Feminine attitudes mean different things to different people. Traditional (obsolete) roles emphasize feminine attitudes to feminine traits and dependence on men. However, being more feminine is more about your attitude, self-confidence and personal style, rather than following other people's concepts of your life. By touching the "feminine side," you're also looking within yourself for inspiration, instead of looking outside for direction. No matter who you are, everyone can enjoy the process of digging deeper into her important and extraordinary feminine side.
Method 1 of 3: Dress in a Feminine Style

Step 1. Wear dresses and skirts for a simple, feminine outfit
Dresses and skirts are the right choice to look feminine. When you wear it, your feminine side stands out and changing your jeans is a feminist statement you are making. Modern fashion offers a wide range of options that allow us to find a dress or skirt for any occasion, from a sleek black cocktail dress to a light floral skirt that is perfect for summer. The best way to choose a hanging dress is to consider the following: do you feel comfortable, beautiful and feminine? If so, chances are that other people will see how you feel.

Step 2. Accentuate your curves and shape
The softness of the natural curves of the body is a blessing given to women. Highlight the advantages of your body to show the feminine side. This can mean wearing clothes that accentuate the chest and waist. However, the best way to accentuate your curves is to wear clothes that fit your body. Your clothes should be tight enough so that your silhouette is visible. Women's bodies are very different from men's bodies, and drawing attention to them will naturally make you look more feminine.
- If you feel comfortable and feminine in an outfit, you will become more feminine.
- You don't have to expose your body to look feminine.
- Try wearing a push-up bra, clothes that fit or streamline, or leggings.

Step 3. Try traditional feminine patterns and styles
There are several styles of clothing that, although worn by both men and women, are very feminine. In general, softer or softer fabrics and eye-catching patterns are considered feminine. Some of the things you can choose to add to your wardrobe:
- Lace, silk or velvet
- flower pattern
- polka dots

Step 4. Dare to choose a color
While this isn't mandatory, feminine looks usually rely on light colors to add fun to the feminine world. Try bolder color ideas, or spice up a simple outfit with colorful shoes or makeup.
Accessories such as scarves, bags, and head accessories are the right choice to make the appearance more feminine

Step 5. Put on some pretty jewelry
Jewelry is usually worn by women and is accepted by many people around the world. Adding a little glitter to your appearance can make you feel more confident, attractive, and can make you look more feminine. In general, jewelry with stones (diamonds, rubies, etc., real or fake) is considered more feminine than a plain ring or chain.
- Wear the ring on your little finger or thumb.
- Wear a pretty necklace.
- Pierce your ears.

Step 6. Wear underwear that makes you feel sexy
You don't have to let other people see what you're wearing under your clothes to make a difference. Remember that being more feminine starts from within, so if you feel it, other people feel it too. Try wearing something bolder and see if it makes you more feminine or not.

Step 7. Recognize that self-confidence and attitude can have as much influence on your feminine appearance as your fashion. In the end, if you're not feminine, your appearance will be in vain
Try to feel good about yourself, love yourself, and enjoy life. You will surely exude your feminine side whenever you want. If you feel feminine, chances are that other people see it too.

Step 8. Pay attention to things that society and culture consider feminine
While there's no single right way to "be feminine," there are some fashion cues you can use to be feminine. Looking feminine doesn't mean you have to live up to the traditional female role. Instead, looking feminine is a style choice that emphasizes many classic examples of feminine attitudes such as elegance, dignity, seductiveness and sexuality.
- Everyone can incorporate feminine elements into their wardrobe, no matter their gender or sexual identity.
- Think of "classic" examples of feminine beauty, such as Halle Berry, Marilyn Monroe and Nicole Kidman. What makes them look feminine to you?
- Everyone--women, men, transgender people, and so on--can look, dress, and act feminine. Feminine does not mean only owned by women, because this feminine attitude is a social concept, not a biological concept.
Method 2 of 3: Look Feminine

Step 1. Put on a little perfume to have a nice body scent
Spray your favorite perfume before you leave the house in the morning. One or two sprays are usually sufficient. Scent is one of the most powerful things to attract people, and having a good scent is closely associated with being feminine.

Step 2. Put on a simple make-up
Makeup is one of the things in the field of fashion that is almost exclusively for women. Men rarely wear makeup, but they can also wear eye shadow or eyeliner for a more feminine look, like many rock stars like Morrissey or Marilyn Manson when they're performing.
- Apply nail polish, experiment with new makeup, or copy the style of a celebrity you admire.
- You don't need makeup to look more feminine, but it can help.

Step 3. Walk like a girl
The "feminine way of walking" is meant to accentuate feminine curves. Try walking by pulling yourself forward with your lower body supported, instead of "falling" forward and letting your feet catch up. The first step is to have good posture (spine straight, shoulders over hips, chin parallel to the ground), but there are a few extra steps that can help make your walk extra feminine.
- Keep your shoulders straight, by puffing out your chest. Keep your shoulders back, elevating your chest.
- Swing your hips slightly toward the stepping foot (swing your hips to the left as you step with your left foot).
- Go slowly, as if you were never in a hurry.

Step 4. Lengthen your hair
It's not a requirement to be feminine and many beautiful women prove it. But long hair is traditionally feminine, so try to extend it more than the shoulders. Treat your hair by combing it regularly and moisturizing it once a day.
Many traditional hairstyles, from ponytails to braids require long hair

Step 5. Clean the hair from your body
This view stems from a view in the past that led many women to perceive a hair-free body as feminine. Remove any visible body hair, whether it's on your legs, under your armpits, or on your nose.
Remove eyebrows to avoid eyebrows that are too bushy or eyebrows that connect

Step 6. Smile often
A smile conveys happiness and accentuates your friendly and approachable personality. Trying to look more feminine requires being open, helpful, and caring. A simple smile is often all you need to show your feminine side. Help yourself to be a happier and healthier person and make it easier for others to like you by smiling more often.
Smiling can also be done to increase your own happiness, so make sure you do it when interacting with anyone
Method 3 of 3: Be More Feminine

Step 1. Spend time with other women
What do you appreciate about other women? What makes them "feminine" in your eyes? Spending time with women and other people you think is feminine will help you to access your feminine side. Everyone is different, most people define "feminine" in the following ways:
- Sensitive to emotions, both the emotions of others and your own.
- Full of care and compassion.
- sensitive.
- protector.
- Soft, beautiful, smooth, and so on.

Step 2. Try to be confident in your charms and abilities
It doesn't matter what your definition of femininity is, you definitely have to master it. You have a unique and extraordinary personality and you shouldn't hide it out of fear. Being more feminine is not about learning or taking on a role. But it's about being happy with yourself and highlighting the qualities you enjoy.
- Remind yourself that no one else has the right to define what feminine looks like--just like anyone else, you have the right to decide what it means to be feminine.
- Femininity means being free to be yourself, loving your body and life, and loving others.

Step 3. Try to be understanding
You would expect other people not to judge your feminine side, so you shouldn't judge their feminine side either. Historically, the feminine nature is rooted in the concept of understanding, wisdom, and compassion. Therefore many people consider being feminine is the same as looking weak or fragile, because this feminine attitude is not rooted in ego. However, the ability to be flexible and considerate is important to everyone and helps to foster a community and cohesion that can solve even the most difficult problems.
- Be respectful and courteous, even when others are wrong. Trying to be tolerant is not only a dignified attitude, it can also prevent problems from happening.
- Avoid unnecessary conflict as much as possible by staying away from petty disputes.

Step 4. Think of others, don't think only of yourself
Having emotional empathy is one of the keys to being more feminine which can be owned by anyone, both women and men. Empathy is the attitude you have when you try to put yourself in someone else's shoes. This way, you too can become more reliable at managing conflict, helping friends who are in need of help, and making friendships that last longer.
- Ask yourself: "What is their point of view on this matter?" before getting angry.
- Think about the problem from the other person's side, not from your own side.
- Realize that it's rare for a problem to occur because of just one person--there are many factors in life that affect it, just as there are many factors in your life that affect you.

Step 5. Try to accept everything around you, good or bad
Many people think that being feminine means "submissive" or "nerimo" and that's not a good thing. But this concept is actually very powerful because it can help you feel more at peace with life, open yourself up to change, and accept love into your heart. The concept of masculine is often the opposite of this, because being masculine means being more inclined to take control or command, but in reality no one is really in control of his life. Try to learn to accept the things you can't change with grace and humility as these are important for accessing your feminine side and can make you happy.
Realizing that you can't change everything doesn't mean "giving up." It means looking for things you "can" change and focusing on them

Step 6. Realize that being more feminine has nothing to do with success or achievement
Being feminine doesn't mean you can't be smart, strong, or assertive. Everyone, male and female, has both feminine and masculine traits--no one has just one trait. This is a good thing because both sides are important for a successful and balanced life.
- Being proud of how you look doesn't mean you don't care about your job or career.
- Having a feminine preference, such as liking the color pink, doesn't mean that you are someone who can't be taken seriously.
- Never lose sight of a dream, goal, or project because it doesn't align with someone's view of being feminine.
- Practice your posture while sitting and standing.
- Take care of your health and try to always be happy.