A balanced diet is an eating pattern that allows you to consume all the nutrients your body needs from a variety of foods. Having a balanced diet is very important for health because the tissues and organs of the body need adequate nutrition to function and work effectively. Without adequate food, you are more at risk for various chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. However, the daily grind may make following a healthy and balanced diet difficult.
Part 1 of 3: Planning a Balanced Diet

Step 1. Create a diet plan
Writing a diet plan can help you ensure that you eat a balanced diet. Make a list of the foods and snacks you will eat during the day so that you are sure to eat all the food groups each day.
- Take an hour or 2 and write down all your food and snack ideas.
- Try to include all food groups in your diet plan every day. Have you included dairy products every day? Have enough fruits and vegetables in it?
- If you're busy or on the go, come up with a diet plan that's quick, doesn't need to be overcooked, or recipes that can be frozen or easy to make.
- Look for examples and inspiration of diet plans on the internet.

Step 2. Shop
Keeping all the healthy food groups in your kitchen will make it easier for you to prepare and have a balanced diet. After writing down your diet plan, spend some time shopping to prepare your favorite healthy meals at home.
- A well-equipped kitchen is a very useful tool for a balanced diet. Buy perishable foods to make a balanced meal quickly and easily such as canned beans, canned vegetables without added salt, canned tuna or chicken, 100% whole grains (such as quinoa, 100% whole wheat pasta, or brown rice), and jams. peanut.
- Buy frozen foods such as frozen vegetables (without sauces or condiments), frozen fruits, frozen ready-to-cook cereals (like brown rice or quinoa), low-calorie frozen foods (to eat when you're busy) and frozen protein (like fish or chicken)..
- Prepare fresh fruits, vegetables, and dairy products (low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese, and low-fat protein such as chicken, fish, pork or beef).

Step 3. Keep a diary of food consumption
Keeping track of the food you eat can help you maintain a healthy diet in two ways. First, these notes can help you review your current diet and let you know what you're missing. Second, this record really supports you on a balanced diet in the long run.
- Buy a notebook or download a journal app to your phone. Take notes as much as you can. Pay attention to the 5 food groups, do you eat them every day?
- We are often not aware of eating too much or too little. Food records can provide clear information on this.
- When starting out, pay attention to which parts you can repair or replace with better options. For example, if you don't like eating vegetables and often avoid eating them, or if you eat the same foods too often and without variety.

Step 4. Consult a doctor or nutritionist
Consulting with a doctor or nutritionist can help you design a balanced diet according to your personal health history. They may be able to provide specific guidance or advice to improve or maintain your current health.
- Consult your general practitioner. Your doctor is likely to know your condition and medical history, and can provide general advice on certain foods or dietary patterns that can help you not only have a balanced diet, but also improve your overall health. Your doctor may also refer you to a local nutritionist for further assistance.
- Nutritionists can provide a wealth of guidance on a balanced diet and healthy eating patterns. They can help you understand the benefits of a balanced diet and tell you what your diet lacks, as well as plan your diet and provide tips so you can have a more balanced diet.
- Visit a nutritionist's website and click "Nutrition Consultation" for an online consultation.
Part 2 of 3: Preparing a Balanced Meal

Step 1. Consume all 5 food groups
One of the basics of having a balanced diet is to eat all 5 food groups, namely: protein, vegetables, fruit, dairy products, and cereals. Each food group contains important nutrients needed by the body. Try to eat foods from all five food groups every day.
- Protein is essential for all cell and metabolic processes of the body, from the manufacture and repair of tissues to the manufacture of enzymes, hormones, and other chemical compounds. Ideally, choose low-fat protein foods such as poultry, eggs, lean beef, beans and legumes.
- Dairy products also contain protein, but are better known for being rich in calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. Choose low-fat dairy products such as yogurt, milk, cheese, or kefir.
- Buying a food scale may be helpful to know the weight of the meat you eat. You can also learn easy tricks by searching the internet for them. For example, 85 grams of meat is about the size of a deck of playing cards.
- Fruits and vegetables are two food groups that contain nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Fruits and vegetables are also low in calories so they are appropriate to include in a balanced diet. Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables every day.
- The cereal group can be divided into 2, namely whole grains (such as brown rice, quinoa, or oatmeal) and ground cereals (white bread, white rice, or white pasta). Try to make sure that at least half of the cereals you eat are whole grains. Whole grains are rich in fiber, protein, and other essential nutrients.
- Eating all five food groups at every meal can be difficult. So try to eat foods from each group throughout the day. You don't have to eat all five at every meal.

Step 2. Eat healthy fats
Some types of fat are known as "healthy fats" or omega-3 fats, and monounsaturated fats. These healthy fats have been known to have health benefits, namely maintaining or improving blood lipid levels or supporting the development of the baby's brain.
- You are advised to consume one serving of this healthy fat at least 2-3 times a week.
- Foods that contain omega-3 fats include: salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, tuna, walnuts, and flaxseed.
- Monounsaturated fats come from foods such as olive oil, avocados, olives, and hazelnuts.

Step 3. Eat at least 3 times a day
A balanced diet isn't just about food choices. You also have to balance the amount of food consumed throughout the day. Consuming food regularly throughout the day is very beneficial.
- Eating 3 or more meals a day with snacks will make it easier for you to consume all the essential nutrients that are recommended each day. Skipping meals puts you at risk of not getting the nutrients you need.
- Regular and frequent meals and snacks can continuously provide energy for the brain. A fairly stable blood sugar level will help your brain function properly.
- Skipping meals regularly is not recommended. While you don't have to "breakfast, lunch and dinner" every day, it is recommended that you eat every 3 to 5 hours.
- Examples of a balanced diet in one day for example: scrambled eggs with vegetables and cheese for breakfast; whole grain bread with turkey and low-fat cheese, and 1 cup carrots for lunch; and a large spinach salad with raw vegetables and 115g of grilled salmon for dinner.

Step 4. Drink 1.9 liters of water daily
At a minimum, 8 glasses or 1.9 liters of clear, sugar-free fluids are required in a balanced diet. Just because fluids aren't classed as food, doesn't mean they don't play an important role in your diet.
- Choose fluids such as water, iced tea, decaffeinated coffee, and flavored water without calories.
- Buy a water bottle to help you monitor the volume of fluids you consume throughout the day.

Step 5. Measure your portions
Eating all foods in adequate portions is important in a balanced diet. Adequate portions will ensure that you eat enough of certain food groups and don't overeat other foods.
- In general, serving sizes of fruit and vegetables should be larger than servings of cereals, for example. Low-calorie, nutrient-rich foods like these should make up about 50% of your meals and snacks.
- Foods from the cereal group such as pasta, rice, or bread should be monitored because they are easy to overeat. As a result, the balance of your diet will be disturbed. One serving of cereals such as rice or pasta is as much as half a cup, while 1 serving of bread is about 30 grams.
- Dairy and protein-based foods are high in nutrients and should be consumed in most meals and snacks. Consumption of the right portion for protein is 85-115 grams and 1 cup or 30 grams for dairy products.
Part 3 of 3: Pamper Yourself Once in a while

Step 1. Limit your intake of sugar and saturated fat
Foods rich in sugar and fat are generally also high in calories. In addition, such foods are not very rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Eating too much of such foods will make it difficult for you to maintain a healthy diet.
- Maintaining a healthy diet doesn't mean you have to avoid sugary or high-fat foods like mac and cheese.
- You can still eat it and enjoy it occasionally in small portions.
- Determine the amount you think is sufficient. Maybe have dessert every Friday or have your favorite burger twice a month.

Step 2. Limit alcohol and other liquid calories
Consuming calories in liquid form is something that can quickly derail a balanced diet. The high calorie and sugar content can increase your sugar intake quickly. Pay attention to how often and how much beer, wine, mixed drinks, soda, tea or sweetened fruit juices you consume.
- Pure fruit juice does contain beneficial nutrients, but is also rich in sugar and must be regulated in its consumption. Drink 120-180 ml of fruit juice every now and then.
- Avoid soda and drinks that contain sugar. If you still need caffeine, consider coffee or tea with skim milk or a little sweetener.
- Limit alcoholic beverages too i.e., 1 drink or less per day for women, and 2 drinks or less for men.
- An occasional glass of wine or sweet tea can still be enjoyed. Again, pay attention not to overindulge in this drink.

Step 3. Increase physical activity
Exercise is an important part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Although it doesn't have an immediate impact on your diet, regular physical activity can help maintain your weight and health while enjoying your favorite food every now and then.
- Aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio each week. Exercises such as jogging, cycling, and swimming are great choices.
- Try to do strength training at least twice a week. Lifting weights or taking Pilates classes are great options.
- Do not eat snacks in front of the TV because you will not realize the amount you are eating.
- Do not avoid all food groups unless a food allergy has been diagnosed or recommended by a doctor.
- Be sure not to self-diagnose or avoid trend-based foods. For example, if you have celiac disease, you can eat whole grains that contain gluten.
- Avoid diet programs that advise you to avoid all or most food groups to lose weight or gain other health benefits.
- A healthy body is not the same as a slim or thin body.
- Combine a balanced diet with physical activity to help increase the health benefits of your lifestyle.