Ever heard of a drug called SUPREP? In fact, SUPREP is a medicinal solution intended to clean the intestinal tract before a colonoscopy procedure is performed. Because the use of SUPREP aims to cleanse the digestive system, it is likely that uncomfortable side effects will appear afterward, such as nausea and vomiting. To prevent these side effects, don't forget to follow the usage rules given by the doctor or listed on the drug packaging, and take various strategies to minimize the risk of nausea. If you vomit afterward, stop taking the medicine immediately and/or contact the nearest doctor!
Method 1 of 3: Take SUPREP according to the recommendations given

Step 1. Divide SUPREP into two doses, which are to be taken in the morning and evening
Although both bottles of SUPREP must be finished, do not consume them at the same time or at the same time so that you do not vomit. Instead, take one dose the night before the colonoscopy, and one the next morning.
- Ask your doctor for recommendations regarding when to take the right medication. It's a good idea to drink the SUPREP solution before going to bed at night, especially since you may need to go to the bathroom several times afterward. However, understand that everyone's experience is different.
- If the colonoscopy procedure is scheduled for 11am the next day, ideally your first dose should be taken between 6-8pm. Then, take the second dose with water, at least 4 hours before the colonoscopy procedure.

Step 2. Dissolve SUPREP with water, according to the instructions on the package
Indeed, SUPREP must be diluted or dissolved with water before consumption. In other words, you shouldn't gulp it straight out of the bottle so your body doesn't respond to rejection that triggers nausea or vomiting. You can find instructions on how to compare the water and SUPREP ratios on the back of the package, although it is generally recommended that you dissolve 180 ml of SUPREP in 300 ml of water.
- Supposedly, the SUPREP packaging will be equipped with a bottle with a capacity of about 500 ml. If you find the bottle in question, please pour the SUPREP solution into the bottle, then add water until it reaches the limit line listed on the lip of the bottle.
- Use boiled water or mineral water to dilute SUPREP.

Step 3. Drink SUPREP slowly
If you take too many SUPREP at the same time, you're more likely to feel nauseous and want to throw up, especially since your body is sending signals to reject the solution. To prevent this from happening, try taking SUPREP gradually without haste.
Take a sip of SUPREP, instead of gulping it down in large quantities. If your stomach starts to feel queasy, please take a pause as long as necessary

Step 4. Drink 1 liter of cold water for one hour after taking SUPREP
So that no drug solution is wasted, use the SUPREP bottle to measure the amount of water that enters the body. Typically, one bottle of SUPREP can hold about 500 ml of liquid. Therefore, after the first 500 ml is used up, make sure you refill the bottle with 500 ml of water and drink it completely. Although 1 liter is not a small amount, do it anyway to ensure the body does not become dehydrated after consuming SUPREP.
- Most likely, the body will become dehydrated after taking SUPREP, mainly because as already explained, SUPREP is a drug that is intended to empty the intestines so to achieve this goal, you will first experience diarrhea. When you have diarrhea, your body will lose fluids so you need to increase your fluid intake to minimize the risk of dehydration.
- Downing cold water after taking SUPREP can help minimize the risk of nausea and vomiting. In addition to washing away the SUPREP taste from the tongue, drinking cold water will also help calm you down.
Method 2 of 3: Reducing the Risk of Nausea

Step 1. Chill SUPREP in the refrigerator before use
Although it can be stored at room temperature, SUPREP that has been refrigerated is actually easier to swallow. Therefore, place the SUPREP bottle in the refrigerator for at least an hour before drinking.
- If you wish, you can also dilute SUPREP with cold water. Even if the SUPREP bottle is stored at room temperature, adding cold water can make the taste easier to tolerate.
- Add flavoring to the SUPREP solution only if authorized by your doctor, or if a flavoring is available in the SUPREP package. Some types of flavoring is possible to consume, although there is a risk of confusing your test results. For example, don't add red flavorings that will look like blood to your test results.

Step 2. Sip SUPREP using a straw
Using a straw can help you take a slow sip of SUPREP. In addition, this method is also able to minimize the SUPREP taste because the sensation does not spread to all areas in your mouth.
You won't find straws in SUPREP packs. Therefore, please buy straws at the supermarket or pick them up at the nearest fast food restaurant

Step 3. Brush your teeth or gargle with a special liquid to get rid of the SUPREP taste
The taste of SUPREP is actually intolerable by some people, and can even make people who consume it nauseous. If so, immediately brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with antiseptic liquid after consuming SUPREP.
Do not brush your teeth too deeply so as not to trigger the urge to vomit

Step 4. Suck on the hard candy to disguise the SUPREP taste
Before taking SUPREP, suck on the candy of your choice for a few seconds, then take it out and take a quick sip of SUPREP. Repeat the same process until the SUPREP runs out, if the SUPREP taste is difficult for you to tolerate. Remember, choose candy that doesn't contain red coloring or has a soft center.
Other good options for eating are lemon candy, caramel candy, or imported products like the white/yellow Lifesavers candies and Jolly Ranchers. If in doubt about your choice, try to consult a doctor or pharmacist

Step 5. Don't eat solid food while taking SUPREP
While preparing for a colonoscopy procedure, don't eat solid foods. Apart from risking confounding the test results, doing so will increase the risk of vomiting! Therefore, focus on consuming clear fluids instead of solid foods.
- How do you know if a liquid is clear or not? One easy way is to put a glass of drink on a piece of paper with any writing on it. Apple juice, for example, will still have some color, but you should still be able to read the text or see what's under the glass. This means that apple juice is a clear liquid and is suitable for drinking. Meanwhile, orange juice has a completely opaque color and you won't be able to see the writing on the bottom of the glass so it's not ideal to drink.
- In addition to water, other clear liquid options that you can consume are Sprite, lemonade, and broth.

Step 6. Take anti-nausea medication, if available at home
As the name implies, anti-nausea drugs can relieve the nausea you feel after taking SUPREP. However, still consult the doctor beforehand, yes. If you have a previous history of nausea, don't hesitate to tell your doctor before taking SUPREP again.
- Some types of anti-nausea drugs that are commonly sold in the market are prochlorperazine (Compazine), ondansetron (Zofran), promethazine (Phenergan), and metoclopramide (Reglan). Remember, make sure you only take one anti-nausea tablet by following the instructions on the medicine package, and not combining anti-nausea drugs with other medicines.
- Consult the possibility of taking anti-nausea drugs to your doctor. Ideally, your doctor will prescribe anti-nausea medication or recommend over-the-counter medications that are suitable for you to take.
Method 3 of 3: Dealing with Nausea or Vomiting

Step 1. Pause for 30 minutes to an hour before taking more SUPREP
During this time, store SUPREP in the refrigerator to keep it cool and drink plenty of cold water. After 30 minutes, return to taking SUPREP slowly, taking a break between each sip.
If you haven't already, please disguise the SUPREP taste according to the instructions given earlier. For example, try eating hard-textured candies that don't contain red dye

Step 2. Call your doctor for instructions
If all the methods that have been done do not work, do not hesitate to ask a doctor for help. Supposedly, your doctor can offer other options you can do to cleanse your intestines, and/or prescribe anti-nausea medications.
You may also need to contact the hospital or clinic where the colonoscopy procedure was performed, if instructed by your doctor. Supposedly, the doctor will provide this information when prescribing SUPREP

Step 3. Call your doctor immediately if you have difficulty swallowing liquids after taking SUPREP
After taking SUPREP, the most important thing to pay attention to is to consume more fluids, especially since diarrhea problems commonly occur after taking SUPREP, as the body's way of cleansing its digestive system. That is why, you should consume more fluids to replace lost body fluids and minimize the risk of dehydration.
Since dehydration can have dangerous side effects, don't hesitate to contact your doctor if you experience it
Basically, SUPREP does not need to be spent in a short time. Therefore, please take it slowly and occasionally take a break, if necessary
- Chances are, diarrhea will occur even before the SUPREP dose is finished. Even so, keep spending the recommended dose, yes!
- Do not stop taking SUPREP without the knowledge and permission of your doctor. Remember, the SUPREP dose must be spent to ensure the condition of the intestine is completely clean. Otherwise, it is feared that your colonoscopy results will be neither accurate nor useful.
- Some people have a very high sensitivity to SUPREP that they cannot take it. If you are worried that you are experiencing the same condition, try to see a doctor.