Herpes zoster is an infection that appears on the skin and can cause a rash of blisters. The condition stems from a virus known as varicella zoster, which is also the cause of chickenpox. If you've had chickenpox before, you're prone to shingles later in life. Herpes zoster cannot be cured, but it can be managed with regular medication and care from a doctor.
Method 1 of 2: Handling Outbreaks

Step 1. Recognize the symptoms
Herpes zoster begins with pain, itching, burning, numbness, and/or tingling for 1 to 5 days. Then a rash appears. In people with normal immune systems, the rash usually appears as a single clear groove on one side of the body or on the face. In some people with a weakened immune system, a rash may be found all over the body.
- Other symptoms include fever, headache, chills, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to touch, fatigue, and stomach upset.
- The rash will form blisters that will turn into crusts within 7 to 10 days. Herpes zoster lasts between 2 to 6 weeks.

Step 2. Quickly seek medical therapy
You should go to the doctor as soon as you get a rash. It is recommended that you go for treatment within 3 days (should be sooner if a rash appears on your face). Doctors can make a diagnosis and create a treatment plan. Early therapy can help your blisters dry faster and reduce pain.
- Herpes zoster can be treated at home. You may not need to be hospitalized.
- Most people get shingles only once, but it's possible for some to get shingles 2 or 3 times.

Step 3. Try home remedies
At the time of infection, you should wear loose clothing made of natural materials, get plenty of rest, and eat a healthy diet. You can also try an oatmeal bath or use calamine lotion to soothe your skin.
- Try wearing clothes made of silk or cotton instead of wool or acrylic fibers.
- You can add a handful of ground oatmeal or colloid to your bathwater to soothe your skin. You can also buy oatmeal bath products that you can add to your bathwater.
- Apply calamine lotion after your bath, while your skin is still damp.

Step 4. Reduce stress
Stress can make your herpes more painful. Try doing something to take your mind off your pain by doing a job you enjoy, such as reading, listening to music, or chatting with friends or family. Stress can also trigger an outbreak, so do whatever you can to avoid it.
- Meditation and deep breathing techniques can help you reduce the stress you feel from contracting shingles, and may help reduce your pain.
- You can meditate by repeating a calming thought or word silently so you don't get distracted by your thoughts.
- You can also try guided meditation. In this meditation you focus on imagining an image or place that you find soothing. When visualizing this place, you should try to include smells, sights and sounds. It may be helpful to have someone guide you through this visualization process.
- Taici and yoga are also other ways to reduce stress. Both methods combine specific postures with deep breathing exercises.

Step 5. Take antiviral medication
Your doctor will likely prescribe valacyclovir (Valtrex), acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), or similar medications to treat your herpes. Take these medications as directed by your doctor and pharmacist, and talk to them about possible side effects or reactions with other medications you are taking.
You must take these medicines as soon as possible for them to be effective. That is why you should go to the doctor as soon as a rash develops

Step 6. Take pain medication
The pain you feel during an outbreak of shingles should be brief, but may be intense. Depending on the level of pain and your medical history, your doctor may prescribe something that contains codeine, or medications for long-term pain management such as anticonvulsants.
- Your doctor may also prescribe numbing medication, such as lidocaine. This medication may be in the form of a cream, gel, spray, or patch.
- Your doctor may also give you corticosteroid injections or local anesthetics to manage your pain.
- Prescription capsaicin cream, which contains the active ingredient in chili peppers, can also help with pain if you apply it to the rash.

Step 7. Keep your skin clean and cool
Take a cold shower when you have herpes, or place a cold compress on the blisters and sores. Clean the blisters and sores with cold water and mild soap to prevent further irritation or infection.
- You should shower with a mild soap such as Dove, Oil of Olay, or Basis.
- You can mix 2 teaspoons of salt in 1 liter of cold water and use a washcloth to apply the solution to the blisters or rash. This method will help reduce the itching you are experiencing.
Method 2 of 2: Treating Herpes Zoster Complications

Step 1. Get to know the NPH
One in five people with shingles develops post-herpetic neuralgia (NPH). You may get NPH if you have severe pain in the same area as your herpes rash. NPH may last for weeks or months. Some people experience these symptoms for years.
- The older you are, the more likely you are to get NPH.
- If you experience pain when your skin is touched (eg by clothing, wind, people), you may have NPH.
- If you wait too long to seek treatment, you are more likely to develop NPH.

Step 2. Watch out for complications
NPH is the most common complication, but there are other complications such as pneumonia, hearing problems, blindness, inflammation of the brain (encephalitis), or death. Other possible complications are scarring, bacterial skin infection, and localized muscle weakness.

Step 3. Seek medical therapy
If you suspect you have NPH or other complications of shingles, you should see a doctor. Your doctor can determine a treatment plan to manage your complications. The therapy will focus on dealing with your chronic pain.
- Your treatment plan may include topical preparations such as lidocaine, analgesics such as oxycodone, anticonvulsants such as gabapentin (Neurontin) or pregabalin (Lyrica), or psychosocial interventions.
- Many people may experience depression or other mental health issues when they are dealing with chronic pain. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants or recommend that you receive cognitive behavioral therapy. Your cognitive behavioral therapy may include relaxation techniques or hypnosis. Both techniques are effective for treating chronic pain.

Step 4. Get the shingles vaccine
If you are 60 years of age or older, you should get the shingles vaccine. Even if you have had shingles before, you should still get this vaccine. You can get this vaccine at your doctor's office or at a pharmacy.
- The herpes vaccine may be covered by BPJS.
- You should wait until your rash disappears before getting vaccinated. Talk to your doctor to decide the best time for you to get the vaccine.

Step 5. Take care of your overall health
Living with shingles means anything can trigger an outbreak, including stress, a low immune system, a poor diet and fatigue. While vaccination is the only way to prevent shingles, overall good health can help you avoid other outbreaks and recover from shingles better.
- Eat a balanced diet with lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
- Exercise regularly and get plenty of rest.
- Get support from people who also have shingles. According to estimates, 1 million people get shingles each year in the United States, according to estimates from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Nearly 50 percent of the cases affect people who are at least 60 years old. You can check the existence of support groups in your area of residence via the Internet.
- Do not scratch the blisters or your skin when you have the infection. This will only make you more sore and make your herpes worse.
- Avoid people who have not been infected with chickenpox or have not received the chickenpox vaccine. Herpes zoster is not contagious, but during an outbreak, you can transfer chickenpox to children and adults who have not been exposed to or have not had the varicella virus vaccine.