4 Ways to Take a Shower When You Don't Want To Take A Shower

4 Ways to Take a Shower When You Don't Want To Take A Shower
4 Ways to Take a Shower When You Don't Want To Take A Shower

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We all know that personal hygiene is important, but sometimes it can be hard to make up your mind to take a shower if you don't feel like it. Maybe your day was tiring and you're feeling tired, or you're already feeling warm and cozy on the couch and can't imagine getting wet. Whatever the circumstances may be, it's helpful to know some tips to get the intention to take a shower. The following tips are more mental-focused than anything else, and just require you to take a different perspective on bathing obligations that can make it more enjoyable for you.


Method 1 of 4: Step into the Bathroom Now

Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 1
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 1

Step 1. Turn on the water

Sometimes, to complete what feels like a daunting task, you have to start small. For now, go ahead and turn on the shower. Let the water flow comfortably and warmly and imagine how nice it would be to enter the bathroom. You may find it easier to shower once you are actually in the bathroom and everything is ready to go.

  • The hardest thing often lies in simply taking the first step.
  • Remember, the only thing holding you back is lethargy. If that is removed, nothing can stand in your way.
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 2
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 2

Step 2. Undress

After successfully entering the bathroom and turning on the shower, take off your clothes and notice how you feel. At this point, it might feel silly to turn off the water and get back into your clothes after going through all the effort above. Since you're ready to shower, and getting your clothes back on will take just as much effort, it's best to just go ahead and take a shower in the shower.

While you're comfortably lounging on the couch, the things you need to do to make a successful shower may overwhelm you. Instead of focusing on a lot of details at once, do things one at a time

Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 3
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 3

Step 3. Remind yourself why you need to shower

If you find yourself lacking the motivation to shower, imagining what will happen if you don't shower regularly can be helpful. Dirt, oil, dead skin cells can build up on your skin, making you feel dirty and uncomfortable. If you don't shower for too long, this can lead to problems like itching, clogged pores, and skin infections. After a while, a bad smell may also start to waft from you, which can make you feel embarrassed in front of a lot of people.

  • Spending too long without bathing or using the shower can be bad for you. Skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, and chronic body odor can develop, making you look and feel unwell.
  • Bathing every day is not necessary. In fact, dermatologists now believe that it's actually better for us to shower several times a week. This may make this task easier for you.

Method 2 of 4: Building Discipline

Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 4
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 4

Step 1. Give yourself advice

Instead of sitting around waiting until you have the urge to shower, force yourself to make a resolution that you're going to shower no matter what, and stick to it. Be your own personal trainer. Give yourself constructive advice and give affirmation by making sentences that inspire and strengthen. You will feel more capable as soon as your attitude changes from "I don't want to" to "I can."

  • Oftentimes, when people have trouble doing something, it's because they don't like the effort they have to put in or are "not in the mood." Understand that there will always be things you don't want to do but still have to do.
  • Saying your name can energize you by temporarily gaining another point of view and creating a sense of personal responsibility.
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 5
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 5

Step 2. Think of it as a challenge

Put your pride on the line and start working on overcoming your refusal to take a shower to prove yourself. If you can't shower, what else can't you do? This may sound silly, but it is an opportunity for self-improvement. Show yourself that you can do what you focus on and as a result, you will feel more in control of areas of your life.

  • Start making a list of daily goals to achieve and place showers near the top.
  • You'll gain more desire and self-control every time you shower when you don't want to.
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 6
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 6

Step 3. Make it a habit

After a successful shower, do it again the next day at the same time, then the next day again, then the day after and so on. Don't let yourself miss a day or procrastinate until it's too late. After about a week, your laziness will start to wear off and bathing will become just a part of your daily routine.

  • Set up a regular bath schedule for yourself based on your needs and preferences. Some people may have to shower every day, while others can survive bathing only a few times a week, or even once a week. Choose a day and time that will make it easier for you to stick to your schedule.
  • When bathing becomes a habit, you will begin to feel as if something is missing if you don't shower.

Method 3 of 4: Forcing Yourself to Take a Shower

Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 7
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 7

Step 1. Do exercise

Do some vigorous exercise half an hour before you have to shower. You're more likely to choose to shower if you're sweaty and uncomfortable. Think about how refreshed you will feel after a shower, or at least how bad it will feel (and what people think) if you don't shower.

  • Strenuous exercise will make clothes damp, making your skin and hair greasy and causing body odor.
  • A cold or warm shower will help cool you off after a strenuous workout.
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 8
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 8

Step 2. Wait until you can't take it anymore

If you have a business meeting, dinner plans, or an important event where you need to look your best, leave it until the last minute until you have to shower before you can finish getting ready. The closer it is to leaving, the more necessary you will be to shower, until you have no choice.

  • Remember that you can make a bad impression if other people find out that you haven't showered.
  • Finding reasonable reasons to get things done is often more motivating than simply feeling that you have to.
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 9
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 9

Step 3. Ask a friend to help

Persuade a close relative or friend to encourage you to shower whenever the opportunity arises. You can ask him to ask you “Did you shower today?” or even scold you for your stubbornness to make you feel guilty or ashamed if you don't. Ask the person helping you to be annoying and irritating to the extent necessary for encouragement. In the end, you'll be more excited to shower just to keep them quiet.

  • If you're really serious about asking a friend to help you take more responsibility, hand him the money and ask not to return it until you shower.
  • Carrying out your duties can be difficult if you are the only one watching, but involving an older person you respect or someone in power can encourage you to act appropriately by creating a fear of disappointing consequences.
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 10
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 10

Step 4. Set an alarm for yourself

Schedule a series of alarms on your phone that will prompt you to take a shower when it goes off. If you tend to be forgetful, this will give you a reminder that you haven't. If you're just stubborn, the alarm will serve as a firm, persistent voice demanding that you get things done. Do you want the alarm to win? Definitely not. So, take a shower.

  • Set the alarm to sound at random times, then set the next alarm closer together as the time limit you set for yourself gets closer (going to bed, getting ready for a date, etc.).
  • Reminder alarms can be a great solution if you tend to forget to take a shower.

Method 4 of 4: Making Bathing More Fun

Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 11
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 11

Step 1. Take the opportunity to relax

Taking a shower doesn't have to be rushed. In fact, bathing can be a pleasurable experience. Turn on the water comfortably and hotly then enjoy the sensation of the water flowing against your skin. Breathe in the steam and feel its warmth spread throughout your body. Take the time leisurely. It's about enjoying the time to relax and clean up.

  • Bathing serves as a break from facing the world, giving you a chance to be alone and find the peace and quiet you so need.
  • Don't overdo it – spending too much time in a warm shower regularly can strip your skin of the natural oils it needs.
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 12
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 12

Step 2. Buy new toiletries

Collect musk-smelling soap or mild liquid soap, scented shampoo and a new, smooth facial scrub or loofah. You can't wait to take a shower if you're excited about pampering yourself. When using these types of products, you will feel completely refreshed after leaving the bathroom, which will keep you looking forward to your next shower schedule.

Change the scent and formula of your bath products every few weeks so they don't feel boring. For example, you can use a fresh floral scented soap in the summer, then switch to an evergreen scent in the winter months

Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 13
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 13

Step 3. Clean your bathroom

Entering a bathroom filled with moss and soap residue with water running from the shower head and hair clogging the drains is unpleasant. If your bathroom is very dirty, it will ruin showering as a worthwhile experience for you. Wipe off all the toiletries and you can't resist the smudge-free shine that's so inviting.

  • To prevent mold and keep your bathing environment clean and inviting, try to clean your bathroom every 2-3 weeks.
  • Make a quick, organic cleaning solution by mixing two-to-one white vinegar and warm water. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a nicer scent.
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 14
Take a Shower if You Don't Want To Step 14

Step 4. Turn on the music

Make bath time more entertaining by playing some of your favorite songs and turning the volume up. Listening to music will allow you to focus on something other than the boredom of soaping, rinsing, and repeating. You can even throw your own dance party or sing along to the tunes as loud as you want-as long as everyone else in the house doesn't mind.

  • Buy a waterproof cell phone case or waterproof speaker that you can take to a damp bathroom.
  • Put up a dedicated playlist to play in the shower, and complete it with hits like, “Splish Splash,” “So Fresh, So Clean” and “Wade in the Water.”


  • Remember: taking a shower is no big deal! Bathing is a normal part of everyday life, and provides many benefits that will keep you looking and feeling your best.
  • A shower only takes a few minutes, but it will nourish your skin and hair, protect against illness and prepare you to start the day.
  • Take a shower in the afternoon or evening when you are more awake, or when you are already productive.
  • As another option, try taking a shower early in the morning and finish immediately.
  • If you're having trouble falling asleep, a warm shower may be just what you need to calm you down and help you fall asleep.
  • One added advantage of bathing regularly is that you don't have to wash clothes frequently, as clothes and bedding won't get dirty quickly.


  • Dancing in the shower can be a lot of fun, but be careful not to get so excited that you slip and fall. That would be so embarrassing!
  • Do not lock the bathroom door if a loved one is at home; he can help if you get hurt in the bathroom.
