Living in the present or living fully aware of what is happening right now is not easy. Sometimes our minds are too busy remembering past disappointments or so full of worries about the future that it becomes difficult for us to enjoy life as it is. If so, there are some easy ways that can help, such as using reminders, practicing meditation, and doing unplanned acts of kindness. Read this article so you can enjoy life in the present.
Method 1 of 2: Developing Awareness

Step 1. Start small
While the thought of changing completely may seem appealing, you don't need to make major changes to live your life in the present, but you can start by adopting new habits one at a time. After you manage to do one new habit well, continue with the second habit, and so on. Example:
- Instead of immediately practicing 20 minutes of meditation per day, start practicing three minutes first. Once you are comfortable with this exercise, gradually increase the duration.
- Keep your cell phone on the way to work. Don't text or call, except in an emergency.

Step 2. Recognize sensory sensations in detail while performing routine activities
You can learn to live life in the present as part of your daily activities. Try to calm your mind while doing routine activities by observing the sensory sensations you are experiencing. Focus on what you see, hear, smell, and feel on a daily basis. Example:
When brushing your teeth, try to identify the smell of toothpaste, the sound of a brush brushing against your teeth, and what it tastes like

Step 3. Direct the mind if it starts to wander
Thought wandering is normal, but you have to be able to focus your mind in order to live in the present. When your mind starts to wander, try to redirect it back to focusing on the present moment. Admit that your mind does like to wander without judging yourself.
Don't beat yourself up for wandering thoughts as this is perfectly normal. Think of this as an opportunity to take a mental break and return to focusing on the present

Step 4. Choose a specific sign that can remind you to try to calm your mind
When you're busy, reminding yourself to stay calm isn't always easy. Try tying your wrists with string or string, writing with a pen in the palm of your hand, or inserting a coin into your shoe. As soon as you see this sign, stop for a moment and observe your surroundings.
- Use other cues through certain activities, such as making a cup of tea, looking in the mirror, or taking off your shoes.
- After some time, you will ignore this sign because you are so used to it. If so, replace it with another sign.

Step 5. Change the routine
Maybe you can't live life in the present because certain activities are too routine. One way to become more aware of what's happening right now is to change your routine, for example by changing some easy things like how you drive to work, how you introduce yourself, or your favorite storytelling style. You will be more aware of your surroundings by making small changes to your daily routine.
Choose a different route when walking home from work or adopt a new habit before bed

Step 6. Learn how to meditate
Meditation is a great way to train your mind so you can be more aware of the life you're living right now. When meditating, you just need to recognize every thought that comes your way and let it go again. Learning to meditate takes time, practice, and guidance. Therefore, try to find a meditation course in your city or buy a CD to learn to meditate.
- Find a quiet and comfortable place to meditate. You can also sit in a chair or sit cross-legged on the floor using a small pillow. Close your eyes while focusing on the breath. When focusing on your breath, try to focus your mind so you don't get distracted. Just let the thoughts pop up one by one and pass you by.
- Without opening your eyes, try to observe the life around you. Also pay attention to how you are feeling. What did you hear? What do you kiss? How do you feel physically? Emotionally?
- Set a timer on your phone with a gentle alarm tone so you know when to stop. Start meditating for 5 minutes, then add more time little by little.
- Tell people at home that you want to meditate so they don't disturb you.
Method 2 of 2: Doing Activities Mindfully

Step 1. Be grateful for the opportunity to rest
Waiting can be a tedious task, but if you want to live in the present, start thinking that waiting is a good thing. Instead of getting annoyed while waiting, be grateful that you have free time that you can take advantage of by observing the current situation. Think of this free time as an opportunity to rest and appreciate time. Example:
If you have to wait a long time in line at the bank, take the time to observe your surroundings and think about what you can be grateful for at this time

Step 2. Focus on one part of the body
Try to be more aware of the present by recognizing how you feel in one part of your body, the soles of your feet, for example. Your ability will increase further as you repeat this exercise by transferring your awareness to other parts of your body.
If you're having trouble being aware of the present moment, close your eyes and focus on the soles of your feet while thinking about how your feet feel when you press your shoes or the floor. Also notice how you feel in the hollows of your feet, the balls of your heels, and the balls of your toes

Step 3. Be a person who smiles and laughs more easily
Living in the present can be challenging enough when you're feeling down or down, but you'll feel better if you can smile and laugh, even if it's forced. If you notice that you're not focusing on the current situation because you're feeling down, force yourself to smile and laugh. You may feel better right away, although there may be some embarrassment from the fake smiles and laughs.

Step 4. Get used to being grateful
Gratitude helps you become aware of the present by thinking about what makes you grateful and how it affects your life right now. Gratitude also reminds you of the goodness or blessings you have received so far. Get in the habit of being grateful for what has made you who you are today, how you feel right now, and the presence of loved ones, such as friends, family, or pets.
When carrying out daily activities, also take time to remember what you can be grateful for. Gratitude is more profound when spoken or written. You can say or write, "I'm so grateful that the sun is shining today, it's so beautiful!" or “I'm so grateful that my family cares for each other that I feel really special”

Step 5. Do good for others
Unplanned acts of kindness can help you become aware of the present by refocusing your attention on what you are going through. Find the little things as opportunities to share kindness with others. This can make you feel calmer and better able to observe your surroundings. Example:
Give compliments to people you don't know, such as “I love how you dress! Very nice." Find ways to show kindness in any situation. Even just by smiling and nodding at others as you go about your daily life, you can make other people feel happy and allow you to live and enjoy life in the present
- Turn off your phone and other devices for an hour so you can focus more on what's happening in your life right now.
- Take short notes to explain the session you just had, then reward yourself for meditating well.