How to Make a Helicopter out of Paper (with Pictures)

How to Make a Helicopter out of Paper (with Pictures)
How to Make a Helicopter out of Paper (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Do you want to create something fun, easy, and quick with a small child, but don't have a lot of equipment or ideas? Make a paper helicopter. When dropped from your hand, the paper helicopter will slowly rotate until it reaches the floor. You only need a piece of paper to make it, but you'll see how much fun this very simple toy can have.


Part 1 of 2: Making a Paper Helicopter

Create a Paper Helicopter Step 1
Create a Paper Helicopter Step 1

Step 1. Gather all the ingredients

You will need a sheet of paper, paper clips and scissors.

Large index cards, typically 13x18 cm, are perfect for this work. Use this card if available


Step 2. Cut the paper into small sizes

The shape should be a rectangle with a width of 5 cm and a length of 18 cm.

These measurements don't need to be perfectly precise, so don't worry if your measurements are slightly off. The important thing is that the length of the paper is much larger than the width


Step 3. Draw your helicopter design on paper, if desired

Draw a line in the middle of the paper lengthwise, and a line in the middle of the paper wide. These lines are the cutting and folding guides needed to make a helicopter.

These lines aren't strictly necessary, but they can help you build a great helicopter


Step 4. Fold the paper in half lengthwise

After pressing the crease, unfold it and lay the paper down.


Step 5. Cut the folded paper to less than half the length of the paper

These will be helicopter blades.

If you are drawing guide lines on paper, be sure to stop cutting at least 1 inch (2 cm) before you get to the center line. This will ensure that you don't accidentally cut it too far


Step 6. Make two small cuts towards the center of the paper, half the width of the paper

The cut will be about 1.2 cm from the end of the first cut. The cuts will be on both sides of the paper width, but not touching each other. Be careful not to let the scissors touch, as this will cut the entire paper.

Again, the guide lines that have been drawn on the paper can help you. When cutting the horizontal line, make sure not to cut any longer so that it reaches the center line. It is best to cut half way to the center line on both sides. This will ensure that the bottom of your helicopter doesn't get cut off


Step 7. Fold the bottom two

The entire section just below the horizontal cutout you just made towards the center line should be folded to the center. Once you've folded the side crease inward, you'll need to refold the center crease line that runs along the paper. This fold will form the bottom of the chopper, which will then be flush with the clip.


Step 8. Fold the side of the top crease that you made when cutting the paper almost halfway lengthwise

Both should be folded down but in opposite directions, so that there is one side of the fold on both sides of the paper.

Once you've folded and pressed the crease line, unfold the side of the fold halfway through. The two have formed the helicopter blades


Step 9. Attach a paper clip to the very bottom of the helicopter

This is to keep the bottom flaps closed, and add a bit of weight to the helicopter. Your helicopter is done!


Step 10. Drop helicopters from various heights

The helicopter will rotate beautifully to the ground.

  • Experiment by dropping it from various heights. See if there are any changes to the way the helicopter flies.
  • Use different sizes of paper clips to see which works best.
  • You can also trim the wings to make them thinner or thicker for the best flight.

Part 2 of 2: Making a Very Simple Small Paper Helicopter

Create a Paper Helicopter Step 11
Create a Paper Helicopter Step 11

Step 1. Gather all the ingredients

You only need a sheet of index card (index card) 8x13 cm long, and one paper clip.


Step 2. Fold your two index cards lengthwise

Press the crease with your finger or the tip of the clip. Then fold it in half lengthwise, then press this crease as well.

The width of the index card is now only a quarter of what it used to be


Step 3. Fold the two pieces of paper in the opposite direction of the previous fold

In essence, you will be folding the long halves of the index card. Make sure to press the crease really well.


Step 4. Fold each loose end 2.5 cm long

You will be folding the ends of the original index card's long dimension. Fold one side first, then turn the paper over so you can fold the other side.

After folding both sides, unfold each in half. These two folds have now formed the helicopter's wings


Step 5. Attach a paper clip to the bottom of the helicopter

The clip will be attached to the fold of the index card earlier. Just tuck in to keep the ends secure. The clip attached will make the helicopter a little heavy.


Step 6. Drop the helicopter at least one meter off the ground

The paper will spin beautifully to the ground, like a helicopter.


  • Bend the wings slightly upwards. This will make it spin faster.
  • Make sure the paper has never been used, is not wrinkled, or wrinkled. All of this can mess up the helicopter's spin. Attach it to the paper helicopter. Don't throw it, use the launcher instead.
  • Before cutting the paper, you can decorate it so that the result is fun and colorful.
