Many people want to have a healthy and strong body. You only need to take a few easy steps to achieve it because how to have a healthy and strong body is not as difficult and complicated as you think. Start by making changes in your daily life and get rid of unproductive habits. If you have a strong will, the results will be worth the effort. Remember that a healthy and strong body must be supported by a healthy and strong mind. Psychological or emotional conditions directly affect physical conditions and vice versa.
Part 1 of 3: Keeping Your Body Healthy

Step 1. Get used to drinking water as needed
In general, adults need 11-15 cups (2.7-3.7 liters) of fluids daily. This number takes into account fluids from all sources, including food and water. As a guide to keep your body hydrated, don't hold back your thirst and drink every time you eat. All fluids can be considered as intake to meet daily needs, for example fluids in the form of soup, milk, tea, coffee, soda, juice, and others. Although coffee, tea, and soda also add to your daily intake, don't rely solely on these sources to meet your needs.

Step 2. Try to find out the ingredients in the product by reading the packaging
Do not be influenced by the words "low" or "natural" listed on the packaging because the product is not necessarily low in calories or made from natural ingredients. Information on the nutritional content listed on the packaging is also very important, including the amount and percentage of daily intake of various nutrients. However, you should also make sure the reference used as the basis for calculating the amount listed on the package. If you read that a certain product contains 1 gram of fat, it may sound like a healthy product, but that 1 gram actually refers to 2 chips and you normally eat 20 chips.

Step 3. Eat a balanced diet
A balanced diet will be different for each person, depending on age, gender, body size, activities, and current health conditions (eg blood cholesterol levels, diabetes, pregnancy, etc.). In addition to determining the amount of food that needs to be consumed, each person must ensure adequate intake of protein, milk, whole grains, fats, fruits, and various vegetables.
- Meat is one of the foodstuffs that contain a lot of protein, in addition to various kinds of peas, tofu, beans, and eggs. Choose meat that is fat free and not fried.
- Choose products from low-fat milk. Avoid foods that contain cream cheese, other cream products, and butter as much as possible.
- Pasta, oatmeal, cereals, bread, tortillas are food ingredients made from wheat flour, rice, oats, corn, barley, millet, bulgur, quinoa, and others. Eat whole grains if possible.
- Our bodies need a certain amount of fat to function properly. Some types of oil that will melt at room temperature usually contain monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats that are safe for consumption. Choose oils made from canola seeds, corn, cottonseed, olives, safflower seeds, soybeans, or sunflower seeds.
- Fruits and vegetables are foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and the lowest in calories compared to other food ingredients. Juices that contain lots of vitamins and minerals usually contain a lot of sugar. Limit the consumption of juice to a maximum of 1 glass / day.

Step 4. Choose foods that are low in fat and low in sugar
Many dairy-based products, for example: packaged milk, yogurt, soft cheese, cheese sticks, ice cream, etc. are offered with a “normal” version and one with a “lighter” version. The label indicates the percentage of fat contained in the milk, for example 2% in milk labeled “normal” and 0% in milk labeled “light”. If you still drink milk that contains fat, replace it with low-fat dairy products. The same method can be applied to products that contain sugar. Some products that contain sugar are offered as low-sugar or sugar-free labels.
- Some products that are labeled “fat free” are actually made from non-fat ingredients. This label is attached to give the impression as if the fat has been removed, even though it never was.
- Many sugar-free products use unnatural sugar substitutes. Stevia sugar is made from natural ingredients, but other sugar substitutes (aspartame, for example) are not. You need to know what the impact of consuming sugar substitutes is before choosing a particular product.

Step 5. Plan your meal in advance, including snacks and drinks
Planning a meal plan for the week helps you determine what ingredients to buy and ensures you eat a balanced diet. In addition, you can also cook food ahead of time so you don't have to cook every day. Don't forget to include fruits and vegetables on your grocery list. Make a daily menu list according to the following example:
- Green and orange vegetables
- Whole or sliced fruit, not juice.
- Whole grain products.
- A piece of fat free meat.

Step 6. Eat soup as an appetizer
Vegetable-based soups are a great source of vitamins and nutrients and make you feel full quickly so you don't want to eat a lot. Soup can be a separate meal menu made from ingredients that are cheaper than other food ingredients.
- Opt for broth-based soups instead of cream. If you want to cook your own soup, make a low-fat cream soup, such as using 2% fat milk instead of cream.
- Add healthy ingredients to your homemade soup, for example: lean meats, vegetables, and legumes.

Step 7. Choose products from whole grains
Whole grains contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and complex carbohydrates as a source of energy. In addition, whole grains are known to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. When choosing products made from grains, choose those made from whole grains, for example: rice, bread, cereals, pasta, and wheat flour.

Step 8. Don't forget to eat breakfast
People who say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day are not kidding. However, many people ignore it. Don't be like them. Eating breakfast in the morning gives you more energy in the morning and makes you less hungry during the day.

Step 9. Make time for breakfast without anyone interrupting
Don't eat while watching TV or using the computer. Chew food slowly until smooth before swallowing and enjoy your meal. Ideally, eat with other people while chatting. In addition to more fun, you can eat in peace and provide an opportunity for the body to recognize the feeling of fullness so that you do not overeat.
Part 2 of 3: Increase Body Strength

Step 1. Get in the habit of walking 10,000 steps every day
Do not worry! You can count steps using a pedometer, instead of counting them yourself. The pedometer can be placed on the thigh or on the waist. Each time your thighs move forward with the step of the foot, the count will increase by 1. Walking is one of the best aerobic exercises because it is safe for the body, especially for the joints. The figure of 10,000 is considered equivalent to a person who is active.
- If you go to the mall, park the vehicle farthest from the mall building so you have to walk a bit further.
- If you are traveling by public transport, get off a stop or two beforehand and continue on foot.
- If you have one, use the stairs as if you couldn't use the elevator and escalator.

Step 2. Establish a routine
If you haven't been used to exercising for a long time, exercising for 1 hour every day may make you dislike exercising. Instead, form a routine according to your abilities and incorporate these activities into your daily schedule. Get in the habit of practicing at the same time and day every week. Do different exercises as a variation to prevent boredom. To be more motivated, write exercise activities in the agenda (using a book or device). Don't train too hard when you're just starting a routine. Stop or postpone exercise if you are sick, too tired, or feel uncomfortable. Don't push yourself beyond your capabilities, especially if you're training without the direction of a professional trainer.

Step 3. Balance the types of exercises you do
In order to have a positive impact on your body, you must train in a balanced way, ie by doing stretching and flexibility exercises (eg: light stretching, yoga, etc.); aerobic exercise (eg: walking, running, cycling, etc.); strengthening exercises (eg: lifting weights, yoga, etc.); core strengthening exercises, namely exercises to strengthen the back support muscles (eg Pilates, etc.); and balance exercises (eg: yoga, taici, etc.)

Step 4. Do yoga practice regularly
Yoga has many benefits for the body and mind, for example: increasing or maintaining body flexibility, strengthening muscles, losing weight, exercising cardiovascular and breathing. Yoga can be done by anyone regardless of age and exercise habits.

Step 5. Do moderate and vigorous intensity physical activity each week
Moderate-intensity physical activity makes you breathe faster, but you can still speak normally (e.g., brisk walking, cycling, etc.), playing basketball, soccer, etc.) Try to do at least 10 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity/session for a total of at least 2.5 hours/week OR engage in vigorous-intensity physical activity of at least 10 minutes/session for a total of at least 1.25 hours/ week. The results will be even more satisfying if the two exercises are combined!
Part 3 of 3: Have a Strong Healthy Mind

Step 1. Learn how to build awareness
Mindfulness-building exercises are done by being aware of the feelings and sensations you are experiencing at any given moment without analyzing or judging anything. Daily activities that require us to think often lead to stress and are very tiring. Taking time for mindfulness on a regular basis can help relieve stress and anxiety, improve mood and emotions, and enable you to focus on the more important things in your daily life. Use several methods to build awareness, for example by:
- Pay attention to other people. Try to find out what he thinks, why he is the person you see, but don't judge or give any particular opinion.
- Look at your life as if you've never seen it at all. Pay attention to the things that you have taken for granted.

Step 2. Meditate
Meditation has many benefits, for example: it boosts the immune system, relieves pain, reduces inflammation, relieves depression and anxiety, helps you control your emotions, changes your brain for the better physically, improves memory skills, and many other benefits. If you've never meditated, learn how to focus your mind first. Sit quietly with your eyes closed (if it feels more comfortable) then focus your mind on a specific object, for example: breath, a particular word, staring at an object, or counting. Focus on one object as long as you can. If your mind is distracted, turn it back to the object you were thinking about. Once you are able to do the way to meditate by focusing your mind, do another meditation that is more difficult.

Step 3. Increase confidence and your self esteem.
Self-confidence and self-esteem play an important role so that you can have a healthy and strong body. One of the triggers for low self-esteem or insecurity is a physical condition that usually causes prolonged mental and physical problems. However, you can increase your self-esteem and self-confidence in the following ways:
- Take care of yourself by improving what you wear and how you look. Wear what makes you feel good and be yourself. Do not choose clothes that do not match your personality. A convincing appearance makes you feel more confident.
- Eliminate non-essential activities. Sometimes, we are so busy that small things, such as washing dishes or sweeping the house, are overlooked. Take the time to complete all the tasks because this is also an achievement!
- If possible, don't spend time with people who make you feel belittled or belittled. Stay away from places that make you feel uncomfortable or remember bad experiences. If you can't, make a plan to reshape your memory by thinking about a person or place that makes you feel more positive.

Step 4. Think positively.
Take time to observe the emergence of feelings of sadness or negative thoughts. Try to get rid of negative thoughts by thinking positively. Think of the good you experience in your daily life. Be an optimistic person. Think about the things that make you feel guilty and then forgive yourself. Make mistakes as learning opportunities and don't keep feeling sorry for yourself. Appreciate yourself for the good and the positive things you've done. Don't demand perfection in anything you do.
Have fun! Do the things you enjoy regularly by exploring new activities that are fun and beneficial for yourself and others. Set a goal that you want to achieve, either easy or challenging or both and work towards achieving it. Make sure you still have time to relax once in a while and do nothing, if necessary. You just have to be yourself
- Before starting a new exercise program or diet, consult with your doctor so you know what foods are good or bad to eat every day, including the amount. Look for information on websites that explain various healthy lifestyles and provide advice for living a healthier life.
- Take a multivitamin or several types of vitamins every day. There are many vitamins and minerals that should be consumed by adults on a regular basis. However, you must know the right dose according to your gender, age, health condition. Vitamin and mineral needs are usually met through the food you consume daily, but under certain conditions, vitamin and mineral intake may not be sufficient in this way. Consider whether you need to take supplements. If you are unsure, consult a doctor.
- For more information on how to build mindfulness, read the wikiHow “How to Do Mindfulness Meditation.” This article provides instructions so you can put your mind at ease and lead a more enjoyable life.
- If you are taking certain medications, consult your doctor, pharmacist, or read the drug packaging to make sure you are not eating foods that are harmful to your health, for example: certain drugs will react if taken together with products made from citrus or milk.
- If you have a medical problem, consult your doctor before starting any exercise routine to make sure the activity is not negatively affecting your health.