Spreading your faith to non-believers can be daunting and difficult, but it can be very rewarding. Evangelism is a foundation for the Christian faith that is very useful for building relationships with people and sharing the passion in a thoughtful and fun way. You can learn an easy way to do this evangelistic activity by reading some simple tips, starting with Step One below.
Method 1 of 3: Preparation

Step 1. Choose the right location and time
If you want to find a place and share your message with as many people who will listen as possible, let them come to you, not you come to them. Areas with heavy traffic are perfect for evangelism such as in the downtown business district, during exhibitions or on campus.
- Don't do evangelism around churches of different faiths and places that may be against or difficult for you to accept. You won't meet many people still wanting to chat at the train station at 8pm. Use your judgment. Doing evangelism at a punk rock club on a Friday night might be a good idea, if you can pull them out, or it might even spark an argument.
- Make sure you follow the local laws and regulations and follow the rules of business and property owners who may ask you to leave. Be polite and just leave.

Step 2. Set up your private message
You can prepare an outline and highlight the verses or stories from the Bible that you want to cover in your evangelism. Also prepare jokes taken from your own life experience as a believer that can make someone called to be a member of your church. You can explain about:
- Interesting verses and stories.
- Important verses.
- The story of your faith journey.
- Your experience in church activities.

Step 3. Prepare some curious questions for you to ask
This method can help you move the conversation from simple things to a discussion about faith by asking curious questions, and this list of questions will help you select them so you don't have to try to find them in no time. Good questions to ask include:
- Do you believe in life after death?
- What do you think will happen after you die?
- If you died today, do you think you would go to heaven? Why?
- Do you feel fulfilled in your life?
- Do you feel something is still missing?
- Do you like to pray?

Step 4. Prepare yourself
You need to pray and prepare one day in advance to talk about your faith. There are people who have a hard time sharing their faith and experiences in the Church, and it takes courage to speak up about your beliefs with people who don't necessarily want to listen.
Form a group for team evangelism. Do not approach people in a large group, but divide into several small groups and explain that later this activity will be done individually. Having support from the group will make this activity easier, provide hints and allow group members to give each other suggestions openly
Method 2 of 3: Talking

Step 1. Don't jump right into the topic of testimony
Start with small talk and ask how he's doing right now. Don't expect people to believe you right away. It will take a person time to open up to you.
- Ask if they have any illness or suffering and offer to pray for them. Healing from God will show them that God's love for them is real.
- The Billy Graham Evangelism Association says that 90% of converts stay in church if they have friends here. So if you're in college or school, you could do this experiment: sit with someone in the cafeteria for 3 days and make friends first, then talk about faith on the third day. The results may surprise you, this student can spend hours expressing his heart and asking you many questions.

Step 2. Lead with probing questions
Ask a question that can keep someone from closing themselves in and open their minds to be more open about their existence, so that they are more receptive to the views of others. You might ask, "What do you think will happen after you die?" or "Do you believe in life after death?" it will be very helpful to shift the conversation in the direction you want.
One of the most effective means of evangelism is research. You could ask four questions about a person's life, and once you know what his or her needs and beliefs are, testify based on that point of view

Step 3. Listen and pay attention
Evangelism is not just waiting for an opportunity to talk, but you have to start conversations and exchange ideas. If you ask, "Is your life happy?" or "Do you feel like something is still missing?" listen carefully what the answer is. In addition to making them feel that they have a good listener, you must pay attention to what they have to say so that you can respond appropriately and convincingly.
Don't put pressure on someone who is still very closed to you, but continue to seek feedback from those who have opened up. By being a good listener, you can find out how much they are interested and help them to open up more

Step 4. Share your testimony to encourage someone
Explain to them your Christian view, what it means to you, and how your faith has changed your life for the better.
You must have this conversation as a conversation between two people, so that you can introduce a Church. In general, don't go into the complicated stuff of dogma and theology, but focus on the importance of faith and salvation

Step 5. Explain the Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments are well-known to the layman, and a conversation about the "law" can be an effective way to move into a discussion of more theoretical concepts and ideas. A non-believer will certainly agree that lying, murder, and stealing should be avoided, and the use of commonly used terms will make a closed listener more receptive.

Step 6. Explain about the ABC method
Many evangelists use a simple way of introducing someone who wants to repent how to grow their faith, by having them memorize the following sequence of steps:
- A: "Admit that you are a sinner".
- B: "Believe that Jesus Christ is the son of the Lord and died for your sins."
- C: "Confess your belief to Christ".
Method 3 of 3: Next Steps

Step 1. Provide Bibles and other supporting literature
Make sure you always carry a Bible with you so you can give it to people who are ready to receive it when you talk to it.
If your church already has a specific pocket book or literature available that needs to be distributed, share it with as many people as possible, whether they are interested or not

Step 2. Plan with them
A person doesn't immediately become spiritually mature and "saved" after five minutes of talking to you. What's the next step? What should this person do tomorrow and the next day to build and nurture their newfound desire in line with your faith? How should you direct them?
Share information with each other, or give them reading material about your Church if you are not comfortable giving them your personal contact information

Step 3. Pray with them
If the people you meet have never prayed, they may be curious and confused about how, so you can help them learn how to pray. Say a simple and short prayer, so that they see it as an easy thing to do. Also explain how to pray and when they need to do it.

Step 4. Recommend the closest church
If you're out of town, take the time to find out about the churches in the area so you can recommend them. It would be very good if you know the schedule of worship at the church because this is a good way to guide the right steps for someone who wants to repent.
- Remember that a new convert does not immediately become spiritually mature. Give him time to develop himself.
- Never spread the gospel by giving false hope. Preach the true Gospel, the Gospel of the "Good News." Someone who says that being a Christian will always make your life beautiful and perfect, may not have read the New Testament.
- If the person you are converting to is not willing to discuss or listen to you, talk to someone else who is willing to open up.
- Do not directly preaching about Hell, Fire & Sulfur or simplify the understanding of messages about prosperity, first teach the basics of the gospel about the good news. The story of Jesus is a good first step.
- Do evangelism with the right reasons. If you do it for social or material gain, you are no better than a salesperson. God always cares for unbelievers, but you will drift away from Him if you are hypocritical.
- State the Truth of the Gospel regardless of personal interest or particular interest. Do not use opinions and doctrines or traditions that are not in accordance with the Bible when you explain the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-believers or people from other churches/religions.