How to Speak Confidently in Front of the Class: 13 Steps

How to Speak Confidently in Front of the Class: 13 Steps
How to Speak Confidently in Front of the Class: 13 Steps

Table of contents:


Many students speak in front of the class with their hearts pounding and their palms sweating from fear. However, almost everyone needs to speak in front of an audience for some reason. You will have confidence when speaking in front of your classmates by applying the instructions in this article. Prepare the presentation material that you want to deliver as well as possible and then practice regularly so that you remain calm and focused when speaking in front of the class.


Part 1 of 3: Controlling Fear

Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 1
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 1

Step 1. Find out why you feel nervous

Afraid of getting bad grades? Worried about being ridiculed by the friends you want to be close to? Once you know the trigger, think about why it's not true.

  • For example: when you think, "I will be ridiculed by my friends for looking stupid when I speak in front of the class," replace it with positive sentences, for example: "I will prepare myself as best as I can to impress my friends because I can deliver a presentation smoothly."
  • Remember that it's normal to be afraid of speaking in front of an audience. Many people experience the same thing and there are various tips for dealing with it.
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 2
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 2

Step 2. Consult a person who is trained in delivering presentations

Find a friend or someone who can deliver a good presentation and whose skills can be used as a role model. Ask him for tips he applies when dealing with an audience and ask for suggestions for dealing with the problems you are facing. Ask for information on how to prepare presentations and present material in a systematic way.

  • Ask if he or she is willing to listen while you practice giving your presentation.
  • If your school has a speech and debate club or activity, ask if you can attend a meeting to make observations and talk to some members about how to deal with an audience.
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 3
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 3

Step 3. Practice giving presentations every day even if you don't have the task of preparing a presentation

Challenge yourself to do things that make you uncomfortable, for example: raise your hand in class, chat with a classmate you don't know well, or order a meal over the phone instead of the internet. Take the challenge as an opportunity to develop your speaking skills in front of an audience.

For example: if you tend to speak quickly, take advantage of challenges during your daily activities to slow down the tempo and practice clear articulation. If your voice isn't loud enough, practice speaking out loud

Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 4
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 4

Step 4. Visualize your presentation going well

The nervousness of having to speak in front of the class usually makes you think about negative things. When these thoughts come up, try to distract them by imagining that you are capable of delivering a good presentation. Think you delivered a successful A presentation or the audience applauded standing up.

At first, it may seem strange, but the more you think about success, the easier it will be to get rid of negative thoughts

Part 2 of 3: Preparing Presentation Materials

Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 5
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 5

Step 1. Prepare the presentation as early as possible

You will feel nervous if the day before you just started thinking about the presentation material for tomorrow morning. Prepare as soon as possible when you find out that you have to speak in front of the class. Think about the topic you want to cover then prepare presentation material and take the time available to practice.

  • Don't memorize presentation material several weeks before the deadline. Instead, set aside a little time to practice each day.
  • Depending on the method you choose, you may not need to memorize material or be allowed to use note cards with important information.
  • Determine the topic and outline of the material no later than 2 days after you get the assignment. Set aside 20-30 minutes a day to find information and prepare presentation materials.
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 6
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 6

Step 2. Write down the main idea you want to convey

This suggestion may seem inaccurate, but don't give a presentation while reading the material from start to finish. Prepare a material outline containing several main ideas along with supporting data. If possible, arrange the outline in such a way that it can be printed on one sheet. That way, you don't have to think about the serial number of the handouts or note cards.

  • For example: if you want to discuss historical events, prepare an outline by including the names and dates of each event in the title. Then include the name of the main character and a brief information about what happened.
  • Don't read directly from the notes. Use notes as a tool so that all the important ideas are conveyed in order. Notes serve only as reminders, not as text containing complete material.
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 7
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 7

Step 3. Practice giving the presentation until you are able to memorize all the main ideas

After obtaining information on the topic, preparing material, and drafting a presentation outline, start practicing. Stand in front of the mirror memorizing. If you can already deliver the material without reading the notes, ask your friends or teacher if they would like to be in the audience while you practice.

  • Practice 2-3 times a day. You will feel more relaxed when giving a presentation if you already know what to say.
  • When practicing with the help of others, use the feedback provided as a lesson. Remember that they have no intention of bringing you down. Instead, they want to tell you things that need improvement, for example: the information you prepared or the presentation technique.
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 8
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 8

Step 4. Arrive at the presentation venue early

Observe the condition of the room at least 1 time before the scheduled presentation. Make sure you know where the presentation is, for example: in the classroom or in the school hall and then imagine where you are when presenting in front of an audience. Find out if there are supporting facilities (eg: podium), then arrange their placement as needed.

  • This is especially important if the presentation is outside the classroom. Different environments tend to make you even more nervous. This can be overcome by observing the condition of the room before the presentation schedule.
  • Even if you doubt whether this method is useful, do it. You will feel more relaxed if you have seen the situation in the room before.

Part 3 of 3: Speaking in Front of the Class

Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 9
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 9

Step 1. Try to calm yourself before the presentation begins

Don't let fear control you. If you start to feel nervous, think about the information you want to convey, instead of imagining negative things. After that, focus again on the presentation material.

  • Be prepared to accept reality in case something goes wrong. To overcome nervousness and prevent fatal mistakes, accept the fact that everyone can make mistakes, but they can be corrected. Oftentimes, small mistakes go unnoticed by the audience.
  • Don't stop talking or start over when you miss a word or miss a phrase. This disrupts the flow of the presentation and makes you even more nervous. Fix the error as soon as you notice it or continue with the presentation.
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 10
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 10

Step 2. Practice deep breathing

With your eyes closed, inhale deeply until your stomach expands, hold your breath for a slow count of three, then exhale completely. Repeat the breathing exercise until you feel calmer and can focus on the presentation and not be afraid. This method can be very useful if done a few minutes before the presentation begins.

Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 11
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 11

Step 3. Be an actor when speaking in front of an audience

The actor says and performs various scenes that he has never done in his daily life because he plays certain characters only when he is on stage. Imagine a character who looks a lot like you, but who feels comfortable speaking in front of an audience. Take the role of the character when you have to speak in front of the class.

  • This method is quite useful because you will be more willing to take risks when playing the character. If something goes wrong, the character will be blamed, not you.
  • To become an actor, apply the motto: “fake it until it works”. Play the role of a calm and confident person. Gradually, you really feel confident without having to pretend.
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 12
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 12

Step 4. Do your best while having fun

This is the time to show that you are working hard to make the presentation go well. Friends will appreciate people who have an interest in the material presented. They will ignore minor mistakes and mistakes if you sound enthusiastic.

Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 13
Get the Confidence to Speak in Front of a Class Step 13

Step 5. Evaluate your presentation, but don't just focus on mistakes

Congratulate yourself for having the courage to appear in front of your classmates. You will find it easier to blame yourself than others. Think of things that need to be corrected to make the next presentation better.

Record the results of the evaluation by writing down 2 positives for each negative aspect during the presentation. That way, you can focus on the things that need improvement, instead of assuming your presentation is a complete failure


  • Speak to the audience as if you were talking to friends.
  • If you see a friend chatting, don't assume he or she is talking about you. Distract and continue with the presentation.
  • Don't focus on the audience. You will be even more scared if you keep staring at someone. Instead, focus on the presentation material. When looking at your audience, keep your eyes overhead, instead of looking at their faces.
  • Practice regularly even if there is no presentation schedule. The more practice, the easier the presentation will be.
  • Do not consume caffeine and other stimulants before giving a presentation as they will increase anxiety. Instead, set aside a good night's sleep before the presentation to keep your mind clear.
  • Don't mock other people's presentations. He is just as nervous as you. Friends will be supportive if you provide support when one of them is giving a presentation.
