Has your self-confidence decreased? Maybe you're just tired and frustrated waiting for good things to come naturally. Now, the wait is over. Practice having a bold and confident mindset, create opportunities for yourself, and learn how to get what you want.
Part 1 of 2: Act with Courage

Step 1. Stop worrying and start doing something
Is there something you've always wanted or wanted to do, but you don't seem to have the courage to get or do? Maybe you want to ask an acquaintance on a date, apologize to someone you love for a long-standing misunderstanding, or just be nice to a coworker. Now, don't just think about those things; start doing something.
Courage is the opposite of doubt. Whenever you have doubts when interacting with others, or when making decisions for yourself, learn to swallow your pride and make a decision

Step 2. Do the unexpected
Brave people aren't afraid to try new things, and one of the reasons they're considered fun to be around is because they keep you wondering what they're up to. Doing salsa dance or learning to water ski can be new to you. However, whatever you do, make sure you do it for your own pleasure, not to please others.
Doing new and unexpected things may frighten you or feel helpless. If such feelings arise, you should not just give up. Instead, accept the new things and be afraid to be yourself

Step 3. Rediscover yourself
Ultimately, courage is closely related to your understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and how you react to them. Don't try to hide your problems or mistakes, but try to accept them as part of who you are. This can help you move forward with confidence and appreciate your uniqueness.
Know that you don't have to do weird and useless things to find yourself. Try not to turn into someone you don't like, just to surprise other people. Stay true to yourself

Step 4. Pretend as if you are indeed a brave person
If you could switch places with someone you adore for his boldness and courage, imagine what he would do if he were you. If you already know someone who is really brave, think about how they behave.
The brave person who inspires you doesn't have to be someone from the real world. You can think of a reckless and courageous character from a movie or book. After finding the person, imagine the courage they would have if the courage was in your person

Step 5. Learn to say no
If someone asks you to do something you don't want to do, then decline the request. By boldly saying “No” you can revive your personality and feel brave. You will be sure that you are ready and willing to get what you want. Don't feel like you have to make excuses or explanations when you refuse someone's request. This way others will learn to appreciate your honesty and courage, and it will be easier for you to get what you want.
Remember that if you've committed to doing something, you have to keep doing it (don't stop halfway). In this way, your self-esteem will grow and others will respect you more

Step 6. Prove your point
Just saying what you are going to do is not enough; You have to really do what you say or people will think you are crazy. If you say it's a good thing to do and you prove it with your actions, people will trust you and view you as courageous, dependable, and complex.
If you've already agreed to do something that you really don't want to do, it's a good idea to keep doing it because you've already dared to agree to do it. However, next time don't forget to be firm with yourself and dare to say no
Part 2 of 2: Getting What You Want

Step 1. State your wish
Instead of just waiting or hoping someone will understand what you need, get up and say what you want. This doesn't mean you have to demand that your desires be fulfilled or be aggressive. On the other hand, when expressing your desire, speak it with confidence and choose your words wisely.
Don't confuse being bold with being aggressive. Aggression is often related to forcing views or desires on others. Meanwhile, courage has nothing to do with the people around you. Courage has more to do with how you overcome your fears and take action

Step 2. Try negotiating
The question “What can you do for me?” can be the easiest, but great way to throw the responsibility back on someone you're negotiating with. Even if he initially rejects your wishes, stay wide open for as long as possible to give them a chance to change their mind.
Plan a counter-offer before you start negotiating. If you feel that your boss will reject your request for leave because there is no one available to fill your position at that time, you can say that you can double your shift after you return, or that you will complete your duties outside the office. when you have free time

Step 3. Offer two options
One of the best ways to get what you want is to reduce the number of possible solutions to just a few options (in this case, two choices). This can ensure you get what you want.
Even if there are a lot of choices, keep them limited and choose the one that works best for you. This can prevent disputes between you and the person concerned, as well as ensure that you will get what you want

Step 4. Take risks and make opportunities for you
There is a difference between a reckless person and a risk taker. Reckless people usually can't take risks because they don't want to think about risk. On the other hand, courageous people have learned in advance about the risks of the action to be taken, but decide to keep doing the action and are ready to accept the consequences that may arise if the action taken is not successful.
Inability to act and indecision are often risks in themselves because they put you at risk of missing out on many opportunities in life. Therefore, you need to avoid both of these. Your goal is to create the best opportunities for success, not to avoid them. Once you've made the decision to take an action, do it without fear

Step 5. Have the courage to ask questions
Being indifferent to something and not wanting to listen to advice is a big mistake and both things are clearly not courage. If you feel unclear about an assignment or topic given at school or at work, the willingness to admit that you don't understand something and ask for an explanation is a courage in itself.
Don't be afraid to dare to get help. If someone doesn't want to help, find someone else who will. Your persistence in finding answers to your questions or confusion becomes courage in itself

Step 6. Accept any outcome from your decision or action
While there are certain strengths that help you to be more courageous when you are doing new things or trying to get what you want, don't forget that there is still a chance that you will fail. Accept the failure. Failure is not the opposite of success; Failure is an important part of the process of becoming a brave person. Without the risk of failure, you will have no chance of success.
Don't worry if you get rejected. When experiencing rejection, try not to get carried away with emotions. Don't let rejection destroy your confidence and your ability to be brave
- Don't let people put you down when you want to try new things. Those who bring you down are usually just people who hope to be brave, but don't have the courage to do what you do.
- To be courageous, you don't have to be truly fearless. Let people know that you have fears too, but keep going and don't look back.