While there aren't any special glasses that will help you see wandering spirits, you can learn to see them the right way. If you can find a place where the spirits are active, you can plan an expedition to start hunting ghosts, record your progress, and stay safe when you communicate with the dead. It can be an unforgettable and terrible experience. See Step 1 for more information.
Method 1 of 3: Finding the Right Place

Step 1. Go to where the ghost is
Look for places that have a history of good and bad experiences, trauma and success. Houses that have occupied many generations of families, old hospitals, public buildings, warships and dormitories, and other historical sites are places where ghosts may be present. Places like Paris, London, New Orleans and Japan are places known as haunted places because they have a lot of history.
Places without history, such as malls or new housing estates, are less likely to be haunted, because they lack the psychic activities of ancient places. You want to choose a place that has psychic echoes, with echoes of past events

Step 2. Find a local haunted place
Often, you don't have to travel far to find ghosts. Every city has local haunted places. Head to the local library for books on local history and look for scary places, talk to a librarian or take a ghost tour if you live near a place that has one. Find a list of places to visit later, when it's night.
If you live in a rural area, many ghosts wander around certain intersections, abandoned train tracks, or bridges, as well as old cemeteries and murder grounds

Step 3. Look for America's famous haunting ghosts
If you live in the US, consider looking for ghosts at:
- The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Co., where haunted room 417 provided the basis for Stephen King's classic film "The Shining".
- Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop in New Orleans, LA, where you can wander around bars for a quick drink and hope to see a pirate spirit.
- 'Eastern State Penitentiary' in Philadelphia, PA. The city that was once filled with prisons is now closed, but is said to have been inhabited by its old occupants.

Step 4. Look for some of the world's famous wandering spots
From the Aokigahara forest in Japan, also known as the Suicide Forest, where more than 500 people have died since 1950, to the Tower of London, England's notorious medieval prison, the world is full of famous haunted places you can visit.
- The Beechworth Lunatic Asylum in Victoria Australia, where 9000 patients died in 1867-1995.
- The Hellfire Club in Montpelier Hill, Ireland was originally built as a hunting lodge but already has a history of devil worship and other ghost summoning.
- The Borley Rectory in Sudbury, UK has it all. Tragic romance between monk and nun? There is. A spooky monastery built on an ancient Druid burial ground? There is. This place is reportedly the most haunted house in the UK.
- Rose Hall in Jamaica it's reported to be haunted by magic priests who make traces of blood appear and disappear on the walls, and you can still live there. If you want to sleep in the same place where a woman tortures 3 husbands and performs human sacrifices.

Step 5. Look for places where a lot of trauma has occurred
You don't have to plan a long trip to look for ghosts. Look for places that have a lot of canayang trauma, places where spirits may have reason to stay. Investigate murder sites, prisons, and other historical areas that make you interested in investigating directly to find out the truth of mysterious legends firsthand.

Step 6. Go to the graveyard
Method 2 of 3: Hunting Ghosts

Step 1. Plan a trip to find ghosts
If you've got a good location and you want to spend some time looking for ghosts, start your expedition between 9pm and 6am. This is the time when much ghost activity is reported.
Try and explore the area a bit in the morning, making a map of the locations you want to visit while you can still see easily. If you're going to a place that doesn't belong to you, make sure you have permission to go there

Step 2. Bring the right equipment to see ghosts
Make sure you pack according to the weather and you bring all the necessary ghost hunting equipment. Being in the middle of the woods at 3am is not the right place to remember that you don't have a battery. You better bring:
- Clothes that suit the weather
- Location map, if you don't know the place well
- Digital camera
- Sturdy flashlight
- How to know the time
- Journal, or something that can be written on
- WL
- Extra battery and cell phone charger.

Step 3. Remain calm, respectful, and silent
When you look for a ghost for the first time, you can feel mixed feelings. You may be very frightened, or you may feel like laughing. However, you need to learn to stay calm and control your thoughts and emotions. This is not the time to be playing games, because you need to respect all things the unseen. You also don't want to miss the ghost because you're talking about something else.
Slow your eye movements and scan the room slowly. Focus on yourself and your gaze, and begin to understand the location, while keeping your eyes relaxed and receptive

Step 4. See with your whole body
You may not be able to see ghosts, but you can feel them. Pay attention to strange sensations or strange experiences when you search for ghosts.
- Look with your eyes and ears, listening carefully for any whispers, whistles or other sounds that may suggest supernatural activity. You can bring a digital recorder to record when you try to communicate with ghosts. You may not be able to hear it at the time, but the recorder may be able to pick up evidence of something that you can listen to later.
- Feel your surroundings too, using all your senses. Feel the area warm or cold, common signs of a supernatural phenomenon. Pay attention to any sensations, even subtle ones, that you experience when searching for ghosts.
- Pay attention to your feelings too. Be aware of feelings of fear of what might happen or feelings that you are being watched. If you feel this way, start recording what happened there, even if you don't see anything. You still feel something.

Step 5. Record a video
This is a common method when hunting ghosts using a recording device such as a camera or cell phone. It's best if you have a high-quality camera to make it easier to check later. The quality of the cellphone camera may be inadequate.
- You might consider using a night-vision camera, or using a flashlight and other lights to give your videos a realistic feel. everything is up to you.
- You might consider giving different tasks to your group members. If you are obligated to shoot a video, who will take the photos? Who will record what happened in the book? Who will try to ask questions and try to communicate in the room?

Step 6. Lots of photos
You should always take photos with a high quality digital camera. There are a lot of missed opportunities when in the dark because you can get emotional and indecisive when you're looking for ghosts. However, the camera doesn't lie. Cameras can also give you irrefutable evidence.
Once you're done, check your photo carefully for any oddities, shadows, or flying circles in the photo that you remember shouldn't be there
Method 3 of 3: Ensuring Security

Step 1. Never hunt a ghost alone
Assemble a crew with a common goal and ghost hunters. Assign different tasks to each member and tell each member's family where you are going and what you are doing.

Step 2. Prepare yourself mentally and spiritually
Start the hunt and end the hunt by introducing yourself to ghosts. This may sound silly, especially if you're a non-believer, but it can help reduce tension and increase your chances of experiencing supernatural phenomena if you're calm and relaxed.
Tell the wandering spirits that you came in peace and harmony, and so that they do not follow you when you return. Pray a little if you want, or some other ritual you do with your group to calm everyone down and reassure the spirits of your good intentions

Step 3. Pay attention to the no-entry sign
Do not enter other people's property and make the spirits wander angry. The last thing you want when you're looking for a ghost is an angry landlord with a shotgun.

Step 4. Just try to communicate with responsibility
If you are trying to communicate with any ghost you come across, be very wary and come in curious and innocent. The spiritual world will see inside you, so your aim must be good if you are to try to talk to ghosts.
If you go ghost hunting, take it seriously. To confuse matters between life and death is no joke, even if you don't believe it. Many immature ghost hunters hide their fears with jokes and false self-confidence. Don't let this fake ghost hunter get to you

Step 5. Try to join a formal ghost hunting organization
If you want to take your ghost hunting hobby even more seriously and gain access to state-of-the-art equipment and advanced techniques, try to get in touch with the experts.
- In serious groups, like The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS), which are on the East Coast, you usually need to register and go through a period of trial and error to test your skills and dedication.
- Look for local groups that hold regular events and ask how to register. View the ghost hunter association area database here:
- Keep an open mind. If you don't believe in the occult and you don't see ghosts, you most likely won't.
- YouTube and other websites are full of dubious information about spells and incantations that can make you "see" ghosts, in ways such as seeing the sun and casting spells. What you will see is a tracer or floater, a visual phenomenon that everyone experiences. Don't break your eyes to try to see ghosts.
- There will be evil spirits out there. Be careful
- Evil spirits can imitate good spirits to enter the physical body.