Nollie is similar to ollie. The difference is, in this skateboarding trick you use your front foot to pop the nose of the board. Some people say doing a nollie is easier than an ollie, but don't underestimate it. While it may seem easy, the nollie is an advanced trick because it's quite difficult to pop the board with your non-dominant foot. Without wasting any more time, let's start the exercise from step 1

Step 1. Gain momentum
Doing a live nolly without moving is a lot harder to do. Ride on the skateboard and build up speed so you gain momentum to pop the board for height and control on the board.

Step 2. Place the front foot on the nose of the board
Slide the front foot into the nose of the board and find a good weight position on the sole of the foot. At first it may be a bit difficult, so it takes some practice. Before proceeding to the next step, this movement must be mastered first steadily.

Step 3. Slide the back foot into the center of the board
At first, it will feel awkward. However, over time you will get used to it. Place the back foot in the middle of the truck. The closer the foot is moved to the front screw, the higher the nihlie will be. However, the closer your back foot is to the front of the plank, the easier it is to sway your body. So, for beginners, the back foot can be shifted some distance from the front of the board.
Once you've positioned your front and back legs, you'll need to get used to this position before you do the zerolie. If it's wobbly, nolly can't be done

Step 4. Bend your knees
Bend your knees will help you gain momentum to pop the board. In other tricks, the body is usually leaning forward. However, in the Nollie, the body leans back and rests on the hind legs. You need to raise your back knee, before lifting your front knee. The body is bent down with the back and arms so that the body position is low. Hands are between knees and heels before the board pops.

Step 5. Blow the nose of the board and push it forward
Use your front foot to pop the nose of the board as hard as you can. Give the burst a slight angle outward, not straight ahead. Now, slide the hind legs into the tail of the board, much like an ollie. This way the board will return straight.

Step 6. Bring the board into the air
After popping the nose of the board, you should now be jumping into the air. Spread your arms wide to maintain balance and height. Try to stay centered, don't sway left or right.
At the highest point of the jump, your back foot should stop dragging and your plank and knees should be in the same position horizontally and parallel

Step 7. Drive smoothly
Keep the board straight for a good landing. Make sure to keep your balance when you land so you can keep going smoothly.

Step 8. Improve your game
When you're good at the nihill, you can add other tricks such as the nollie kick flip, the zerolie 360 , and the nollie-tre flips. Or, next you can also learn ollie. Anyway, take your board to the road, park, or even stairs to practice other tricks.
- Bend both knees as you jump so that the Nollie lifts up high.
- It will feel awkward at first but over time you will get used to it.
- Jumping backwards can help, but be careful not to land with the tail of the board.
- Keep the center of gravity in the center during each movement. That is, the center of gravity is between the shoulders and parallel.
- If you're having trouble, record yourself doing an ollie. Pay attention to the movement of your feet and try to do the same on the nose of the board.
- You can fall.
- A bad landing can damage a skateboard.