The possibilities of what you see by looking at someone's aura are endless. And learning to read and protect your own aura can be important to your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. You don't have to be a mystic to read auras. In fact, it is widely believed that we all have the ability to see auras and can see them easily when we are young. Read the steps below to reawaken your ability to see auras.
Method 1 of 3: Understanding Aura

Step 1. Know the definition clearly
Although, in general, aura is considered to be the special atmosphere that surrounds a person, you should be aware that aura is more specific than that. It is seen as something made of vibrations – electro-photonic vibrations made in response to some form of external stimulus. The key to aura is that it contains information about the essence of the person or thing that surrounds it.

Step 2. Understand the science
The aura that surrounds humans is composed in part of electromagnetic (EM) radiation that extends from microwave and infrared (OR) radiation at the low frequency to UV light at the high frequency end. UV light is more related to our conscious activities (thinking, creativity, intentions, sense of humor and emotions) and is the part that can be seen with the naked eye.
Electro-magnetic energy from the aura surrounds the body in an oval-shaped field. These "aura eggs" radiate from the body approximately 2-3 feet (61-91 cm) on all sides. It extends above the head and under the feet into the ground.
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Step 3. Learn the levels
The aura consists of 7 levels (also called layers or aura bodies), and these correspond to the seven chakras in the body. Each level has its own unique frequency but also relates to and affects other levels around it. As a result, if one level is not balanced, it can cause other levels to be unbalanced as well.
Physical level.
At this level, you simply need comfort, pleasure, and physical health.
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Etheric level.
At this level, you need self-acceptance and self-love.
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Vital levels.
At this level, you want to understand the situation in a clear, linear, and rational way.
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astral level.
In this level, you are looking for loving interactions with friends and family.
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Low mental level.
At this level you need alignment with divine will and a commitment to speak and follow honesty.
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High mental level.
At this level, you must have divine love and spiritual ecstasy.
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Spiritual level (intuitive).
At this level, you need to get in touch with divine thought and understand the larger pattern of the universe.
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Step 4. Be grateful for the benefits of seeing auras
Learning to see the aura of another person can tell you a lot about that person and their character. Learning to see your own aura can inspire you to make changes that will improve the signal you are sending out.
Recognize liars. Aura cannot be faked. If someone isn't being honest with you, you can identify them by "listening" to their thoughts through their aura.
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Get clues about a person's character. A light and clean aura indicates someone who is kind and highly spiritual. A gray or dark aura indicates someone with unclear intentions. A person who introduces himself as a teacher, master, expert, or other spiritual leader/guide should have a golden-yellow halo around his head.
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Disease diagnosis. Reading auras can allow you to detect problems in your body before any physical symptoms appear.
See Auras Step 4Bullet3 - Adds personal growth. Reading auras can increase your awareness, aid in spiritual development and strengthen your awareness of the natural world.

Step 5. Learn the colors of the aura and their meaning
Auras exist in various colors, which send messages about the people or objects they surround themselves with. While there are many variations, each with a special message, here are the basic colors.
Red is associated with the heart, circulation, and the physical body. Seen in a positive light, this can indicate healthy self-esteem; on the negative side it can say anger, anxiety, or a vindictive character.
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Orange is associated with the reproductive organs and emotions. Viewed in a positive light, it indicates energy and stamina, creativity, productivity, adventurous spirit, courage, or a friendly social disposition. Viewed in a negative light, this could indicate stress related to diet and addiction.
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Yellow is associated with the spleen and life energy. It is the color of awareness, inspiration, intelligence and shared activity, creativity, playfulness, optimism, and a relaxed disposition. However, bright yellow can indicate fear of losing control, dignity, honor, or power.
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Green is associated with the liver and lungs. When seen in the aura, it usually symbolizes growth and balance, and especially, something that leads to change. It says love for people, animals and nature. A dark or muddy forest green aura indicates envy, resentment, victimization, and low self-esteem or self-esteem.
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Blue is associated with the throat and thyroid. The positive associations are compassionate, intuitive, and sensitive. A dark blue color indicates fear of the future, of self-expression or of confronting or expressing honesty.
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Purple violet.
Violet violet is associated with the head of the teeth, the pinel gland, and the nervous system. It is considered the most sensitive and discreet color. It is an intuitive color and expresses the inner strength of self-attunement.
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Silver is the color of spiritual and physical abundance.
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Gold indicates divine illumination and protection. An individual with a golden aura was being guided by his own supreme goodness.
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Black takes or attracts energy to it and transforms it. This usually indicates a long-term inability to forgive or let go of grief which can lead to health problems.
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White is a pure light that symbolizes purity and honesty. This could mean an angel is near or a woman is or will soon be pregnant.
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Method 2 of 3: Cleansing Your Aura

Step 1. Know when it's time to clean
We take on the aura of others without realizing it. When the energy is negative, it will negatively affect our aura. You've probably experienced this: You're feeling good and can't wait to spend time with a friend. You enjoyed your evening but at some point realized you were feeling distracted and restless. Once you get home you feel really bad, and not sure why. Situations like this indicate that you have to clean your aura. Even if your aura doesn't feel out of balance, it's a good idea to clean it regularly to release any negative energy.

Step 2. Cleanse your aura
Focus on your root chakra which is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the color red. Imagine that it is anchored to the earth with a red glow sticking out beneath it. Then imagine yourself being hit by a brilliant golden light that radiates from the sun. Let the light penetrate your body and aura. Hold this shadow for some time. Then imagine a violet-violet light extending from the soles of your feet to the top of your head. See and feel it as a warm protective blanket and believe that it has the ability to heal and protect any hole in your aura. At this time, the cleansing and healing process is in progress, and you should feel yourself getting stronger, releasing negative energy and feeling more at peace. Meditate on this feeling for some time. When you feel comfortable, imagine a white light surrounding your clean aura for added protection.
Step 3. Protect your aura
You can take other steps to protect and strengthen your aura; these include massages, shields, “cord cutting” meditation and heavenly interventions.
Try Reiki energy healing. This Vahaya touch therapy improves energy flow by helping to remove stagnant or blocked chi. The Reiki practitioner acts as a medium receiving divine energy and channeling it into the energy field where it will push the blocked chi out to avoid further mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual difficulties.
See Auras Step 13Bullet1 - Make a shield. Visualize bubbles or petals of white light lovingly enveloping you. This creates a protective shield that can ward off negative thoughts, feelings, or other inner attacks that are pointing at you and prevent the energy vampires from draining you.
- Cut the rope. The magical energy cord can leave you and attach to other people, places, objects or situations. Although the cord of positive love cannot be cut, the etheric cord based on fear can be cut to avoid further exhaustion. Summon the angel Michael using his sword to cut the negative string or imagine a laser beam made of special crystals slicing through it.
- Ask the angels for help. Summon angels to help you; they are always willing to help you but must be invited before they can intervene. Ask the angel Michael to cut the negative strings, the angel Raphael to fill the energy void with healing green light, and the angel Metatron to clear chakra.
Method 3 of 3: Seeing Aura

Step 1. Start by feeling
A good way to start seeing auras is to practice feeling them. This means paying more attention to how you feel about someone's presence. Take a deep breath, exhale and then focus on the physical sensations in your body and your vital reactions. Ask yourself how you feel around that person – calm? nervous? disturbed? Think about what color you would put this person in. As you hone your skills, it will become easier to feel and see auras.

Step 2. Develop your peripheral vision
Our peripheral vision is less damaged than the central part of the retina and has healthier photosensitive cells. Also, since we've been training our central vision to use it in certain ways over the years, it's going to be difficult to use it now for the current way of seeing auras. One simple exercise you can do is to practice concentrating on one point for 30-60 seconds. This will increase your sensitivity to light.

Step 3. Customize yourself with the colors
Doing exercises with a light base color can help develop your ability to see auras. Wrap the book in blue or red paper and place it standing on a table a few feet from you. Make sure the wall behind the book is white or neutral, and the lights in the room are soft but not dim. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, relax then open your eyes and look at the book. Don't focus on the book, look a little to the side and pass it. After a while you will notice a light pale aura from the book which will turn yellow or bright green as you hold your subtle focus.
Once you're comfortable looking at one book, try wrapping several books in different colored paper and looking at them. As you get better at seeing colors, start using plants, animals, then people.
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You can blink normally and quickly while doing this exercise. The aura may disappear for a second while you do so, but will reappear quickly if you stay relaxed and focused.
See Auras Step 8Bullet2 - Keep practicing to get your eyes used to maintaining that constant defocus. Do not strain your eyes or strain your eyes or forehead.

Step 4. Learn how to see
Have your partner stand 18 inches (46cm) in front of a plain white wall in a room that is not well lit. Look at the wall behind the person and a few inches from the body. Don't look at the person, or you will lose the image of the aura. Look past where he's standing and try to notice areas around the person where the background looks lighter than the rest. Try to see the color; ask yourself what color you would use to describe this area.
Once you've identified a color, you can ask the person to swing from side to side. His energy field should move with him.
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If you see other colors in other areas of the person's aura, your eyes are not deceiving you; Auras can be of different colors depending on what is happening in different areas of a person's body.
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Practice only for a few minutes and avoid exhausting yourself. Each individual develops this ability at a different pace.
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The description of a person's aura is closely related to their feelings. If they are happy and alive their aura is stronger, bigger, and brighter. Try playing your partner's favorite music to help energize their aura so they're more visible.
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Step 5. Practice on yourself
Sit in a dimly lit room and relax. Take a few deep breaths. Set your mind on the goal of seeing your aura and focus on that goal. It is very important that you believe that you can do it. Put your two index fingers together, rub and push them. The aura is very “sticky”, and once one finger is attached to the other, the energy will “hang” between the two fingers. Now, focus on the area between your fingers as you continue to rub them together. After a few seconds, separate your fingers leaving about inch (1.2 cm) of space between them. Focus on the space in between and see if you can see colored mist or smoke between your fingers.
With continuous practice, the aura will become clearer and easier to see. When that happens, repeat the exercise with your hands, rubbing them together and separating them to see the aura between them
- Calm, breathe deeply, and concentrate.
- Be careful not to be too obvious when you see other people's auras because they will think you are watching them.
- Don't tire your eyes.
- Read the book by Vincent Van Pragh, he is a famous psychic.