4 Ways to Achieve Success

4 Ways to Achieve Success
4 Ways to Achieve Success

Table of contents:


The definition of success is different for everyone. If you have ambitions, dreams, or goals you want to achieve, make sure you have the right paradigm and set some specific, realistic goals. In addition, you must stay focused and maintain motivation as you strive to achieve your goals. When you fail, try to encourage yourself and keep trying. In the end, you can achieve success as you define it, as long as you are willing to put in the time and energy to make it happen.


Method 1 of 4: Determining the Goals You Want to Achieve

Elevate Your Self Esteem Step 4
Elevate Your Self Esteem Step 4

Step 1. Determine what success means to you

People who do not know the meaning of success are impossible to achieve success. Everyone interprets success in a different way. Either way, remember that true success comes from realizing what makes you feel most happy. If you have found it, set a purpose in life that is meaningful and makes you feel happy.

  • Write down your definition of success. Does success mean earning a certain amount of income, owning a house in a certain area, or building a happy family? Does success mean the opportunity to enjoy a trip abroad, save for retirement, or have a good social life?
  • If you're having a hard time, think about things that really make you happy, such as spending time with your family, traveling, enjoying hobbies, or other activities. What would you do if money was always available? Then, think about what you need to live a happy life.
Heal Family Wounds Step 12
Heal Family Wounds Step 12

Step 2. Determine the main goal to be achieved

Think about the things you love because they bring you happiness. After that, use the information to determine your goals or life goals.

  • You will stay motivated to achieve your goals if you have determined the most enjoyable activities. You'll stay focused on your goal if it's something you're passionate about.
  • Think about the things you want to achieve 5, 10, and 20 years from now. What can you do to make this dream come true?
  • If you can't define your goals or goals in life, seek advice from a career development consultant or consult a professional psychologist.
  • Set measurable goals. For example, instead of setting a goal of "want to improve work performance," make a plan with measurable goals, for example, "I want to increase work productivity by 30% from last year and be late for work a maximum of 5 days a year."
Achieve Short Term Goals Step 9
Achieve Short Term Goals Step 9

Step 3. Break down the final goal into a number of easily achievable targets

Focus on narrowing down the ideas and then determining what needs to be done to reach the end goal. Remember that the final goal will be easier to achieve if you are able to carry out a step-by-step work plan.

  • For example, you want to start a technology company, but this dream seems impossible. The solution is to set some targets that are easier to achieve, for example: preparing a business plan, finding investors, getting loans, and coming up with ideas for launching new products.
  • Determine goals according to the SMART criteria which stands for Specific (specific), Measurable (measured), Attainable (can be achieved), Relevant (useful), and Timely (deadlined). Make sure each target that supports the achievement of the final goal meets these criteria.
Attend Family Gatherings When You Are Autistic Step 4
Attend Family Gatherings When You Are Autistic Step 4

Step 4. Make a schedule to determine the deadline for achieving the main goal

Set a work schedule that is challenging, but workable. Allow enough time to carry out each step that supports the achievement of the main goal. For example, appearing as a comedian on a national TV show may seem impossible in 1 year, but being a professional comedian entertaining 20 people in a restaurant may be more realistic.

Also determine strategies to achieve goals, such as becoming a member of a product innovator team or appearing in public within 3 months

Get Motivated Step 1
Get Motivated Step 1

Step 5. Determine the resources needed to achieve the goal

Resources can be in the form of equipment, education, funds, or other resources needed. In addition, you may need certain skills, such as the ability to speak in front of an audience or communicate with other people, such as employees and consultants.

  • For example, before setting up a company, you may need to borrow funds from a bank. For that, you must have a good reputation and get credit approval from the bank.
  • If you want to be a musician, you need to buy an instrument, learn to play music, and access websites.

Method 2 of 4: Manage Time and Increase Productivity

Fight Against Eating Disorders Step 23
Fight Against Eating Disorders Step 23

Step 1. Make a work schedule

Make a to-do list of daily activities. To complete long-term tasks, set daily goals and steps that support the achievement of targets. To stay motivated, tick or cross out completed tasks. A work schedule can be used as a source of motivation even if you're not in the mood.

  • Use the calendar app on your phone or write your commitments on the agenda. Make sure each deadline is clearly written.
  • If you're forgetful, set a phone alarm to remind you.
  • Set a realistic timeframe to complete the task. Make a work plan with a longer schedule than necessary.
Have a Good Job Interview Step 6
Have a Good Job Interview Step 6

Step 2. Work on minimizing distractions

It's impossible to focus completely on your task at work, but distractions can help you work more efficiently. Take short breaks several times a day. However, if the target is difficult to achieve because of trivial things that distract, try to ignore it.

  • Work in a quiet place. If you work in a noisy environment, wear noise-canceling headphones or earplugs.
  • Ask family members and friends to let you work your way through without being interrupted. Let them know you need privacy. If needed, turn off your phone or keep it in your desk drawer while you work.
  • Taking a 5-minute break every hour makes it easier for you to focus on your work again. Take breaks to move your legs, have a snack, or do some light stretching.
  • Do not do several tasks at the same time because it can reduce productivity. Focus on completing tasks to completion one by one.
Think Like a Graphic Designer Step 9
Think Like a Graphic Designer Step 9

Step 3. Ask others for help if needed

Asking for help helps you do good time management. You may feel that you can do all the tasks on your own, but there are limits to your abilities. Delegate non-critical tasks so you can focus on the work that is critical to your success.

  • If you want to write a novel, have a friend or editor read your writing before sending it to a publisher. Instead of editing it themselves, they can review and provide feedback to improve the storyline.
  • If you need a website for business, hire a web builder so you don't have to learn to make your own website and the results are more satisfying too.
Choose a Recruitment Agency Step 12
Choose a Recruitment Agency Step 12

Step 4. Learn to trust others at work

Success is hard to achieve if you don't believe in other people. The ability to work together in a team is an aspect that supports success. If you don't believe that other people can do a good job, chances are you won't be able to get the job done either.

  • Consider a variety of factors when deciding who to hire. Find out the qualifications of prospective employees, their experiences, references from others, and their conduits.
  • Trust others because trust can be a very powerful source of motivation. If someone feels trusted, he or she will be motivated to do a good job as a way of rewarding your trust. Trust is a very powerful motivator.
  • Trust others because you need them. Instead of doing everything yourself, delegate tasks to others so that they can be done well.
  • Don't forget to believe in yourself!
Delegate Step 8
Delegate Step 8

Step 5. Find a mentor who is willing to guide you

In general, a mentor is someone who is more experienced, understands the business, is able to provide advice, and is ready to help you achieve your goals. You can ask your boss, professor, older family member, or a friend's family member to be a mentor. He will feel proud and happy if the person being mentored is able to achieve success. Mentors can help you:

  • Building networks, namely establishing relationships with people who are connected to each other. Networking is mutually beneficial because you can offer someone else's expertise, opinion, or opportunity to get something in return.
  • Applying a solution by teaching you how to apply an idea or solution to a problem. A mentor can help you figure out what needs to be changed to make the idea you want to implement more useful.
  • Define strategy. Mentors usually have broader knowledge because they are more experienced and have faced success or failure. Use his experience to plan your future.
Learn a Language Step 14
Learn a Language Step 14

Step 6. Learn as much as possible

Never stop learning because no one knows when their eureka moment will come! Get new information by listening to others more, mastering new skills, and learning new things. This method helps you combine different ideas and use them to create a better life.

  • Read books, watch documentaries, or take online courses to broaden your knowledge. Study a subject you are interested in or teach you a needed skill.
  • To be successful, learn about various aspects of your industry, company, hobby or goal. What do successful people in this field do so that they are able to achieve their dreams?
Take a Leap of Faith Step 16
Take a Leap of Faith Step 16

Step 7. Take calculated risks

Successful people always think of important things and take useful actions. Don't expect opportunities to come by themselves. Leave your comfort zone so you don't get carried away. Find out the risks you have to face, believe that the opportunity for success is always waiting for you, then take real action.

  • As a long-distance runner or owner of a giant information technology company, take risks to face the competition as a way of preparing resources, motivating yourself to work harder, and forging new relationships.
  • Be a leader, not a follower. Cultivate the courage to do something different.
  • Even though the ideas that come up don't always come to fruition, you can still achieve success at work. Look for jobs that offer opportunities for success even if they don't make you famous or rich.
Deal With Different Problems in Life Step 3
Deal With Different Problems in Life Step 3

Step 8. Think of a problem solving

Observe the conditions around you and then think of ways to contribute. Find out what difficulties other people are having or what they are complaining about. What can you do to make their lives easier? Can you create a product or provide a service to fill that gap? In general, problems that occur in everyday life consist of:

  • Social problems. Think about the social problems that need to be addressed by innovating. For example, social media is a product of innovation so that it is easier for people to interact with each other.
  • Technology problems. Think of ways to use advanced technology to help others get things done. For example, computer companies produce smaller and more sophisticated computer processors to increase user convenience.
  • Strategic problems. Think of ways to help others solve strategic problems. For example, help companies and other people to become more productive, profitable, and wise.
  • Interpersonal problems. Think of ways to help others build good relationships. For example, psychologists and marriage counselors help clients deal with problems by showing them how to build a harmonious relationship.
Be a Successful Entrepreneur Step 16
Be a Successful Entrepreneur Step 16

Step 9. Use technology as a tool, not just a distraction

Technology can be very useful, but it can also waste energy and reduce productivity. Use technology productively, but don't get distracted.

  • Use agendas or online apps to schedule daily activities, meetings, or tasks. Check completed tasks to maintain motivation.
  • Music can distract you at work. If you want to work while listening to music, opt for soothing jazz or classical music so it doesn't distract you.
  • Tell coworkers and bosses personally so they don't email too much. Organize your inbox so that useless emails and unimportant messages are sent into separate directories.

Method 3 of 4: Taking the Right Attitude

Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 24
Cope With Suicidal Thoughts Step 24

Step 1. Visualize your success

The more clearly and accurately you envision success, the easier it will be for you to make it happen. When faced with failure or disappointment, remember that you can still achieve your goals.

  • Set aside a few minutes a day to visualize the success you dream of. Imagine that you are playing a movie and playing the role of a successful person. What did you do in the movie scene? What kind of success have you experienced? Maintain the success you feel and use it as a source of motivation to keep you motivated.
  • Make a vision board to represent what success means to you. To create a vision board, collect photos and inspirational quotes from magazines or websites. Hang the vision board in an easily visible place, such as in the study or in the kitchen.
  • Cultivate a strong motivation when imagining success. Successful people believe in themselves and their goals.
Conduct Research Step 16
Conduct Research Step 16

Step 2. Show curiosity in the face of anything

Successful people usually have an insatiable curiosity. They try to find out if they don't understand how things work or if they don't get answers to questions. Often, this takes them on a journey of self-discovery; equally important process between the journey and the destination.

  • Ask questions about everything you've been through. For example, ask your veterinarian what is the difference between dogs and humans or talk to your neighbors about flower gardens in their yard.
  • If you get a new experience, try to learn it or look for detailed information. What can be learned from this experience?
  • Have other people chat to discuss their experiences and successes. There may be things you just learned about someone you've known for a long time.
  • Curiosity helps you feel awe and joy in all things. Instead of just trying to reach an end goal, curiosity makes the journey to experience new things very enjoyable.
Deal with Bullies when You Have Down Syndrome Step 8
Deal with Bullies when You Have Down Syndrome Step 8

Step 3. Interact with successful people

You will be more motivated when you hang out with highly motivated people. They can introduce you to someone when you come up with an idea. In addition, they are able to provide the motivation and support you need to achieve your goals.

  • Find information about famous people by reading books they wrote, taking courses they teach, or reading biographies about their lives. As much as possible, imitate what they do. Knowledge is a very useful thing and can be obtained easily.
  • Pay attention to the people around you. Do you know someone who has achieved the success you desire? What is he doing? How does he live? Ask him for advice.
  • Stay away from people who demotivate you or keep you from achieving your goals because they will hinder your journey to success.
Apply for an Entrepreneurial Grant Step 11
Apply for an Entrepreneurial Grant Step 11

Step 4. Set expectations with realistic targets

In business, you need high confidence to complete tasks, but make sure your expectations are met and realistic. Expectations that are too high make it difficult for you to reach your goals or overcome failures.

  • Set flexible expectations. For example, instead of hoping that you will be successful at your new job, you might say to yourself, "I need time to get to where I want to be. If that doesn't work, I'll find a new job."
  • Remember that there are always things you can't control. However, you can control the response you give. For example, if you have to spend money on an unforeseen need, consider this a temporary obstacle.
  • Pay attention to feedback that other people give. While it's hard to accept, constructive criticism helps you determine what needs to be improved.
  • Be prepared for failure. Achieving success without experiencing failure is impossible.

Method 4 of 4: Overcoming Failure

Set Meaningful Goals Step 14
Set Meaningful Goals Step 14

Step 1. Be persistent when you fail

Sometimes, failure is inevitable. Don't be afraid to face failure because there are always new opportunities. Who you are is determined by how you react to failure. Do not give up. If the first attempt fails, keep fighting and don't give up.

  • Don't quibble. Don't justify failure by blaming other people or things. Accept it if you are guilty. This will help you determine what you need to change to improve yourself.
  • Learn from failure. Take advantage of failure as a learning opportunity. If you make mistakes and don't want to learn, you may make the same mistakes in the future. If you make a mistake and want to learn from it, you will not waste time repeating the same mistakes.
Set Meaningful Goals Step 7
Set Meaningful Goals Step 7

Step 2. Don't regret failure or mistakes

Accept the fact that life is not fair. Instead of regretting the injustice, think about what you could have done to make things better and use the situation for your own good.

  • For example, if you work in a negative environment, try to help and support coworkers. If needed, motivate and remind them that they are capable of success.
  • Sometimes, the unexpected happens that prevents you from achieving your goals. For example, you want to run a marathon, but are stuck because you injured your leg. Set new goals or think of alternatives to make your dreams come true, such as choosing sports that are safe for your joints. It may be better if you practice swimming or set a new target, namely recovering from an injury through physiotherapy.
Write a Good Online Dating Profile Step 13
Write a Good Online Dating Profile Step 13

Step 3. Strive for happiness in other aspects of life

Remember that success is not a guarantee of happiness. Success can mean reaching a goal, but it doesn't always bring happiness. Instead of focusing solely on your purpose in life, make sure you live a balanced life. So, try to achieve happiness in other aspects of life.

  • Don't cut ties with other people. Personal relationships play an important role in everyday life. So, don't just ignore it. If you found a cheap, efficient way of nuclear fission, but couldn't socialize, would it be worth it?
  • Value experience more than material. Life experience is an important factor that makes you feel happy, not money or material possessions. Take time to create great memories with great people to make you feel happy.
Wake up Happy Every Morning Step 14
Wake up Happy Every Morning Step 14

Step 4. Try to stay positive even if you fail

Know that you are capable of making the right decisions if your mind is able to direct your actions, not the other way around. If you fail, don't be afraid to start over from scratch. Be grateful because you are still given the opportunity to become a more successful person.


  • Be prepared if there are people who do not support your cause. Maybe they are cynics or cowards. Just ignore it and find people who can motivate and support your plan.
  • In addition to strong determination, consistency and determination play an important role in achieving success. A one-time action won't make a big difference. You can only be successful if you do these actions many times.
  • Achieve success according to the definition you set. Don't let your life be directed by other people's desires.


  • Don't worry too much about other people's opinions. Focus on what you want to achieve.
  • Be polite and show respect for others. You don't have to put other people down in order to be successful.
