Perceptions of masculinity and femininity are almost completely dependent on culture, and culture is constantly changing. In 1993, an American female senator caused a stir by wearing trousers to the Senate office. However, many men and women want to present themselves in a traditional masculine image. Trousers alone are not enough to achieve this because you will also have to change your appearance, habits, and mindset in order to feel more comfortable with yourself and in your interactions with others.
Part 1 of 3: Applying a Masculine Attitude

Step 1. Show confidence
There is ample evidence that men tend to be more confident and confident than women even though both have equal qualifications. If one of your goals is to be seen as more serious or authoritative, prioritize fighting self-doubt and passivity. Anyone can do the steps below, even people who want to look feminine:
- Practice confident body language, including back straight, eye contact, and keeping your arms in front of your body "open."
- Accept compliments and don't over-apologise (say "Thank you, I'm so happy." rather than "Ah, it's nothing.")
- Learn to ask for what you want and acknowledge your own abilities ("Yes, I have experience in _, but I charge $_ for a job like this.")

Step 2. Take risks
Like self-confidence, the courage to take risks is often associated with masculine attitudes. The pure propensity to take risks is sometimes seen as reckless, but the positive aspect is being able to make smart even if scary choices. Reassess the assumptions holding you back, and start thinking outside the rectangular box. Are you holding on to your current job for fear of change? Is your love life not progressing because you are afraid to be in a relationship or commit? Sometimes you have to take bold steps to get what you want.
If you don't dare to take risks every day, start facing small fears. For example, encourage yourself to try a different hobby or sport. You'll be more confident when you succeed, or practice facing failure at risk that doesn't have major consequences

Step 3. Be tough
In general society, men are expected to be thick-skinned and able to control themselves. The next time you feel like complaining, think about it. If the problem is just a minor annoyance, leave it alone without seeking sympathy from others. This can be especially helpful in a professional context as work will be much easier to handle if you can avoid gossip and hate.
You also need to be aware of the downside of cultural pressure. Men are less likely to seek help to solve serious problems than women, especially in matters related to mental and emotional health. So they have a harder time recovering, and ironically put a burden on friends and family who have to deal with their unresolved self-destruction. It's no good pretending you can handle anything without help

Step 4. Practice independence
You have to take responsibility for yourself. This means you'll also have to learn to sew your own clothes, not just be skilled in "manly" activities like changing tires, unless you just want to live up to someone else's expectations.

Step 5. Set goals and work to achieve them
Ambition and belief in achieving goals are two attributes that are usually more common in men than women. A "manly" attitude helps build focus on achieving goals and overcoming worries. Whether it's career, love, or personal, focus on the end result and find ways to start achieving it. Ask tough questions, and do your best to answer them until you know what your goals are and how to achieve them.
Don't worry if plans don't go smoothly or if your goals are more difficult to achieve than previously thought. Be calm and determined

Step 6. Recognize signs of excessive masculinity
Excessive masculinity is an attempt to realize the masculine stereotype as much as possible even though there is no benefit. Stereotypical masculine behaviors include extreme competition (especially with other masculine people), aggressive pursuit of sex, and seeking conflict or dominance (especially over feminine people). You will find it difficult to establish close relationships because such a lifestyle crosses boundaries and refuses to cooperate. People who are overly masculine are more likely to treat their partners violently, physically or sexually. Sometimes, they also take dangerous risks for no benefit, or feel compelled to do something they don't like just to maintain a manly image.
To show the "alpha man" side in a more controlled context, try participating in a competitive sport or game

Step 7. Don't be ashamed of your own emotions
What did Taufik Hidayat do when he won the 2000 Athens Olympics? She cries. Does that mean he's not masculine? Of course not. In the past, men presented themselves as tough characters with flat expressions, but now and again, more and more men are more free to express their emotions. Men and women who hide their emotions are more likely to have unhappy relationships, experience severe anxiety or depression, and even suffer from stress-related illnesses. At the very least, open up your emotional side to close friends and family. Even in a professional context, the ability to express emotions without hesitation or shame can support masculinity because you are considered capable of showing confidence in yourself. If you haven't reached that stage yet, display a strong attitude in public, but don't be afraid to express your feelings when they really matter.
Part 2 of 3: Using the Right Words

Step 1. Speak your mind
If you have something constructive or useful to say, say so. The masculine style of speech is characterized by firmness and willingness to express opinions even though there is the possibility of making mistakes.
On the downside, in different gender groups, men usually dominate the discussion and often don't realize that they are interrupting women or not giving women a chance to talk. Whatever your gender, try to pay attention to this dynamic. You may be involved in a more cooperative format meeting or speaking in shifts, as well as in social events that are divided into small groups

Step 2. Don't think too much, at least don't let others know
Masculinity means knowing what to do, or at least appearing to know. If you admit guilt or uncertainty, others who are competitive with excessive masculinity will not really value your opinion. Whether this thinking is sound or not, the truth is that hiding your weakness can help you win something. Ideally, don't use this technique to bog down a better idea or in a meaningless argument. If it's clear from the start that your decision was wrong, propose changes without overthinking the mistake or over-apologizing.
This method is best used in a debate on a topic you are good at. If someone is trying to "outperform" you, the quickest way to successfully win an argument is to respond with confidence, not compromise

Step 3. Make other people laugh
Men make jokes more often than women even though there isn't really a big biological difference in "cuteness." In heterosexual relationships, women tend to find funny men more attractive, while men like women who laugh at their jokes. So, if you're a boy, witty and funny (even if sometimes flat) comments can make you appear more masculine. Unfortunately, women have a harder time adopting this stereotypical male style and may get mixed reactions when they make the same joke. A woman who wants to be thought of as "one of the men" can cultivate a sense of humor, but her success depends on whether the people around her are traditional or modern.

Step 4. Be the person you want to be
Everyone has a mix of masculine and feminine attributes, not to mention characteristics that are independent of gender. The style and strength of masculinity can shift depending on the context, and there's no problem with that. Before turning any conversation into a testosterone contest, remember the other side of masculinity: the confidence to be honest without being daunted by the possibility of being judged. Sometimes, you need to take off your tough mask and show a sensitive side, by:
- Admit mistake. If you can't admit your flaws, other people will think of you as the worst masculine stereotype, that is, a person who always puts his own interests and ways first so that he becomes vulnerable inside and sabotages the success of others.
- Don't let pride and confidence turn into arrogance. Yes, proving yourself in front of others is one of the most universally masculine traits, but it can be boring to overdo it.
Part 3 of 3: Look More Masculine

Step 1. Choose a masculine clothing style
Appearances are not so fundamental to changing traits, but they have a big impact on what other people think. Masculine looks usually involve neutral or dark colors, few or no accessories, pants that are fairly loose, and tend to be casual or casual, not expensive or carefully chosen clothes.
There are no definite rules in masculine style for the rest of the world. There are countries where men wear brightly colored clothes, and there are social groups that express male power in silver suits and cufflinks. Observe "manly" friends and ask them for advice if you're not sure where to start

Step 2. Get used to dress up more masculine
Beards and mustaches are the most obvious way to look more masculine. A bushy or unkempt beard is generally more masculine than a stylishly groomed beard, but like clothing, a beard also depends on context. Both men and women who want to be more masculine can opt for a short and simple haircut, or seek advice from a salon or barber.
Even if you want to be more masculine, you still have to take care of your hair and body by bathing regularly to keep it clean, but not so often that the natural manly scent can no longer be smelled

Step 3. Make your female body look like a man's
Women who want to look like men can bandage their chests. With the chest bandaged or not, loose clothing that hides curves can also make a difference.
Use special splints, avoid excessive pressure, and only in the short term. Improper splinting can cause permanent damage

Step 4. Practice masculine walking
If you want to look like a manly man, practice masculine body language. You should walk straight and firm as you enter the room, with your shoulders straight. Step quickly and determinedly and look forward, not looking down at the floor. Shake your shoulders, not your hips. Smile and don't fidget, play with your hands, or fix your make-up in public.
- Show the impression as if you are happy to go somewhere even though there is only class in front of you.
- Smile at people you meet, but not a silly smile all the time. Don't bite your lip or stare in disbelief. Instead, keep a straight face with a faint smile, open your eyes as if you're up for a challenge.

Step 5. Stay in shape
You don't need a body like a bodybuilder, but physical fitness has a huge impact on masculinity. You can work out at the gym a few times a week, play basketball, run for cardio, go hiking, or do whatever makes you happy and improves your physical condition. Masculine means in control, and the body is one that can be controlled.
A sense of pride in the body brings an important attribute in masculinity, namely self-confidence. Remember that everyone must cultivate an attitude to achieve it, not just running on the treadmill

Step 6. Power off
If you want to be more masculine, don't be afraid to get dirty. Repair your own car, mow the lawn, paint the house, do other household chores, or engage in an entertaining activity that involves dirt or grease. It's not really what makes you a man or not, but you might enjoy it if you enjoy using your muscles in practical activities that have coined the term "male work" in history.

Step 7. Have a masculine hobby
If you want to be more masculine, you also need masculine hobbies. For example, processing wood, riding a motorcycle, maintaining a car or truck, hunting, fishing, or playing sports. This is not a requirement, but a way to instill masculinity in yourself.
- Sport. You don't have to go to the gym and lift weights every day, but keep your weight at a healthy number and don't forget push-ups. Take advantage of the classes the fitness center offers.
- If you are a woman and must wear a uniform, try hiding your chest with a T-shirt underneath. Wear a jacket or sweater as often as possible. Or, if possible, wear a men's uniform and shoes.
- Do not use elastic bandages that are commonly used to bandage wounds. These bandages are made to tighten when you move, and that means the longer they wear, the tighter they become. People in the past suffered from shortness of breath, arched ribs, and wet lungs from bandaging the chest with elastic bandages. Never use it even for one day.
- If you are using a neoprene bandage, put on a T-shirt first. Otherwise, the skin on both sides of the body will be blistered and smelly.
- Trying to look masculine doesn't mean forgetting about personal hygiene, but you also don't need to shower for hours. At the very least, take a shower every day. While everyone's body will smell after a workout, try to keep the smell from being too strong. Use deodorant and keep your body clean.
- The masculine lifestyle will be difficult for women. Everyone, both men and women, will probably reproach you.