Dropping eggs is a classic science experiment, but it's still pretty scary if you've never done it before. In order to be able to drop an egg without breaking it, you must find a way to minimize the impact force of the impact and its effect on the fragile eggshell.
Method 1 of 3: Dropping Eggs Safely Using a Parachute

Step 1. Design your "egg lander"
Egg landers can be made of any material, as long as they are large enough to hold the eggs and cushioning material. Also consider the weight: if the lander is too heavy, chances are your parachute won't work properly!
For example, use two disposable cups. One cup can function as the base of the lander, while the other cup becomes a lid by placing it upside down on top of the first cup. Tape the two cups together with tape

Step 2. Make sure the eggs fit snugly in the lander
Protect the eggs with pads so they don't bump against the lander walls as they slide down. You can use packing materials such as bubble wrap or Styrofoam granules. However, if these materials are not available, you can use a piece of kneaded paper.

Step 3. Make a parachute
One of the easiest materials to use is a plastic bag. Attach a large plastic bag to the top of the lander using tape or staples. Make sure the handle is near the side of the lander to allow enough air to enter the plastic bag as the lander slides down.
- The way a parachute works is to reduce the speed at which an object falls. The slower the falling speed, the less the impact force of the impact will be.
- When dropping the lander, make sure that the part you are attaching the parachute to is up. This allows air to fill the plastic bag and make it open, thereby reducing the speed of the lander as it descends.
Method 2 of 3: Making the Container Heavy

Step 1. Put a stone in a Styrofoam cup
The stone must be heavier than the egg. This is done so that you can control which side of the container hits the ground first. That way, the part that absorbs the most force is the bottom of the container, while the eggs at the top of the container are safe.

Step 2. Place six more Styrofoam cups into the stone-filled cups
Place the stack of cups on top of the rock, bottom first. Then place the eggs into the top cup. This will protect the egg from hitting the rock when dropped later. Gently press one more cup over the egg to keep the egg from shifting.

Step 3. Glue all the cups with tape
Tape along the sides so that the egg container doesn't fall apart when dropped. If the rock is heavy enough, the container will fall with the rock-filled part on the bottom and the egg-filled part on top. Styrofoam cups will also help absorb impact.
Method 3 of 3: Making Pads from Popcorn

Step 1. Put the popcorn into a sealed plastic bag
Put the egg in the bag and surround it with the popcorn. Make sure the egg is in the center of the plastic bag and that all sides are protected by the popcorn. Rice popcorn was chosen instead of other ingredients, because the popcorn contains air in the middle. This makes it a better cushion for the egg.

Step 2. Fill the other four plastic bags with the same popcorn
Do not put eggs in the plastic bag. The bags will serve as additional cushioning for your eggs.

Step 3. Put all the plastic bags into a larger sealed plastic bag
Make sure the bag containing the eggs is placed in the center and all the other bags are arranged around the egg from all sides. Again, you're trying to reduce the impact of the impact on the egg, so that the egg is protected when it hits the ground.