4 Ways to Become a Knight

4 Ways to Become a Knight
4 Ways to Become a Knight

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The classic image of a knight is that of a warrior fighting against the enemies of his lord and king and holding fast to the principles of the chivalric spirit. Chivalry is thought to have originated from the Ordem Equestre era, the nobles who rode horses in ancient Rome. The image of a knight comes from the "Song of Roland" and other legends such as the story of Charlemagne and his knights who spread from France to England with the conquest of the Norman army in 1066. Historically, knighthood can only be obtained by a select few, but in this last century, there are several ways to become a knight.


Method 1 of 4: Becoming a Medieval Knight (Historical)

Be a Knight Step 1
Be a Knight Step 1

Step 1. You must be born into a noble family

In feudal times, To become a knight, you had to be born a noble because only that faction usually had enough wealth to buy the horses, armor, and weaponry that a knight needed to defend his master's land.

An ordinary family can be made a noble family (given the title of nobility) by the king if someone from that family performs a very noble act that makes him worthy of being a knight

Be a Knight Step 2
Be a Knight Step 2

Step 2. Born male

In modern times like now, both men and women can be used as knights, historically of course only men can become knights. The word knight or "knight" in English comes from the Anglo-Saxon word "cniht" which means "male." But of course this is not without exception.

  • In 1149, "The Order of the Hatchet" was formed to honor the women of the city of Tortosa in Catalonia (Spain), who fought in men's clothing against the Moors who invaded their city. They were made equal to a knight.
  • The legend of Charlemagne chronicles the adventures of a female knight named Bramadante (Bramadant), who was also the niece of Charlemagne himself. But at first Bramadante disguised himself as a man, until he met and eventually fell in love with Rogero (Ruggeiro).
Be a Knight Step 3
Be a Knight Step 3

Step 3. Learn from your parents what it means to be a knight

During the first seven years, a boy will learn the manners to become a knight from his parents in stories containing the principles of a chivalrous spirit and take him to see a match. Playtime is filled with swordplay against imaginary enemies.

Be a Knight Step 4
Be a Knight Step 4

Step 4. Must be old enough

At the age of seven, a boy will become a noble's servant (also known as “varlet”, which means “little follower”) in charge of serving a nobleman and the family members who live in the noble's house. He will be given a uniform according to his master's national color and will be guided by more experienced servants. As a waitress, her work is divided between household chores, physical activities, and education.

  • Home duties of a waiter include serving as a table waiter; take care of his master's clothes and help him get dressed. This also includes assisting the master in putting on and removing the armor in spear-riding tournaments.
  • Physical activities include learning to ride and hunt using weapons and eagles. The swordplay he had trained in became more formal, and the maids would also learn jousting by wielding a spear-like weapon while riding a wooden wheeled horse drawn by two other maids towards the target.
  • Education built on the manners taught by the servant's parents, including religious education and thinking skills. It is taught through games such as chess and backgammon.
  • The richer the noble served, the greater the dignity for the servant who served him. But even so, the richer the noble, the more servants he had and the greater the competition between them for a high status in the noble house.
Be a Knight Step 5
Be a Knight Step 5

Step 5. Become a knight's assistant

Usually at the age of 14 years, but sometimes even younger until the age of 10 years, a servant will be assigned to a knight as an assistant and carrier of the knight's armor, this level is called the term "squire", taken from the French "esquyer" which means " shield bearer." At this level of training, the young assistant who would later become a knight was recognized as a man. The duties and responsibilities assigned to him will also be greater than when he was a servant.

  • The task as a food servant for the ruler was now shifted to helping the knights. The knight's assistant is also tasked with helping to put on the armor and take care of it, helping the knight both in tournaments and real war, this task also includes taking care of the knight's horse. The assistant who helps the ruler in this way is called the “squire of the body” and this is the highest rank of assistant among all the assistants.
  • The wooden swords and spears and the wooden horses that were ridden were now just a memory, and were replaced with real weapons. Knight assistants were also taught to swim and climb in order to be effective in storming a castle.
  • Manner lessons include learning the principles of chivalry (Behavior in battle and acknowledgment of those served by the knight) as well as music and dancing. Knight assistants also studied heraldry, lessons about their family crests as well as other noble family crests. This is learned so that they can distinguish between friend and foe when they meet on the battlefield.
Be a Knight Step 6
Be a Knight Step 6

Step 6. To become a knight, one has to fight

If an assistant proves himself worthy and successfully uses all the results of his training, then even at the age of 21 he can be crowned a knight. (In some cases, the assistant showed great courage, and because of that he received an early coronation, just like promotions in today's battlefields but with only a brief coronation ritual.) The formal ceremony of coronation of a person to a knight involves many rituals, part of which is -the parts are as follows:

  • All night vigil in the chapel of the palace of the ruler who will be represented, that night he will enter into the ritual of washing to purify him symbolically. Then he will be dressed in white to symbolize purity, covered with a red robe to symbolize nobility. He will wear sandals and black shoes to symbolize that when needed, he is ready to die for a chivalrous soul and in his duty to serve the ruler. The sword and shield that the knight will wear is placed on the altar, while the knight candidate will kneel or stand in front of him and pray silently for 10 hours.
  • In the morning, a mass was held with a sermon on the duties of a knight. This Mass was attended by relatives of the prospective knight. After that the priest will bless the sword and shield and then give it to the sponsor of the knight, who then gives it back to the ruler who will preside over the coronation ceremony. This could be done by the lord of the palace, a higher aristocrat, or even by the king.. (In Henry VIII's reign, only the reigning king was entitled to preside over the chivalric coronation ceremony.)
  • The two sponsors handed the knight over to the ruler, at whom the knight would swear an oath of allegiance and swear to stay away from traitors, to treat women with respect, and to observe all the rituals performed by the church. Then the ruler would give the knight a sword and shield and touch it on the shoulder with the sword or with his hand saying "I give you the title Sir." The sponsors would then strap the sword and scabbard on the knight's waist and attach spurs to the heels of his shoes, at this point the knight was entitled to use the title "Sir".
  • Being a knight meant that you had to be able to pay the expenses that matched your title. The assistants who cannot afford are called “arma patrina”. They were allowed to carry spears and shields, but had no other chivalric equipment.
  • The "Squire of the Body" often escorted the knight into battle, where he would stand at a distance and guard the knight's spare equipment. If the knight is killed, the assistant will take the weapon and protect the corpse of the knight who was killed earlier. If he can kill an attacking opponent, he has the right to take the knight's horse, shield, armor and sword. It would be his, and he would automatically continue the chivalry of his deceased predecessor.

Method 2 of 4: Become a Knight of the British Empire

Be a Knight Step 7
Be a Knight Step 7

Step 1. Strive to be the best in your field

In the Middle Ages, chivalry was an award given only to military services, modern-day chivalry in the British Empire was awarded for the best achievements achieved by a person in their respective fields, be it in business and industry, education, science. knowledge, religion, and entertainment.

Within Britain's perfect royal lineup, there are five levels of respect for men and women: "Knight/Dame Grand Cross" (GBE), "Knight/Dame Commander" (KBE), "Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" (CBE), "Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" (OBE), and "Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" (MBE). Among all grades, only GBE and KBE are allowed to put the honorific title in front of their name

Be a Knight Step 8
Be a Knight Step 8

Step 2. You must be a British citizen

Chivalry in medieval times was associated only with men, but modern knighthood titles can be bestowed on both men and women. Female knights are not called “Sir” which means master, but they are called “Dame.” But to be called “Sir” or “Dame” you must be a British citizen.

Those who are not British nationals cannot be crowned knights, but can receive honorary titles provided there is a recommendation from the Office of Commonwealth of State and Foreign Nationals. They did not need to undergo a chivalry ceremony, nor were they allowed to use their honorary titles. But even so, they are still allowed to use the initials of the row behind their names like ordinary people who are crowned knights. If they later become British citizens, they can then submit an application for full knighthood rights

Be a Knight Step 9
Be a Knight Step 9

Step 3. Ordination of a knight

The ordination ceremony can be done publicly or privately. In this ceremony, the leader of the country or one of the nobles who represents the leader will give public ordination. This is followed by the presentation of the badge.

  • Unlike in medieval times, in modern chivalry one is not required to be a member of the royal military.
  • A clergyman ordained as a knight is not done in general, because the use of the sword is considered unsuitable for the vocation of a clergyman. They also don't use knighthoods like "Sir" or "Dame."

Method 3 of 4: Become a Knight in SCA

Be a Knight Step 10
Be a Knight Step 10

Step 1. Comply with applicable SCA laws and the kingdoms and local groups within them

The aim of the SCA is to educate and entertain their members by reviving various aspects of life from medieval society, from the everyday to the combat aspects of the era. As a member of the SCA, you must obey applicable laws as well as regional (royal) laws and local groups within which you are registered in order to maintain order, just as medieval knights must also obey applicable royal laws in order to maintain order. Just as they are seen as an example of law and order, so are you as a knight in this organization.

Be a Knight Step 11
Be a Knight Step 11

Step 2. Respect your leader

Regional/royal groups are led by a king and queen, and smaller groups are led by a “seneschal” i.e. a kind of governor. You need to pay due respect to their position; If you succeed in becoming a knight, you are required to take an oath of allegiance to them.

Be a Knight Step 12
Be a Knight Step 12

Step 3. Take part in SCA events

If you hope to become a knight within SCA, then you must actively participate in events organized by SCA. You don't have to be present all the time, but it's a good idea to try their variety of shows and pick the one you like best. You will enter the tournament, but don't limit yourself to that. Other activities also include doing the following:

  • Wear the best costume that describes your personality. It doesn't have to be completely authentic but it's a good idea to try your best, you can also ask for advice or help if needed.
  • Share your experiences with other members, this way you will also learn. If you have knowledge and skills that other members can learn, share it with them. And instead learn what the other members can teach; maybe you can learn skills, and also make new friends
  • Share with other members as often as possible. This is called “hospitality,” it means sharing our time and skills to help other members outside of teaching. It's as simple as lending a sword or a little complicated like organizing events.
Be a Knight Step 13
Be a Knight Step 13

Step 4. Show proper attitude as a knight

Treat your leader with courtesy and respect, as well as other members, and also to your opponents in tournaments. Your personality may be the result of an unfamiliar culture with this kind of politeness, but that's no excuse for bad behavior. (The comic character Prince Brave Courageous is said to be of Viking blood, but he can behave like a knight in King Arthur's court, and not like a looting Viking.)

  • One form of courtesy that you will be expected to learn is to uphold the honor of your spouse. (The SCA bestows chivalry on both men and women; the spouse referred to here is someone you have a romantic relationship with whether married or unmarried.) You will wear a special attribute that represents your partner when you compete in a tournament; Your actions or behavior will not only represent you, but will also represent your partner.
  • However, you can incorporate elements of your own personality in showing courtesy, such as lifting your hat and waving it when your partner, who is about to play swords, bows before the queen.
Be a Knight Step 14
Be a Knight Step 14

Step 5. Sharpen your skills in combat

It's a good idea to develop your skills in fighting in tournaments so that you can defend against all your competing opponents, win or if it doesn't really matter.

Be a Knight Step 15
Be a Knight Step 15

Step 6. Ordination by your king or queen on the recommendation of other knights

Many kingdoms have knights' councils that advise the king on the suitability of a candidate for knighthood. Getting to know them can help you on your journey, but in the end it's the king who decides.

  • SCA is indeed the most famous, but actually there are many organizations that have revived medieval history like this. However, other organizations may not practice chivalric coronations; those who practice it are assumed to follow SCA standards.
  • In whichever organization you are active in, it is better to focus more on your journey to chivalry than the ultimate goal of becoming a knight. Spend more time respecting others and don't think about when that honor will come your way.

Method 4 of 4: Other Ways to Become a Knight

Address a Queen Step 6
Address a Queen Step 6

Step 1. Work towards earning that title through your accomplishments in life

A knight like this does not carry the title of GBE or KBE. Knights like this were for men only, and added John Jones, kt. This is known as the “Knights Bachelor” and it is the lowest tier in the lineup. This was also the lowest rank of the male knight ranks. The woman who is bestowed this rank will bear the title of Dame Jane Jones, the title of DBE, Female Knight Leader of the British Empire's Most Perfection. Because this is the lowest rank in the female line.

Be a Knight Step 16
Be a Knight Step 16

Step 2. Get involved in a spiritual or social organization

For spiritual organizations such as the Knights of Columbus, "Serve God, take the sword" (then they will offer you a great guarantee.) Apart from them, there are many other names of organizations that contain the word "Knight" or as a title that can be used as a title. obtained by being active and achieving in the organization.

Be a Knight Step 17
Be a Knight Step 17

Step 3. Purchase a title

In certain organizations, it is possible to earn the title of knight by simply paying a membership fee or joining a reward program that includes the title of “knight.”

Be a Knight Step 18
Be a Knight Step 18

Step 4. Join an organization that promotes chivalry in the modern world

Social organizations such as the 'International fellowship of Chivalry-Now', devote themselves to adapting the qualities of chivalry in their daily lives, only they don't wear armor and don't swing swords.


  • Many traditions of chivalry associated with medieval European chivalry can be traced to names such as Eleanor of Aquitaine, queen consort to King Louis VII of France and to Henry II of England. Delighted by stories about king Arthur, the queen designed her throne room to follow the story and encouraged her musicians to sing songs about the warrior spirit.
  • The full armor worn by the knights turned out to be only used in the late Middle Ages. At first, the knights only wore chain armor called "hauberk" or leather armor to increase their resistance. When armor was invented, knights usually had two pieces of armor, one used for beavers and the other for parades or public appearances.
  • Not all knights and "arma patrina" fought represented the same ruler. Those who offer services to anyone who can pay them are freelancers or "freelancers."
