoting weight loss.
  • Eat food 6-8 times a day with smaller portions. This eating frequency is usually adopted by bodybuilders who want to build muscle, but for you, the portions are much less.
  • Fill your plate with cottage cheese, nuts, fresh vegetables, fruit, Greek yogurt, and grilled meats, such as chicken or salmon.
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 11
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 11

Step 7. Take a daily vitamin and mineral supplement

Usually, nutritional needs are not fully met when you reduce your calorie intake. Overcome this by taking multivitamins and mineral supplements, such as those containing iron or calcium.

Method 3 of 3: Changing Your Daily Routine

Cut in Bodybuilding Step 12
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 12

Step 1. Monitor progress

Get in the habit of recording progress during the cutting program by weighing your body and checking your body fat percentage regularly to ensure progress supports the achievement of the predetermined target.

By monitoring your weight loss, you can determine the effectiveness of your current diet program or whether you need to make changes

Cut in Bodybuilding Step 13
Cut in Bodybuilding Step 13

Step 2. Increase the intensity of your cardio workout

You need to do more cardio if you want to lose body fat. This step is useful for increasing calorie burning so that the calorie deficit is even greater.

You can practice aerobics at home by running in place or doing squats, burpees, star jumps, and jump ropes

Step 3. Get used to drinking more water

During the cutting phase, you need to replace lost body fluids by consuming more water to keep your metabolism running well. In addition, water can fill you up so it is useful to delay hunger because calorie intake is reduced.

Drink water instead of energy drinks or soda. Water is useful for hydrating the body well and does not contain calories or sugar

Step 4. Continue to lift weights

You can gain muscle mass during your cutting program, but for now, focus on maintaining muscle mass by lifting weights according to a routine for this need.

If muscle mass increases during the cutting phase, you cannot determine the success or failure of the diet program to reduce body fat. As muscle mass increases, the body fat loss appears to be less than it actually is. Find out your current BMI to determine exactly how much of your body fat loss is relative to lean muscle mass
