A boomerang is a throwing weapon used for hunting by Aboriginal people in Australia. Now, boomerangs are used for sports and recreation. The boomerang is a unique weapon in that it can return to the thrower after being thrown. Throwing a returning boomerang requires special technique and hard practice, such as the ability to hole in one in golf.
Method 1 of 5: Holding a Boomerang

Step 1. Hold the boomerang properly
You can hold the boomerang on any wing, either the lifting wing (main) or inner wing (follower). Whatever the grip position, make sure the curved, painted side of the boomerang is facing you and the flat side is facing you.

Step 2. Try a pinch grip
The pinch grip is performed by "pinching" the boomerang in the middle of the thumb and forefinger. The boomerang is thrown by flicking the wrist back, then jerking it forward. This will create a strong ejection force to throw the boomerang out of your grip and make it spin.

Step 3. Use the swing handle
This grip is actually pretty much the same as a pinch grip, except that you have to place your index finger (or 4 fingers) around the edge of the boomerang. Grip the boomerang as close to the bottom of the arm as possible. When you throw, flick the boomerang with your index finger as if you were pulling the trigger of a gun. This is so that the boomerang can rotate.
Method 2 of 5: Finding Good Conditions to Throw a Boomerang

Step 1. Find a large open area
Look for an area of at least 50 meters on all sides. A good option is a football field or a large open park. Make sure there aren't too many bushes or trees (which could snag the boomerang), or large pools of water, as boomerangs could fall into them.
- Don't throw a boomerang in a crowded area, or a location with lots of windows or parked cars. You'll have a hard time predicting where the boomerang will land. A wrong throw can cause serious injury or damage property.
- The boomerang must always be thrown from the middle of an open area. This way, you can throw more consistently, while leaving plenty of room on all sides in case the boomerang goes wild.

Step 2. Pay attention to the weather conditions
One of the important factors for the boomerang to return to the thrower correctly is the wind. Ideally, you should train when the weather is nice and calm, with wind speeds of around 0 to 16 km/h. Some boomerangs cannot return to the thrower if the weather is too calm, but most boomerangs can. Don't throw in strong winds because the path will be chaotic and the boomerang may fly erratically.
- Drizzle does not interfere with the course of the boomerang. If you want to throw your boomerang when it's raining, attach a protective layer (especially a wooden boomerang) to prevent the boomerang from expanding due to moisture.
- If you live in a country with 4 seasons, the snow doesn't affect the boomerang flying. However, the pile of snow on the ground makes it difficult for you to find the boomerang that fell inside, in fact it is almost impossible to find.

Step 3. Throw the boomerang around the wind
The boomerang must be tossed "around" the wind, which means that you have to toss it to the right side of the wind, and the boomerang will come back towards you from the left (or vice versa if you are left-handed). The boomerang should be thrown about 45-90 degrees to the right or left of the incoming wind.
- Find the direction of the wind by picking up a handful of grass or leaves and tossing it up. If the grass drifts towards the right, you should face the left, and vice versa.
- Stand with the wind blowing toward your face, then turn your body to the right or left (depending on your dominant hand) about 45 degrees.
- Some boomerangs work better when thrown at an angle that is wider than the wind direction (up to 90 degrees). So, experiment to find the best angle for your boomerang.
Method 3 of 5: Throwing a Boomerang with the Right Technique

Step 1. Throw the boomerang vertically, with the correct layout
You have to throw the boomerang vertically as you would a baseball so that both ends will rotate. Hold the boomerang so that it is slightly perpendicular to the ground, tilting it about 5-20 degrees to the right (if you are right-handed), or to the left (if you are right-handed).
- The layover is the degree of tilt when you hold and throw the boomerang. When using a wide layover, throw the boomerang gently. If the layover is more vertical, you'll have to throw the boomerang harder.
- The boomerang will not return if you throw it horizontally. This causes the boomerang to soar high into the sky, then fall straight to the ground (this can cause it to break).

Step 2. Throw the boomerang at the right height
On most boomerangs, you just need to throw it at eye level, about 10 degrees above the ground. A good trick is to set a point slightly above the horizon (such as a treetop in the distance), and aim directly at that point.

Step 3. Understand how to move your feet
The right-hand pitcher must rotate the right foot outward, raise the left foot (so that the right foot will support all the weight), then place the left foot forward when throwing, using a motion known as "tossing the foot outwards". Left-handed throwers must do so in the reverse direction. This will put your body weight behind the throw so the boomerang can shoot further.

Step 4. Spin the boomerang
Turning the boomerang when throwing is probably the most important factor in getting the boomerang back to the thrower. You can make the boomerang spin by tilting your wrist backwards, then flicking it forward while throwing the boomerang. Don't just let it go -- the boomerang has to be pulled out of your grip because of its swivel force.

Step 5. Focus on throwing technique, not strength
Throwing power isn't important when you're throwing a boomerang, unless you're really focused on practicing your long throw. Once you've mastered the technique of turning a boomerang, you can move on to practicing your throwing power.

Step 6. Catch the boomerang
The best way to catch a boomerang coming back is to spread your arms apart, then wait for the boomerang to reach the bottom of your shoulders, then cup your hands together to catch the boomerang in the middle of your two palms, which is known as a sandwich catch. If the boomerang is out of sight, or is flying too fast, turn around and crouch to the ground, then use your arms to cover your head.
You can try several methods of catching a boomerang, such as an underfoot catch, a hand-to-foot catch, or a behind-the-back catch. You may need to protect your hands by wearing soft fingerless gloves when practicing boomerang catching
Method 4 of 5: Choosing the Right Boomerang

Step 1. Buy a boomerang of good quality
The type of boomerang has a significant effect on the ability of the boomerang to return to its thrower. Boomerangs are made of ordinary plastic or wood so the maker must have sufficient skills to make these everyday materials into unique boomerangs and have good aerodynamics.
There are many boomerangs on the market, but not all of them can fly back to the thrower. So, you should look for information first before buying it

Step 2. Choose a V-shaped boomerang or one with 3 wings if you are a beginner
Choose a light boomerang. You don't have to put a lot of effort into throwing it so you can focus on practicing your technique. This type of boomerang can usually go 10-25 meters before returning to the thrower.

Step 3. Use a heavy boomerang as you get better
Once you've mastered your throwing technique and you can consistently return your boomerang, start with intermediate boomerangs, then move on to advanced boomerangs. These boomerangs are usually heavier, come in a variety of sizes and shapes, and can fly up to 50 meters before returning.

Step 4. Use a boomerang designed for your dominant hand
Understand that you should use the boomerang right or left, depending on your dominant hand. Left-handers will have a hard time throwing right-handed boomerangs.
Method 5 of 5: Troubleshooting

Step 1. Check your throwing technique if the boomerang doesn't come back
If the boomerang won't come back toward you, it could be one of two things: the boomerang isn't very good, or your throwing technique is wrong. If you think his throwing technique is wrong, focus on correcting some of the common mistakes below:
- Reduce throw layovers. If the throw is too horizontal, chances are the boomerang won't come back. Throw the boomerang almost vertically for best results.
- Avoid throwing the boomerang across your body, but throw it straight ahead. If your throwing hand swings up to the opposite shoulder, your throw was wrong.
- Practice turning the boomerang. Focus on flicking your wrist as the boomerang spins from this movement. You can also experiment with different grips and hand positions to find the method that is most effective and comfortable for you.

Step 2. Change the direction of the throw if the boomerang doesn't come right back at you
If the boomerang can return but is too far in front or behind your body, you may be facing the wrong wind direction.
- If the boomerang falls in front of you, try turning your body to the left a few degrees so you'll throw the boomerang closer to the wind.
- If the boomerang falls behind you, turn your body to the right a few degrees so you'll be throwing the boomerang farther out of the wind.
- If you are left-handed, reverse the direction.

Step 3. Look closely at the boomerang if the boomerang is often out of sight
It's almost impossible to predict where a boomerang will fly, so the boomerang can be out of sight if you just look away for a second. If you make a good throw, the boomerang can bounce back suddenly and hit you in the face. However, if the throw is bad, the boomerang can be lost and can't be found.
- Wear sunglasses when practicing just in case a boomerang darts into the sun's rays. Glasses can also protect the eyes from the backlash of a boomerang that hits the face.
- If the boomerang falls somewhere due to a bad throw, remember the point of the drop so you can reach that spot to find it. Look for it immediately because you may not be able to find it later.

Step 4. Repair bent or scratched boomerangs
Boomerangs bend or warp easily if they hit the ground frequently or fail to catch. However, with a little attention and tenacity, you can work around this problem so that the boomerang can be put to good use again.
How to fix a bent boomerang:
Place the boomerang in the microwave or hold it over the stove (preferably an electric stove) for 8 to 10 seconds. Bend the boomerang in the opposite direction of the bend, and hold this position until the wood cools down.
To repair scuffs and scratches:
Fill the hole with wood putty. Once the putty is dry, sand the boomerang until it's smooth, then coat it with a polyurethane seal to prevent the boomerang from getting wet.
If the wind is blowing hard, or the strength of the wind varies, your throw will also be inconsistent
- Never catch a boomerang returning at breakneck speed.
- Always be aware of your surroundings to prevent injury or property damage.
- Throwing it evenly (parallel to the ground) can cause the boomerang to break in half.
- Be careful when throwing boomerangs. Boomerangs can fly right back at you very quickly.
- Wear fingerless gloves and protective goggles when you throw a boomerang.