3 Ways to Concentrate in a Boring Class

3 Ways to Concentrate in a Boring Class
3 Ways to Concentrate in a Boring Class

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No matter how good the quality of your school or campus, there will always be boring materials and/or teachers. As a result, in these classes you are prone to having difficulty concentrating and understanding the material. Maintaining concentration in a boring classroom is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, but that doesn't mean it's impossible to do. Follow the steps listed in this article to do it, yes!


Method 1 of 3: Motivate Yourself

Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 1
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 1

Step 1. Set short-term goals

Don't forget to reward yourself with something interesting if you achieve that goal. For example, you can eat candy or check social media pages on your phone if you manage to concentrate for the next 15 minutes.

If you manage to keep a complete and interesting material note, you can also reward yourself by playing your favorite game after school

Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 2
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 2

Step 2. Give yourself a treat after class

Rewarding yourself with something interesting can motivate you to concentrate more during class (especially if your class is long enough). After all, you will definitely get bored again if you have to constantly eat candy or check your cellphone in a class that lasts more than 3 hours, right?

Before taking physics lessons, promise yourself: If today I can concentrate completely in class, after class I can buy an expensive mocha latte and play my favorite game

Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 3
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 3

Step 3. Treat yourself to something relevant to the class

For example, if your French class is very boring, try rewarding yourself by watching a popular French movie or having a delicious éclair after class.

  • By doing so, you will most likely realize that the things related to the class are actually quite interesting to explore.
  • Doing so can also help your brain to associate positive things with the class.
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 4
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 4

Step 4. Build the right mindset before entering class

Don't enter class with the belief that it's going to be difficult for you to concentrate; trust me, your motivation will drop drastically after that. Instead, reassure yourself that this time, you will be able to concentrate more on understanding whatever material is being explained.

Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 5
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 5

Step 5. Ask someone else to help you regain your focus

For example, you can ask them to tap on the shoulder, kick their leg, or do anything else that can 'wake up' your alertness. Undoubtedly, your goals will be more easily achieved with their help.

Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 6
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 6

Step 6. Don't keep blaming yourself if you're still having trouble concentrating

Remember, no one is perfect! If you sometimes feel unfocused, sleepy, don't pay attention to the teacher's explanations, or even fall asleep, don't keep blaming yourself. After all, everyone has done it. Just convince yourself that you can always be a better person the next day.

Method 2 of 3: Keeping yourself busy

Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 7
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 7

Step 1. Sit in the front row of the bench

This method does not apply to students whose sitting position is determined by the teacher. However, if you can choose a seating position, try to always sit in the front row of the bench. By choosing a seat near the teacher, you will definitely find it easier to concentrate. Although this is not the most pleasant solution, but the results are guaranteed to be very effective.

If your seating position is determined, try asking your teacher about the possibility of changing seats. Tell them honestly that you want to change seats because you find it difficult to concentrate. Try to ignore the fact that the class is boring

Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 8
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 8

Step 2. Squeeze a rubber ball or take a fidget spinner to class

Even if you doubt its efficacy, basically operating the 'anti-anxiety' device can improve one's concentration, you know! By doing so, your hands will be occupied so that your brain will remain alert.

  • You can even turn the activity into an interesting game. For example, you have to squeeze a rubber ball every time your Algebra teacher mentions the word, “multiply”. It's not necessarily fun, but at least you'll stay alert for the duration of the class.
  • Some teachers forbid you to bring these items into class. Make sure you know the applicable policies before applying this method, OK!
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 9
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 9

Step 3. Do simple activities to overhaul your brain system

When drowsiness strikes, immediately do various simple activities such as taking a new ballpoint pen from the bag, stretching the neck muscles, or changing the position of the legs crossed. Believe me, even such a simple activity can overhaul the brain system and restore your concentration.

Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 10
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 10

Step 4. Take neat and interesting notes

Even if the material is boring, your notes don't have to be boring either! In other words, make notes of material that are visually appealing and include pictures and diagrams. In addition, you can also take notes in a humorous and memorable style, as if you were talking to your best friend.

  • For example, when studying material about Benjamin Franklin's exploration of electricity, try noting the material with the sentence: “Ben had the brilliant idea of inventing the concept of a lightning rod with the help of a kite. The trick, he told his son to play a kite during a thunderstorm and wait until the kite was struck by lightning, dong! Fortunately, his son was told to stand in the house so he wouldn't get wet and not be struck by lightning. Sorry, yes."
  • Interesting notes can make you remember the material better, you know!
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 11
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 11

Step 5. Participate in class

It's hard to concentrate in a boring class, but try to stay actively involved by asking or answering questions and engaging in class discussions. For example, challenge yourself to ask or answer at least 3 questions in each class. Doing so can make you more concentrated in class; in addition, your self-worth will increase in the eyes of the teacher.

Method 3 of 3: Eliminate Distractions

Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 12
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 12

Step 1. Go to the toilet just before class starts

Trust me, you'll have a hard time concentrating if you feel the urge to pee in the middle of class. Even if the urge to urinate or defecate is uncontrollable, make sure you make an effort to do so just before class starts.

  • If the urge comes during class, don't torture yourself! Immediately raise your hand and ask permission from the teacher to go to the toilet.
  • While in the shower, try splashing a little cold water on your face to come back refreshed and alert.
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 13
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 13

Step 2. Turn off and keep the phone out of your reach

If you feel bored, the first thing that crosses your mind is to get rid of the boredom, for example by chatting via text messages or opening social media pages. By turning off cell phones and other gadgets, these temptations will disappear so you can concentrate more in class.

Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 14
Pay Attention in a Dull Class Step 14

Step 3. Bring snacks to class or eat them just before class starts

Remember, hunger can make your focus distracted! Surely you don't want to be busy thinking about mutton fried rice while your teacher is explaining World War II material, right? If your teacher allows, try bringing snacks to class. But if not allowed, make sure you eat just before class starts so you don't starve.

  • Do not bring snacks that make noise when chewing such as potato chips. Don't let your teacher or classmates distract you!
  • If the class takes place in the morning, make sure you have breakfast before taking it.


  • Nodding your head as a form of affirmation is a powerful way to show that you are listening, paying attention, and understanding the teacher's explanation.
  • Try making a list of subjects or courses that you might find boring. If possible, choose morning classes for those lessons so that your body and mind are refreshed while following them. Usually, those who are able to apply this method are students.
