Stains on clothes can be a minor accident, but they can ruin your day! Whether your clothes are exposed to highlighter marker ink or makeup highlighter, don't be afraid! You can remove stubborn stains with minimal effort. Use alcohol or a commercial stain remover to remove marker ink. For a make-up highlighter, rub shaving cream or makeup wipes on the problem areas to lift blemishes.
Method 1 of 3: Using Alcohol on Highlighter Marker Ink Stains

Step 1. Place a paper towel or patchwork under the stained area
Make sure the cloth or towel is placed directly under the problem area of the garment so it can absorb any ink that may have washed off the stain during the cleaning process. Also, it's important to "catch" the stain as you pick it up so it doesn't spread to other parts of the garment.
If possible, apply the stained area directly to the surface of the patchwork or paper towel by turning the garment over

Step 2. Dab some alcohol on the stain
Dip a clean rag or sponge in the alcohol. After that, blot the cloth or sponge around the outside of the stain. Thus, when applied to the stain, the alcohol will spread to the wetted areas and will not harden.
You can also use hand sanitizer or gel

Step 3. Smear the alcohol right on the ink stain
Re-wet the patchwork or sponge with alcohol. However, instead of focusing on the area around the stain, this time dab the cloth or sponge directly on the stain and apply a generous amount of alcohol to the area. The goal of this process is to "remove" the stain from the fabric and transfer it to the paper towel underneath.
- If the towel has absorbed a lot of ink, shift it so that the stained area is on top of the clean side of the towel. You can also replace dirty paper towels with new towels.
- Alcohol dries quickly so you don't have to try to wet or "soak" the stained area in alcohol.

Step 4. Wash the clothes as usual once most of the stain has been removed
When you can no longer see the stain, spray the cleaned area with a stain-removal product and place it in the washing machine (don't mix it with other clothes). Use the warm water setting to wash and dry clothes.
Check clothes before you put them in the dryer. If the stain is still visible, repeat the cleaning again
Method 2 of 3: Using Commercial Ink and Smudge Removal Products on Highlighter Marker Ink Stains

Step 1. Do not wet the clothes in the first place
Read the instructions for using the product of your choice, but usually you shouldn't get your clothes wet in the first place. The product will work more effectively if it is not diluted with water.
- One of the most popular stain remover products is Vanish.
- Some products need to be left on, while others can be rinsed off immediately. Read the directions on the product packaging and follow them carefully.

Step 2. Rub the product on the stain using a brush or washcloth
Pour a small amount of product on the problem area. Smooth using a brush or washcloth in a circular motion. Keep rubbing the product until the ink stain begins to disappear.
Add more products as needed

Step 3. Wash clothes as usual
Put the clothes in the washing machine separately, or with other clothes that have also been cleaned using the same product. Run a small wash cycle and add detergent. When you're done, check to see if the stain has lifted. If the stain is successful, put the clothes in the dryer and use the right settings according to the material or fabric of the clothes.
Method 3 of 3: Remove Makeup Highlighter Stains from Clothes

Step 1. Remove fresh stains using makeup remover wipes
While you're getting ready, this trick can save time if the stain is fresh. When the clothes are exposed to highlighter, immediately take a cleaning tissue and carefully dab it on the ink until the stain is lifted.
Do not dab or rub the tissue too tightly to prevent the ink from getting into the fibers of the garment

Step 2. Lift the powder highlighter with transparent adhesive tape
Apply adhesive tape to the problem area. After gluing, pull the tape to lift the highlighter. Use a new ribbon for the second run if you didn't manage to remove all the highlighter on the first try.
If any makeup remains on the clothes, remove them using a clean dry sponge

Step 3. Wet the liquid makeup stain with a mixture of water and dish soap
Add a few drops of dish soap to a cup of water (240 ml). Dip a clean rag or sponge into the mixture and apply it to the stain. Keep staining the cloth or sponge until the stain is lifted.

Step 4. Use shaving cream for old stains
Pour some cream on the stain. Use just enough cream to coat the stain thoroughly. Let stand for 10 minutes, then remove the cream using a washcloth dipped in cold water. The stain will remove afterwards.
If that doesn't work, reapply shaving cream or follow another method

Step 5. Treat the stain from the start and wash the clothes as usual
Use a stain-removal spray product on the problem area or apply a small amount of detergent directly to the stain. Let stand for a few minutes, then wash clothes as usual. Check if the stain is lifted in the washing process before the clothes are dried. If the stain has not been removed, use another stain removal technique before placing the garment in the dryer. Otherwise, the stain will harden and stick deeper.