A sociopath, can be defined as a person who suffers from Antisocial Personality Disorder (Antisocial Personality Disorder). This disorder is characterized by indifference to the feelings of others, lack of remorse or shame, manipulative behavior, uncontrollable egocentrism, and the ability to lie to achieve goals. At worst, sociopaths can be dangerous, or simply very difficult to deal with, and it's important to know when you're dealing with a sociopath, be it someone you're dating or a coworker. If you want to know how to identify a sociopath, then you have to pay close attention to what that person says and does. See Step 1 to get started.
Method 1 of 2: Reading the Signs

Step 1. Find out if he has no regrets
Most sociopaths are capable of heinous deeds and feel no remorse. Such conduct may include physical violence or public harassment of another person. If the person is truly a sociopath, then he or she will not feel remorse for hurting others, lying, deceiving people, or generally acting in unacceptable ways.
- When a sociopath makes a mistake, he or she tends not to accept blame and instead blames someone else.
- Sociopaths are willing to hurt anyone anywhere if their actions serve their purpose. This is why most sociopaths are very successful people, which is a shame.
- Sociopaths can also be cruel to animals and will not show genuine remorse for it.

Step 2. See if the person continues to lie
Sociopaths have absolutely no problem living their lives telling a series of lies. In fact, true sociopaths feel uncomfortable telling the truth. If they end up being caught lying, they will continue to lie to cover up the first lie. However, if they are really on the verge of being caught in a big lie, they will admit everything in order to maintain your trust.
- Sociopaths love to lie about their past, too. Look for inconsistencies in their stories.
- Some sociopaths are willing to go to great lengths to convince you of their lies. For example, a sociopath may pretend to “go to work” every day even if he is unemployed.
- Many sociopaths are delusional to the point where they believe their lies are true. For example, Charles Manson (the American killer of 7 people) once said, “I've never killed anyone! I don't need to kill anyone!"

Step 3. See if they are able to calm down unnaturally in any situation
A sociopath can experience emotions even without showing them, at least on the surface (silent ridicule). They often respond to “good news” with a cold, blank stare. Sociopaths do not respond to events in the same way as non-sociopaths and react very little to dangerous or frightening situations.
- If you find yourself confused or panicked and the person you're with barely looks agitated, then he or she probably doesn't take the event as seriously as you do.
- See if the person has ever appeared anxious or nervous, especially in situations that would normally trigger the behavior. Although some people faint more easily than others, most people display some form of restlessness in the end.
- Studies show that sociopaths do not display anxiety when shown disturbing images or when given a slight electric shock, while non-sociopaths experience anxiety and fear in the above situations.

Step 4. Notice if they are very charming at first
Sociopaths are very charming people because they know how to get what they want. Charming people know how to make others feel special, ask the right questions about themselves, and are generally found to be fun, lovable, and interesting. Truly charming people have the ability to cradle almost anyone, from small children to old women. If the person is incredibly charming at first, and their behavior later frightens you, then maybe you're a sociopath in front of you.
- You might think of a sociopath as a con artist who always has a hidden agenda. They need to know how to get people interested so they get what they want. To achieve their goal, they must first blend into the crowd, which means they must know how to smile, greet people, and make people feel comfortable.
- While many sociopaths are charming, they have strong antisocial tendencies. They can be very charming, but cold and distant. They are also not sincere in their interactions. If a person's behavior is very different, from antisocial to very charming, this is a sign of disintegration in his psyche, and this is a sign of danger. He may also try to use rejection and hurt others to control, without feeling sorry for or thinking about their lives. If this doesn't feel like it's really coming from within, the person may have sociopathic tendencies.

Step 5. Notice if the person is manipulative
Sociopaths understand human weaknesses and exploit them to the fullest. Once they set their target, they can manipulate the target into doing anything. Sociopaths chase the weak and often stay away from those who are just as strong; they are looking for someone who is sad, insecure, or someone who is looking for meaning in life; because sociopaths know these people are easy targets. See if the person is good at getting other people to do what he wants.
- A sociopath will slowly dominate and control others without realizing it. They enjoy being in control of every situation and uncomfortable around other strong people. They always worry about being recognized. When a strong person is nearby, they will feel the fear of being caught. They will keep their distance, and from a distance, have a little touch with a strong person, to see if he notices it. Nonetheless, sociopaths like to take advantage of the strongest person they can trick, while remaining invisible and recognizable. Once they feel recognized, they will either take out the ace or leave, always for no good reason. The dominance of a sociopath is largely derived from psychological pressure, making others dependent on his existence. Like poison, their ultimate goal is to weaken others. They feel that if they are not recognized they will not be far from trouble.
- See if he feels comfortable cheating and is easy to fool others to get what he wants. This is the same as having no or lack of empathy. In addition, they also lack or lack integrity.

Step 6. Watch for signs of violent behavior
As a child some sociopaths abuse defenseless animals such as frogs, kittens, or puppies, or even people who don't fight back (this behavior can reappear as adults, but the damage is manifested through mental and emotional abuse). The person may also be violent towards another person or may get angry and hit a wall, throw objects on the floor, or display other angry behaviors.
If you feel that the person, even though they may appear calm on the outside, can be quite violent at any time, they may be exhibiting sociopathic tendencies

Step 7. See if the person has a big ego
Sociopaths are often delusional about their greatness and think they are the greatest person in the world. They are very unresponsive to criticism and too self-centered. They also feel very entitled, thinking they deserve amazing things to happen to them, even with a little effort.
- They also have a very unrealistic view of their abilities; for example, they may think they are very talented at singing or dancing, when in fact, they are barely capable of it.
- The person may also think he is better than anyone around him, without any evidence that he is superior.
- The person may also be very narcissistic. Because of this, the person is much more interested in talking about themselves than hearing what other people have to say. Also, the person spends more time looking in the mirror than observing other people in the world. This person, generally, doesn't want to hear what other people have to say.

Step 8. See if the person has few true friends
While not everyone is lucky in friendship, you should be aware that the person doesn't seem to have any real friends. He may have a minion, someone he walks with just to beg, or someone who wanders around him just to beg, but try to see if that person has any meaningful connection to other people. If he has barely any friends, then there's most likely something wrong with him, unless he's super shy or for some other reason.
- This also applies to family members. If the person has never been in contact with family members and never talks about them, then there may be a problem. Of course, there could be other reasons, such as having a difficult childhood.
- Find out about the lack of a relationship in the past. If the person doesn't appear to have friends from high school, college, or past life, then he or she is probably a sociopath.

Step 9. See if the person likes to isolate you
Sociopaths like to meet people and move quickly and approach them. This is so you don't have a chance to withdraw or change your mind. You may find, after a few weeks, that the sociopath is very intense around you, if you are romantically involved. He might even make you feel like a soulmate because he's so good at reading people, he can tell you exactly what you want to hear. Eventually, the sociopath will want you for himself, instead of "sharing" you with the world.
If you are dating, the sociopath will quickly try to prevent you from hanging out with your friends, because he will feel threatened by your friends. He will make excuses for you not to hang out, such as “They don't really understand you like I do” or “They'll never give me a chance,” trying to make you feel like everyone is against you and you should be wasting all your time. with him

Step 10. See if the person is immature
Sociopaths don't learn from mistakes and repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Thus, they do not grow or develop like other people. Look for immature behavior that may be masked by the person's charisma and charm. Here are some behaviors to look out for:
- Extreme selfishness. The person wants everything for himself no matter what. With this comes an unwillingness to share.
- Big ego. The person is so obsessed with himself that he doesn't care about other people at all.
- Feelings of deprivation. The person may want you to be there for them whenever you want.
- Not ready to take responsibility. The person is not ready or unable to be given meaningful responsibility. They will assign tasks to others and receive praise while avoiding mistakes, or will avoid responsibility entirely.
Method 2 of 2: Dodge

Step 1. Don't give them anything they want from you
When dealing with a sociopath, be as boring as possible not to provoke the sociopath's desire for stimulation. Sociopaths get bored easily. This includes not giving them emotional entertainment. Stay calm when talking to them. Don't get excited or argue with them. Also pretend you don't have anything a sociopath wants. Pretend to lose money, have your belongings stolen, etc. Whatever they may be looking for, find an excuse – in an unemotional, non-confrontational way – not to be able to give anymore.

Step 2. Keep your distance from him if you can
Once you know for sure the person is a true sociopath, then it's best to avoid that person as much as possible. If the person is a coworker or friend in a group, then you won't be able to completely avoid them, but try to avoid them as much as you can. Remember that sociopaths can detect when you're trying to keep your distance and may want to pull you in even more; stay strong and determined to spend as little time as possible with the person.
- That doesn't mean you have to be outright mean or rude; it will instead put you in a dangerous situation.
- Don't tell the person, "I know you're a sociopath." He can get angry and make him even more determined to win you over. You don't want the person to know you're thinking about them; just stay away as much as possible without being rude.

Step 3. Ignore the charm
Sociopaths may want to charm you and reward you with gifts, compliments, or stories that are meant to please you. But remember that once you are sure that he is a sociopath, there is no turning back. No charm or lies can drag you to the dark side. Don't let the person flatter you or give him a second chance. You're not that stupid.
Do not give up. The sociopath may trick you into feeling sorry for him, telling you about how lonely he feels, or how important you are to him. But if this person is indeed a liar and manipulative as you think him to be, then there is no way you can sympathize with him, at least it's just pity that this person has a mental disorder

Step 4. If you are dating the person, end it as soon as possible
The longer you wait, the worse it gets, and the more likely you are to fall into that person's way of thinking. If you need to end the relationship, then you should tell him as soon as possible; no need to say the reason is because he is a sociopath.
- Remember there is a difference between an indifferent person and a sociopath. You might call someone a sociopath simply because they treat you badly or are selfish, but these may just be signs of bad character. Real sociopaths really don't care what other people think or feel.
- If you are truly in a manipulative or controlling relationship, then it is better to end it unilaterally. Better to do it over the phone or ask a friend to help if you need to pick up your things. Sociopaths probably won't take no for an answer. If you try to end the relationship, the sociopath will become depressed and even hurt you into staying with him.

Step 5. Warn others
While you don't need to spread the fact that this person is a sociopath around the world (unless the person is very dangerous to others), you should consider warning people who are in the sociopath's circle. Of course, warn the person you think is dating the sociopath. Don't upset him by telling everyone 'he' is a sociopath. However, if circumstances are pressing because of a potential victim it is urgent to be warned, don't be afraid to say what you think.
See this case by case. If that person is higher up in your company, then yes, you probably shouldn't hang around warning people. But you "should" stay away as much as you can

Step 6. Think about your own good
Sociopaths hunt for people who have trouble thinking about themselves or who seek too much guidance. The best way to make yourself immune to sociopaths or less prone to encountering sociopaths in the future is to make sure that you know who you are and are capable of developing your own ideas and seeing the world with your own eyes. Sociopaths avoid strong-minded people and original thinkers because sociopaths know it can be difficult to control these people.
- While it may take a lifetime to really think about yourself, make an effort to stay informed of current events, to understand multiple perspectives on any situation, and to spend time with people whose beliefs differ from yours. This can be useful in helping you become a genuine thinker.
- Part of this has to do with confidence. If you believe in yourself, you will be more confident in your ideas. You're more likely to be a scourge to the sociopaths who approach you!

Step 7. Don't be afraid of sociopaths
Instead, use your own mind (as discussed earlier) and use reason and calm to respond. For beginners, sociopaths can fake everything, including the ones written above, so if this person is faking it, then there's no point playing around. Second, sociopaths are intelligent and this is also the source of your danger; sociopaths try to pretend to be intelligent or knowledgeable people, or more likely, to evade their great need to make their intelligence or intelligence the center of everything. When you stop being afraid of the sociopath, and stop trying to be better or as good as the sociopath, but instead become more self-accepting and appreciate what makes you worthy, the sociopath will have a hard time manipulating you. Most sociopaths are not killers, sadists, or monsters; they are human beings who need to be treated with care. They didn't choose to be a sociopath the same way you didn't choose to be the victim of their trick. However, you can make it easier or harder for a sociopath to manipulate your weaknesses, so the choice is yours. Understand the human intent of manipulating and treating others badly, and arm yourself with methods to stay away from such treatment and live your life.
This doesn't mean that the sociopath will appreciate you showing your strength and resisting being manipulated. However, the sociopath will stop wasting his energy on manipulating you because he knows you're going to fight him, all the time. It's boring, and sociopaths don't like boredom
- If the person is "too nice," then he or she is probably a sociopath. This is the case for the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), including sociopathy, borderline, and narcissism.
- Sociopaths often know how to make people believe they are just victims when they are the real perpetrators.
- This type of person will tell you things for you to forgive him and then say he never told you. This is a tactic to toy with the mind.
- Some scientists believe that sociopaths suffer from damage to the prefrontal cortex which regulates emotions and morals, etc.
- Sociopaths tend to blame victims for their weaknesses. They never admit fault and instead attack the victim. A key factor in the diagnosis of any DSM.
- Most are aware they need to hide their cool nature, and are great actors (having adapted to being different) so much of this evil behavior is only real for less intelligent, young, or lowly sociopaths.
- Some experts say many sociopaths are also victims of child abuse.
- Sociopathic behavior is very likely to be inherited, so look to family problems for clues to a person's true personality.
- You know that sociopaths will lie about their past, so don't take what they say seriously. Instead, look for consistency in their stories. Generally, there are one or two details of all their lies in common. This may be reality, or something he says so often that he thinks it's reality.
- Be aware they may try to manipulate you and learn loopholes as they try. Otherwise, they can make you do what you don't want to.
- Try manipulating them. Although this is very difficult, it is very rewarding if you are able to do it. To do this, you have to make them think this was the idea. Make them believe they want to do what you want them to do. If they think this idea has nothing to do with you, then they are more likely to do it.
- They often overreact when young. They will see other people's reactions to situations and imitate their responses. Look closely and you'll notice that their reaction is slightly delayed after observing. They may seem like a very sensitive child when it comes to imitating the emotions they see but overdoing it.
- While not all sociopaths are violent, it's best to distance yourself from these people to avoid getting into emotional friendships.
- Sociopaths are great liars because they have no conscience. So they will use all the excuses for their actions so that their identity is not found out.
- Ignore their charm. This may be obvious.
- Sociopaths are more immune to emotions and therefore may use your emotions against you. Most effective is dealing with people in conditions they understand; So, if you have to deal with a sociopath, don't use your emotions/feelings or they will control you.
- Don't let them know you're thinking of them. This may vary between sociopaths, but it's best not to let them know what you know about them.
- Sociopathic tendencies are often confused with conditions such as Asperger's or vice versa. The main difference is that sociopaths don't have a conscience, whereas Asperger's lacks a theory of mind.